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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7510319 No.7510319 [Reply] [Original]

I have $1.5k to my name, with no college degree, working at a burger king.
>Crypto too risky, not willing to risk it
>Not enough money to afford college (amerifag, Florida of all places)
>No car
/biz/, what's the most sound method for getting out of the poor man's rut [in the US]?

>> No.7510358

take risks

>> No.7510391

In *what*?

>> No.7510398

You arent destined to, you have a wageslave mentality and all the good advice in the world wont help you. Maybe take some management courses at the local community college and you can get a promotion at burger king?

>> No.7510482

I'd sooner kill myself than be one of the district managers.
Wageslave mentality, that's funny.

>> No.7510578

about 2 years ago i started a robinhood account with $300 and taught myself how to trade. I'm up about 380%, which is only about $1150 or so, but percentage-wise I'm very happy and I'm getting better at what i'm doing over time.

>> No.7510886
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29 here, 100% of my income is passive, maybe can help. Any skills at all?

>> No.7510966
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what kind of skills anon?

>> No.7510985

Share what you know. Languages - russian, Lithuanian, english, polish and german. IT know how, but no degree, anything comes to mind?

>> No.7510987

I'm a decent writer, exceptional vocabulary, fast reader, good reaction time, very aware, good at navigation, semi-decent art-wise, tech-savvy, active and always moving.

>> No.7511025

English and /some/ German. Forgot most of it.
Ich bin blöd amerikanisch

>> No.7511027

>Crypto too risky, not willing to risk it
How old are you OP? High risk means high reward, and if you're young, you could go for it.

>> No.7511042

you’re good at marketing yourself. don’t know about anything you listed

>> No.7511077

Young, but I seriously don't want to get into crypto

>> No.7511157

I respect that. I recommend at least keeping tabs on what's going on, the market will eventually change for the better. Consider trying to go to community college (even if you have to save for a car), and also using your work experience as leverage for a better job in time. That's what I would do. Best of luck to you anon

>> No.7511176



>> No.7511212

Do websites and social media for businesses. Charge $100-300 up front and then $10-20 a month for maintenance. Literally takes a few hours of effort to make the initial website and set up social media, sms services, email client lists etc... If you can get 100+ customers, you have enough passive income to never have to work again, and only the first few times are difficult after that you are just writing into templates and running scripts.

>> No.7511242

how many cold calls do you have to make before you actually get a client?

>> No.7511268
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To note, I have no clue what career I'd even want to get into. I've spent most of my life as an introverted recluse (parents divorced and I moved 14 times by the time I was 16. No close friends except long-distance internet ones.)

As such I've wasted most of my life on the computer, though it has helped me develop decent literary skills as well as love for electronics and videogames (my passion, how original.)
I'm not fat thankfully, since I'm too energetic to sit still for too long. Little under average height, blonde, white, male, no tatts, don't smoke or drink, 164lbs last time I checked.

Don't know how to code, perform music, draw, or do anything exceptionally talented though. I can do very basic video editing using Sony Vegas.

INFJ personality type, if it matters.

>> No.7511295

You don't. I always walk in and ask to speak to the owner.

>> No.7511321

16 y/o friend of mine makes $3000 a month coding for a fucking roblox server and I'm sitting here with my thumb up my ass.

>> No.7511402

That seems counter-intuitive. Can you explain this process a little more?

>> No.7511419


he's right about the mentality my man, it's all we got. compare your current and historic life to your mental attitude and report back

>> No.7511423

>Self education (khan academy and code academy)
A YouTube channel I advise you check out is Aaron Clarey. Just go through his videos and find out yourself, definitely some valuable wisdom.

>> No.7511434

What the absolute fuck, OP. You ain't got nothing going for you, not even the ability to take a risk. Put that shit in crypto and stop being a bitch.

>> No.7511437

I don't know how to create websites. Sounds tedious, but I'm willing to try.
So you just walk into a local business and offer to make them a website if they pay you? I'm not sure that'd work in my area. I live in a downtown section of Jacksonville, 99% of the places here have websites. The others don't give a shit.

>> No.7511517

Stop being a jealous fuck good on him. I’ve worked at a Walmart for the past three years managed to save up 10k then I invested in crypto last year, doing p well. But beware anon new money will make you have no motivation for unskilled labor. I plan to quit in a few weeks and venture into internships or maybe just take a break from work for a while and get fit.

