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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 329x357, feels good man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7513354 No.7513354 [Reply] [Original]

>just shorted BTC 15x leverage for the epic crash to 4k happening in the next few days

>> No.7513599

Good luck anon.

>> No.7513614

But why?

>> No.7513628

to make money

>> No.7513630

Yikes, you might want to screencap this so you can learn a lesson from how you lost 90% of you portfolio.

>> No.7513657

shorts have limited upside potential (can only make money until the asset reaches 0).

Why not just go long on other assets (infinite upside potential).

>> No.7514097 [DELETED] 

Hopefully you signed up under my reference code: https://www.bitmex.com/register/SVU1C1

>> No.7514117

Also OP you're a genius.

>> No.7514164
File: 353 KB, 714x946, btcking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The senate hearing yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that FUD Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

Price has already risen 10%. Once it breaks through the $10.000 resistance the FOMO will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to load up, with the whales already on board.

Once it shoots through the $12.000 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all no-coiners. With all those who dumped their coins believing all the FUD twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing coinbase.

The $15.000 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded shorts will begin to go cover and those who don't will be left with it a gaping red hole that was their portfolio, unable to buy even rope to salvage some self respect.

The price WILL surger at this point to beyond $18.000, and most probably skyrocketing towards all time highs.

From that day forward the deluded no-coiner wagecucking engineering nerds who dumnped their coins thinking crypto was finished will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages.

I warned you no-coiners. There's still time to get in. Buy NOW.

Don't be deluded, don't be an no-coiner.

>> No.7514271

Only bullshit dying dinosaur companies hire Pajeets anymore m8. That meme doesn't exist at all in the startup realm.

>> No.7514307
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>> No.7514334

post screenshot please

>> No.7514764
File: 88 KB, 1097x66, BTC Short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm shorting as well, OP

>> No.7514877

Wut? It has to reach 97 before you’re liquidated? Dafuq?

>> No.7515134

lol you wish

>> No.7515155

10X so yeah

>> No.7515345

You fucking tard lords

It's already poking back above the 200 day, if it closes above it your fucked.

MACD is starting to cross and we're just coming out of the over sold zone.

Look what happens every time btc dips into oversold.


>> No.7515428

you idiot... you're meant to short BEFORE the crash, not AFTER.

is this the new buy high, sell low?

>> No.7515470

Short low long high

>> No.7515523

I shorted 5900 with 10X lol

>> No.7515524
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fucking tards...

playing catch up with the market and getting rekt constantly.

this is why HODL is more than a meme you fucking crystal ball gazing, tail chasing shitlords.

>> No.7515528

>you're meant to short BEFORE the crash, not AFTER
But anon, the crash has only just began

>> No.7515549

OP loses everything in 5...4..

>> No.7515612
File: 1.07 MB, 266x268, 1513645854115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up 40% in a matter of days
>the crash has only just began

>> No.7515672

Back in early December....
>up 100% in a matter of days
>the crash has only just began
oh wait

>> No.7515695

It's just a dead cat bounce

>> No.7515755
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>> No.7515788


>> No.7515812
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we wait

>> No.7515864

Listening to memes instead of learning how to read a chart

>> No.7515904

Shorted with x25 leverage here, it's going down peeps you better believe it

>> No.7515937

I'm so glad crypto is still full of retards to take money from

>> No.7515950

if something goes sideways you can make good money on swap contracts from funding.

>> No.7515956

have fun getting liquidated my du
the jews got their coin we up now

>> No.7515964

It hurts...a lot.

>> No.7515980


>> No.7516002

Idiot, it's already going up again. Fucking retard you deserve to be poor.

>> No.7516021

>the jews got their coin we up now

Yep. 11k+ by this time next week. Screencap this.

>> No.7516044

Game on bitch

I’ll take your precious Monays

>> No.7516056

Because the top 2 BTC holders have been selling whenever it approaches 10k. You'd be a fool up think they aren't going to do it again.

>> No.7516189

>optimistic newfag
we're going to sub 6k and then a bear market for 6-8 months

>> No.7516245

>I'll be pessimistic because it sounds smart

>> No.7516269

Fuck you bitch lasagna! I'm long @ 100x leverage. Totally gonna liquidate you bear faggots.

Don't be this guy. https://twitter.com/BTCVIX/status/962019007237885952

>> No.7516338

I'm going long too. Bear hunting season is in full force. Hope you shitdicks that think you're smart shorting this market get rekt

>> No.7516360

people are actually investing the little money that have and you want to make stupid ass green text. it benefits nobody by giving the new guys false hope that the market is going to keep going up. remember when we reached 9.5k a couple weeks ago, bet you all thought that the bear market was over then, shortly after it dropped to sub 6k, guess whats going to happen now? the only reason we didnt keep dropping from 5.9k was due to some guys buy order filling and the retards on /biz/ thought it was a reversal. give up the shilling and lets have a realistic view on the market moving forward. its going down for the next 6 months just like it did in 2014

get out while you can

>> No.7516392

> got liquidated on bitmex

>> No.7516410

You're not going to have your short closed at 6k, no matter how much you FUD. The scene today it's not the scene it was a couple weeks ago, the same people selling today are not the same as back then. Not is it the same as four years ago, trying to predict the future from the past only ever got people fucked.

