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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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751258 No.751258 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw just got rejected for an accounting internship for the fourth time in a row
>tfw you can't even land the lowest paying internships and clerical positions
>tfw you have no chance in hell of getting a Big Four internship if you have no prior experience
>tfw my sophomore year summer will now be worthless

Can I give up and go do a McJob for the summer now? The world needs ditch diggers right, and at least I tried.

>> No.751262

>The world needs ditch diggers right

oh how much you have to learn. they are needed but sadly you're just overqualified :^)

>> No.751265

>tfw i'm a freshman and have an internship for the summer. lol eat shit community college scum.

>> No.751269

my friend got a big 4 internship during the spring semester. you could try that i suppose

>> No.751272

Don't let your career just happen OP. Be deliberate about what you want and pursue it with a vengeance.

Are you just looking for an "internship" or are you looking for something that will further a specific career goal. What does success after college look like to you? Is it getting an entry level job as an accountant? If so, accounting internships are appropriate - keep trying.

Otherwise, you really need to understand what you want. Employers can tell the difference between somebody that wants a specific job and those that just want "a" job.

>> No.751280


get back to me in 5 years, when you're finished and have an actual job :^)

>> No.751284

>If so, accounting internships are appropriate - keep trying.
Well I've literally applied to every position available on my school's career site, had phone screenings for most of them.

I like it when I get rejected for a position and see them repost the listing later...

>> No.751356

Follow these two steps and I guarantee you will be more successful than any of your classmates:

1) Be confident. Always.

2) Viciously, endlessly pursue what you want. Don't react to a "sorry, we'll keep your resume on file" phone call by going on 4chan and feeling sorry for yourself. Apply to 5 more companies. Start thinking of what you can do on your own. Always be moving forward. Pro tip: /biz/ is not moving you forward.

>> No.751359

Sorry m8 I don't give advice to glowing frogs.

>> No.751382

funny how many people in construction have degrees. Kind of sad really, they spend all their money and time working towards a degree they think will pay off and then end up as some high school drops outs underling.

>> No.751431

Big 4 accounting is overrated anyway. Smaller firms are easier to work at and pay almost as much.

>> No.751604

>mech eng student
>have intership opportunity in a bank for minimum 2 months for the summer
>acknowledge the opportunity
>still a sense of annoyance since i know my friends will be partying and going to islands and stuff

Am i being a spoiled little cunt? This is the sector i wanna make a career in but 2 months is almost all my summer, and it's not like uni is a walk in the park

>> No.751613

>mech eng student
>wants to work in banking

Why are you majoring in mech eng then? I get that engineers will end up going into investment banking and shit but I always thought they did that after the fact. I didn't realize people majored in engineering to get into finance, that seems weird.

>> No.751615

ideally yeah. But having your first degree in one of the broadest covering degrees is not exactly a downside. I just need a good follow up

>> No.751621

>>still a sense of annoyance since i know my friends will be partying and going to islands and stuff
the sooner you accept you don't get to live that kind of life the better.

>> No.751627

I can, that's the annoying bit. Except if you mean by choosing the road of discipline.

Not the "My dad bought me a range rover triple turbo 10k L supercharged" kind of way, but i could be with them in the island vacations and such

>> No.751628

what does MechE do anyways?

>> No.751643

Contact some large non profit groups for internships. The pay will be zero or low, but it will appear to future employees that you did it philanthropically instead of having to settle.

>> No.751644


>> No.751648


>> No.751689

Fuck internships

>> No.751700

ahahahahaha scrub

mine this summer pays 20 per hr

>> No.751767

I got an internship with Deloitte literally 3 weeks ago as a Junior/Senior, $20 an hour and guaranteed overtime

I was in the same boat and getting rejected left and right during Meet the Firms and other recruiting events. I beefed up my resume, resubmitted an application, worked on social skills over swinging my dick around, and literally spent 99% of my interviews asking the partners and managers questions about their family, career, education instead of talking. Also, I know people that got internships with Big 4 freshman year with 0 work experience and barely 30 credits under their belt. They were just really good at socializing and kissing ass.

You can always try again next semester, that's when everyone does the majority of their recruiting for summer, anyway. I would advise you to email the recruiters and partners your interviewed with and thank them for their time. Get a McJob somewhere this summer and make up some story of how you learned to be a team player or how you took charge of a situation and use that for future interviews. Practice learning how to start a conversation with strangers and do well in your intermediate accounting class. You'll be fine.

>> No.751869


You're clueless. If your looking to pad your resume and make some decent contacts, you either go with a big firm or non profit to get the most benefit.

Non profits are the darlings of the upper management crowd. Most of their boards are the most powerful business men in their area.

>> No.751875

in a few years time those accounting jobs are all replaced by software and smart computers , so why even bother or try.

>> No.752110

no they won't. Ever heard of secret keeping unlawful software? If anything the next steps in file security is analog

>> No.752138

Bookkeeping =/= accounting