>> No.7511524

cRypTo iz THe FuTUrE gAiz!!1!

I don't have enough to invest in something like bitcoin or dogecoin and I don't have the technical know-how (nor the time) to sit around fucking with whatever shit side currencies you have to suggest.
It's the future, sure, but it's gonna be bumpy once it hits mainstream and governments realize they aren't taxing the shit out of it.

>> No.7511590

Get some certifications. Do your research, take time to find the right one. For $100 you can get a forklift driving license and probably make 1/3 more income, for a couple hundred you could get some IT certs, which might be be a little riskier without experience, but also lead to a very nice income, there's also welding--there is a huge demand right now--rope access technician (do you not mind heights? there's money to be made), you could also get your level one CFA (financial analyst) with that money. A bank would probably take you on at something entry level with that cert. That's the best deal for your money though. You should also do something that is at least close to what interests you--if you like bitcoin, a finance certification would probably actually be quite interesting to you. Make sure you research and make sure you aren't spending money on something shitty. I would do forklift, then with your extra forklift money do IT or CFA.

>> No.7511616
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Sounds like you’re just lazy. Apply yourself you fucknugget.

>> No.7511632

why don't you get a better paying job you stupid cunt

>> No.7511656

Man, I’ve told people I work with to invest in crypto for the last ducking year, and they laughed at me now they want to get in. Get the fundamentals first you bastard. Have a savings account of at least 2-5k, pay off debt if you are in any, then invest. NO ONE here at least when I started took out loans or put money they couldn’t lose in crypto we just traded for fun and then it blew up. Get the got damn fundamentals down first my man, work hard and make something of yourself. Walmart served as a platform for me to grow wings and shoot into the stratosphere do the same with Burger King.

>> No.7511663

You are a fucking pathetic human being OP.
You are literally too lazy and scared, that is it. You deserve to stay poor and a fucking loser for the rest of your life, you can't even apply yourself for an hour to learn how to participate in the easiest way to make bank by doing nothing
it's hilarious how many opportunities people have and just squander them
you are a fucking failure OP

>> No.7511705
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Hey OP im in florida, where are you located? Also why do you think florida is a shitty place for schools?

>> No.7511724

"I don't have the technical know-how or the time"
you literally work at a burger joint making pennies doing nothing with your life
what do you mean you don't have the know-how or time?
lmfao you are literally destined to live in chains forever I can tell you are not beyond 50 IQ fucking neck yourself with a rope

>> No.7511731

Welding and rope-access are definitely off the table. Forklift, perhaps, but I wouldn't know where to start.

>> No.7511769

Hey OP, I want to help you, can you reply >>7511705 ?

>> No.7511771

I didn't say it was a shit place for schools, I said I can't afford any. Assuming you're talking about colleges.

>> No.7511801

And I said I'm in Jacksonville. The city area, near the river.


>> No.7511809
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The way you are? Maybe look at what marketable talents or skills you have. Find a steady stream of extra income and dollar-cost average it into the stock market.

If you are really a BK employee you can tray that or you can take a long shot at some ICO shitcoin and maybe make enough to make enough to not die poor. Also once you are 24 your income determines your eligibility for grants. You should be able to do some tradecollegel/training/ almost for free or sub. loans.

>> No.7511820

at least put in $200 in btc or even $50

>> No.7511842

But UCF was named THEE most affordable college in the united states? Florida has some really good schools that are all very cheap compared to other states. You will have to take out loans but if you dont believe in yourself its a waste to even try. You should be afraid of debt if you are lazy and won't pay it off. I got me Electrical engineering degree from UCF and now I support a wife and two kids very comfortably. We are looking to buy a house this month.

>> No.7511856

My marketable talents are nil.
I'm not getting into crypto.

>> No.7511867

Holy shit my writing skills make me look like im 10 years old. sorry, phone posting.

>> No.7511879

What part op, can you apply for a community college lile broward college or miami dade college? Apply for FAFSA and it will pay for your classes, cause it sounds you dont have much.

>> No.7511893

Being the most affordable doesn't change the fact it's still several thousand I can't afford.
Let alone the fact- again- I have no clue what career I'd even be good at, or which would be worth getting into. No experience.

>> No.7511910 [DELETED] 
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Ok. So find an apprenticeship in some kind of trades. You will probably have to do lots networking to accomplish this. Many tradesman are on par with doctors due to lifetime salary simply because they have no debt and more years working.