>> No.7516413

nice try shlomo. Sorry you're shorts are getting liquidated tonight. We will see $10k tomorrow. Screencap this bitch.

>> No.7516415

You provide no explanation for the market decline

>> No.7516422

(((you))) fomo in and are hoping it keeps going up

>> No.7516449

he has a short open. That's the only reason anyone would want it to go down. Or he's a bee trash bandwagon powerbottom Ver dickrider. Smart money is going to start flowing back in. We're going up over $10k here soon so when chink new year is over we can go straight into orbit.

>> No.7516473

Thats what you get when you go against the Bogs. Now dump it.

>> No.7516481

could you make some sense next time you post

you have no evidence to back up your stupid price predictions youre just as bad as the linkies

remember when 10k was the floor?
>muh 8k floor
>no 7k is the absolute floor

you fucking morons cannot get any more desperate

would you like me to lie to everyone and post a stupid TA meme crystal ball chart

>> No.7516489

Been hodling since eth was 29 faggot.

>> No.7516500

no you dont. you would have sold as soon as it reached $99 faggot

>> No.7516501

>hurr durr me not understand what you say
Get fucked with your meme lines.

>> No.7516515

get fucked with my meme lines... yeah okay kid go invest your lunch money mommy gives you on magic internet coins

>> No.7516531

It will be nice to see your pink wojaks tomorrow.

>> No.7516539

Yes because that's what proper traders do, sell as the price is going up.

Why would they sell in a bear market where their sell orders would get left behind so they'd have to keep dropping them lower to get triggered?

Now there is buying power so they can ladder their sells upwards instead of downwards.

This is basic stuff desu

>> No.7516545

Too busy with my main business neet boy.

>> No.7516550
File: 192 KB, 949x629, DVoc4Y0VQAU7v2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the wrong path, friend. Only with BTC can we meme ourselves into becoming the ultra-wealthy overlord. Its written in prophecy; "The neets shall inherit the earth." Join us, or suffer from eternal regret, wageslavery and cuckdom

>> No.7516564

>shorting as it's about to break 9k

Once it does, it's going to 10k without stopping. Do yourself a favor and close your position now, and short when it nears 10k.

>> No.7516581
File: 1.77 MB, 320x240, 1496589324895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this deluded.
Of all of the back-traces on the way down this one has been the slowest.

>> No.7516594

theres no evidence that it will NOT drop after reaching 9.5k youre so fucking deluded

>> No.7516605

good point

>> No.7516610

>pink ID
>foreshadowing all the wojaks that will be posted in a few days after we crash back to 6k

>> No.7516651


Watch and learn kid

>> No.7516655

BTC didn't break above 9k on GDAX and dumped as soon as it passed 9k on Bitfinex. It's a repeat of when BTC touched 13k and was rejected. We're clearly still in "fear"; people are dumping before the price targets set by TAfags.

>> No.7516689

watch and learn kid... yeah im going to take advice from a faggot that says shit like this.

sell all your shit now while its up we're going back down to 6k

>> No.7516707

you deserve to be poor

>> No.7516717
File: 30 KB, 391x251, Here's what's going on....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways here's what's actually happening.
The initial surge of new money has tapered off slightly but the price has gone up because there's a notable decrease in coins being offered. As soon as the new money gets bored and lists their coins it's going to tank.

>> No.7516781

What price do you get liquidated at? I'll set an alert

>> No.7516801


Bought eth at 16aud off coinbase and still holding. Ya mad?

>> No.7516824

Goodluck annon. we'll both buy some real cheap bags together :)

>> No.7516825

>BTC drops from 20k go 6k
"the crash has only just begun"

Literally short low cover high

>> No.7516914

where's your short liquidated at on bitmex? I want to laugh when REKT posts in the trollbox faggot

>> No.7516944
File: 45 KB, 1135x93, end it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

witness true despair

>> No.7516986
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we goin up kangz hodl maymay

>> No.7517023

Are you suicidal?

>> No.7517054

>being this dense

>> No.7517062

haha holy shit
living on the edge

>> No.7517089

better just market that bitch now. We're going up. Once we cross 9k, it won't stop

>> No.7517092
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>> No.7517095

poor shortie op gonna get long donged

>> No.7517144

I hope we all learn our lesson and don't invest in dumb projects anymore. I think we're going way up, but for your sake, I hope we touch $2700.