Pick a specific field and learn all you can about it. Work for cheap for someone who will teach you about it. You probably can't make less than BK and even if you make the same + real experience is worth it.

>> No.7511912

>poor and stupid
wow that sucks OP. I don't know how you plan on making money but it most likely has a worse risk/reward ratio than just buying ETH.

>> No.7511917

there is no way anyone is actually this fucking sad and pathetic

>> No.7511934

if you don't know what you want to study, don't waste the time or money on college. i did and look at me, shitposting on 4chan is the highlight of my day

>> No.7511940
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spare change?

>> No.7511947

I like Jacksonville.
Made a lot of money off your area over the years.

Keep being a flouridian OP. Yall never change

>> No.7511950

I translate whitepapers to my mother tongue for some decent freelancing cash. I'm not even in a linguistics degree, I hated the field until I took formal languages. I'm studying math. My point is, you have skills, everyone does. You just have to figure out a way to market them.

>> No.7511980
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Ok. So find an apprenticeship in some kind of trades. You will probably have to do lots networking to accomplish this. It's not as easy as it was but you could find a niche. Many tradesman are on par with higher ed holders due to lifetime salary simply because they have no debt and more years working.

Pick a specific field and learn all you can about it. Work for cheap for someone who will teach you about it. You probably can't make less than BK and even if you make the same as BK + real experience it is worth it.

If you don't want to invest in crypto or go to college I can't see another way for you to invest in yourself.

>> No.7511981

Pretty much this. Op wants the outcome without the risk or effort. Its pretty disgusting in a way.

>> No.7511984

Plan was/is to take care of the core/required classes at a cheap-ass community college and get my Associates, then I'd hopefully be decided on a major to advance to (and have enough money to afford) a university, to get my bachelor's.

>> No.7511990

Why not?

>> No.7512003

Cap this post so you can look back on it in 5 years and scream as you lament how you will never change

>> No.7512018

your IQ probably has you where you need to be. Just have fun with the little income you have until you die and try not to breed (won't be too hard).

>> No.7512050
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Don't count on the associates getting you out of debt for the bachelors. Commit to one or the other. CC is good because you will save money but don't treat it as a break point unless you want to stop.

Decide on your major before you start taking classes. Especially if you are over 18. Maybe don't just think about what you like but also about availability of jobs, salarys, etc. Should be a mix.

>> No.7512058

That's the issue, I'm struggling to determine just what my skills would be and how to apply them.
There's options, but it's a mixed bag.
I could go to college, or do a trade, or try freelance work, etc etc.
High School doesn't prep you for this shit. There was no finances or marketing classes where I went, there was never anything to determine what field I'd be good at. Everything good was stripped away.

>> No.7512062

Fellow introvert recluse with divorced parents here. I know what you mean about not knowing what to do. Kids get their identity through their parents, and going through childhood with constant negativity surrounding you programs that into your DNA. These evil cunts don't know how much harm they are doing to their own children, let alone the harm it does to society. I know man I've lived it too. What I'm coming to realize is you have to hate your parents and resolve to be the opposite of them. Not hate them in an emo mopey way, but in a way that disconnects your ego from them and the need to "fix" them. You can't fix the past, and you have every reason to be angry at your parents for being fuck ups. Use that energy to change and make solid goals and force yourself to do them.

>> No.7512071

just make sure its a stem degree, or a legit marketable degree like accounting. dont get some shitty general degree, arts degree, or fucking random business degree.

>> No.7512083

Hey my man, just wondering what you use to make websites and any resources you' recommend for this

>> No.7512088

community college is better for trade skills or certifications less than the 2-year degree. find something you are interested in, something that you do everyday and set out time for everyday and apply that what you want to study.

>> No.7512141
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This is the only post that won't lead OP to eventual disappointment and depression. Learn to love your fate, it's too late to change it.

>> No.7512142

My serious considerations have been:
-Law Enforcement (I don't mind the paperwork or the physical aspect)
-Anything involving videogame development (Too many people trying to get into this field, no job security, mediocre pay)
-IT work

Fallback plan is Military/Air Force of course.

>> No.7512155

You don't need a degree for most jobs. but you will need to social skills to make up for it.
you can learn to do most things online and talk someone into giving you some mentorship or a job.
what exactly depends a lot on you immediate area

>> No.7512216
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>wasted my life on the computer

Here's an idea. Go get a Windows Server cert and Cisco cert then go make at least double what you make at BK. Books and cert tetsts might cost you a grand or two. IT is the perfect 'I have no fucking idea what I want but spent too much time on computers' career.

>> No.7512221

because it's literally gambling which is a poverty trap if you have the wrong mentality, the same financial mentality most poor people grow in to.

>> No.7512225

I'm also an introvert recluse with divorced parents. I only met my dad once in my life. I don't think about it more than a few times a month. I got over it and didn't let it turn me into a fag loser. Now I have 250k in crypto at 23 and a nice job as a software developer

tl;dr stop using your parents as an excuse for why you're a certain way

>> No.7512246

>I have $1.5k to my name, with no college degree, working at a burger king.
>>Crypto too risky, not willing to risk it
>not willing to risk it

You're never gonna make it. Might as well kill yourself useless retard.

>> No.7512249

SW FL here, just south of Tampa

>> No.7512272

Thank christ someone said it.
I have created a thread of autists screaming for me to invest in crypto.

>> No.7512309

Crypto is not literal gambling. Inform yourself and then maybe come back.

Gtfo off my board, pussy.

>> No.7512315
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oof, my feefees

>> No.7512346

Welcome to the adult life, where you have to figure stuff up on your own. Your grades and enthusiasm over certain subjects could point you towards a field you'd be good at. But that's it. There is no clear point in your life where you'll be certain about anything. That includes your career path. I bet you not a single person with 10 years work experience in this thread could guess their current job title when they graduated HS. My advice is go to college on a stem degree, work part-time/freelance on the side and invest some of your earnings if you can. But I'm not sure if that's the right thing for you to do. We all have different goals and risk profiles.

>> No.7512644

don't know why you're on 4chan if you're looking for actual advice, even reddit would be better. if your the type that can't bring himself to talk to people in real life then you don't have many realistic options.

>> No.7512703

Eh, you can find good advice in strange places. I'm just trying options.

>> No.7512715

>an introvert recluse with divorced parents

>Fellow introvert recluse with divorced parents here

>an introverted recluse (parents divorced

Same here, only i'm older than OP and actually have higher education and previous working experience (as a tradecuck).
None of this mattered, i've always been a recluse, even before i quit my job and embraced full NEETdom. Education and working experience also doesn't matter if you have been a NEET for more than 5 years - the employers just automatically assume that you have lost all your skills/knowledge if you weren't in the workforce.

>> No.7512815

>I don't have time to learn about crypto but I do have time to browse /pol/ saving the latest shitty anti-leftist meme
Really puts it into perspective that people like you are the ones who voted for Trump. It's us, the Hillary voters, who are making the real money on crypto.

>> No.7512830

Wageslave mentality is true.
You think Ceos and business owners got anywhere with no risk taken?
Let's say biz throws together this great idea of a small startup for you to do with 1.5 k and there seem to be good chances of it being successful.
You probably wouldn't take the risk of the startup being successful and instead would ponder on other ways to make money.

The reality it is that you make calculated or educated risk and hope it turns out well or you make money slowly over a long period of time.
There isn't an in between.

So I guess you should probably consider working your way up to at least a gm position with burger King.

Also I used to be like you.
Now I'm 28 with a kid, I moved out of fucking Florida to NC and began my own lawn care service.
Take the risk op

>> No.7512933

Jesus OP, with that mentality you won't make it far in life.
There are a couple of guys from /g/, a 25 y/o carpenteer who relearned how to program and a 22 y/o welder apprentice who earned enough money to go to college and get his degree in CS.
Both are now working as web developers. Why the fuck can't you do the same?

>> No.7512954

I voted for Trump and I'm already up 160k since Jan 1st. He's far from my ideal president, but I still think he was a better choice than Hillary.

>> No.7513041

>Young, white, blonde, skinny
Are you good looking OP? You can make some quick money as a male hooker. As long as you're not hideous, you could make much more in a half hour of easy sex work than a day's work at your shit wagecuck burger king job. I know you said you don't want to trade crypto, but if you can manage to make some money quick, it's worth it to at least invest some into crypto for the next 12 months. After that, maybe try some online freelance work. Obviously you're not tech-illiterate, so start by googling ideas for freelance jobs.