>> No.7517220

damn bet you're sweatin right now. next hr will prob tell if you're fucked or not lol

>> No.7517259

Retard. A fool and his money are soon parted.

>> No.7517335

also bet it hits about 9900-9970 and then dips and OP gets liquidated by 100 lmao

>> No.7517446
File: 17 KB, 608x130, hs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once this head and shoulders forms it'll all be ok

>> No.7517672

add more money so it would reach 10k+ you would not get liquidated and maybe you will have a chance

>> No.7517742

literally been thinking the exact same thing.

push it just over 10k so you have a chance OP. if it breaks 9k (which we'll see very soon) i'd say you're destined to be fucked by literally 100 OP

get yourself to 10,005 or she gone

>> No.7517952

Alright I'll send some more over, I'm panicking

>> No.7518038

Just came here to say lol.

>> No.7518144

no reason to panic, long way to liquidation for OP still. Buuuttttt i'd bet it's gonna hit 99xx then dip, hit 98xx and then hit the last crash to about 5k. even though your tag isn't OP's i wish you good luck. I'll make money whether she dips or moons ;)

your fate is in the hands of the slant eyes (wouldn't be happy about that)

>> No.7518192

but the opposites going to happen and you'll get liquidated

>> No.7518214


>> No.7518247
File: 43 KB, 595x606, kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got fucked a few days ago by the dip to 5.8k and got liquidated by $100, so I'm extra stressed this time.
I'm sending enough for a liq of 11k this time. I hope my transaction will make it through soon

>> No.7518332
File: 27 KB, 680x90, ss (2018-02-10 at 02.16.36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP my REQ stack

>> No.7518440

that's how they get you man.
deposit more and more to save a dying position.
THis is why you don't do leverage trading.

>> No.7518516

if it fails to surpass 9k again i think you'll be okay man!

i'm rooting for you, i'm so low now i don't care if it goes lower i'll just get to buy in lower lol

props for havin the balls though man. i prob would've made out pretty good shorting on leverage if i actually had the balls to do it when i think it's going down but i never do lol

>> No.7518582

You must not live in Silicon Valley, I see pajeets in startups all the time

>> No.7518653


Just cut your losses while you still have something to cut. Going down 600% is beyond retarded

>> No.7518672

Thanks, I've been getting kind of reckless trying to recover my losses and I kind of deserve it.
I'm pretty much 1 foot in "more than you can afford to lose" territory after this month

>> No.7518717

It's more like 30-40%, cross just messes it up

>> No.7519110

Shorts going to get rekt. I love it lol

>> No.7519153


Looks like you’re going to make it bro. Great trade.

>> No.7519178

>price skyrockets through 10k, stays there and never goes down again

>> No.7519233

I break even at 8.3k so there's a long way to fall still

>> No.7519270


You’re gonna make it. Hang tough, well done.

>> No.7519271

This is why it's called a trap you faggot

>> No.7519321

Thanks, every red candle makes me feel a little better. Soon the pink wojaks will flow and we'll be off

>> No.7519371


How much will you make if you cover @ $5,200?

>> No.7519403

I am shorting from 7800 and lost fucking exit point, nvm. My liquidation is on 15k (x2 margin) so I am ok

>> No.7519433
File: 22 KB, 414x266, ss (2018-02-10 at 03.17.12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is what you meant, I'd make almost 2 btc. I doubt we're going that low again though

>> No.7519488


We’re going lower than 5,200. We’ll done man. Where are all those anons that were talking so much shit up thread? Probably posting pink wojacks

>> No.7519630
File: 42 KB, 780x439, 151001111029-bear-stocks-markets-780x439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself
Look at it now, on its way down
Bears will take your hard work of pumping, and steal your profits
GG, submit you cuck you are going down

>> No.7519660

I feel like the last dip was the bottom, but with all the exchange screwups we're just one or two fuds away from a revisit

>> No.7519670

we need volume fucktard

>> No.7519734


>> No.7519754

OP is making bank right now, I'm mad I drew a neutal wedge then didn't act on the downward break.


>> No.7519810
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I think you made it OP, dropping like a rock.

I was rooting for you, these threads are awesome to read corecucks going full delusion and denial.

>> No.7519854


aww buddy

>> No.7520002

i'd say 5-5.5k is possible if we go below 8k.

ride er out anon!

>> No.7521157

memes made me more money in a year that charts and hard work in 26

Literally got "rich" by coming to fucking 4chan for 8 years.

I'll keep listening to memes, thanks

>> No.7521675

there are no 'corecucks' here you fucking delusional gen 1 bcash shitcoiner. both bitcoin and bcash are gen 1 shitcoins.