Whatever you decide to do, you need to understand that right now you have little income, few assets, few skills- you don't have much options, so you need to be willing to do things you don't want to do, until you've reached a certain level of success. Gradually improve your skills over time, come up with ideas, try different things- it will compound over time into success. Most importantly, start by changing your loser mentality

>> No.7513111

Trump was the right choice this time, but I wouldn't vote for him again if we have better candidates.
The only joy in this shitty goverment is watching subhumans being deported.

>> No.7513213

Invest in crypto:

50% ETH, 25% XRP, 25% IOTA.

Sure bet with a relatively safe portfolio (compared to other cryptos) and will be a bigger return than you can get anywhere else (other than winning the fucking lotto).

>> No.7513230


Forgot to mention, once you double your money take out your initial investment, you'll probably double your money within a month and a half.

>> No.7513265

Lol, you must be getting small start up businesses that potentially don't last.

>> No.7513321

This is what you do, but I recommend welding.
You're in Jax for fuck sake, Navy is located there and you can make mad dollars as a welder. If you're good.
There is a skill to it.

>> No.7513365

I'd say get a car, m8. You ain't shit without one

>> No.7513388

>leaving welding job to become a web developer
what the fuck? why in the world would someone do that?

>> No.7513518


Someone who doesn't want to inhale welding fumes for 30 years in a row and prefers to sit a comfortable air-conditioned office where he can shitpost instead of actually working?

t. ex-welder > office worker > neet

>> No.7513605

Not to mention the free tinnitus and potential for shit Chinese welding masks that leave you half blind after 10 years.

>> No.7513892

You can start with 200$
Or you need to hit the stock market

Either way its important you start investing, also see it as tuition, theres a LOT to learn from crypto and stocks.

>> No.7514001

>I'm not getting into crypto.
why are you posting on a crypto board?

>> No.7514065

look at this faggot pajeet robinhood just came out

>> No.7514114

>load up robinhood
>Get a margin loan of 6k to add to your 1.5k
>Invest in TVIX as market volatility is spiking
>Make a 20%+ gain and sell when the bear market kicks up again

Profit will be about $1500 - fees from the margin loan, without the loan you'll only make $300.

>> No.7514149

Unironically this, you have zero drive and deserve your shit life.

>> No.7514254

Wow you're literally retarded. I feel sorry for you

>> No.7514322


bro, you work at burger king, you have nothing but time

actually nvm, you are destined for neethood denizenry , enjoy being a peasant lowerclass for the rest of your life

>> No.7514323

Rob the bk you work at so you have 2k.

That's a nice increase

>> No.7514433

cuz he's dumb come on dude.

>> No.7514481
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You know what, it just occured to me that I'm on a board with literal retards that chase get-right-quick and ponzi schemes and not business savvy memers. I'll feel bad if you actually end up $6k in debt because some tard doesn't read the news and goes all-in on a triple levered volatility index just because last year's chart looks good.

For the record, what I suggested is straight up gambling that will crash on the 20th.

>> No.7515187

>works at BK Lounge
>shits on the two cons he could think of that involve being a welder, which could potentially increase wage by 2 or 3x and gain skills, capital to reinvest in self
>shits on any advice received if it involves hard work or moving outside comfort zone
>unwilling to take risks
>unwilling to capitalize on emerging, prospective markets that will grow with him
>doesn't want to buy expensive mask to not go blind
Just continue doing what you're doing, once you get older and brain and body fatigue, you'll inevitably settle into your manager job. You're already an expert in the field of lacking energy, creativity, and shooting down any and every good idea for the sake of being comfortable with current routine. Perect for the job.

>> No.7515511

You can get fafsa and go to school online somewhere like WGU and pay nothing until you graduate.

You're just making excuses for being a shitter

>> No.7515547


Work your way up to manager and do your job well.

Contrary to the rumor, it IS possible to earn a decent living as a fast food manager.

>> No.7515618

Unironically this.

Wageslave is the least risk, but also the least reward. Life is risks my friend, you will stay a wage slave because you have the mentality of a wageslave. Awaken yourself anon.

>> No.7515829

Lol I put $925 in crypto in December, jumped from Verge pump to the TRX pump and now have 9k after the crash. You're a filthy fucking loser

>> No.7515902

You dun the right thing young man. Crypto IS risky. One day after raking in massive 100x gains, all these deluded fags might take a -10% hit. Steer clear at all costs. Best stick to playing sportsball betting games or lotteries.

>> No.7515935


>> No.7515938

get trade from military serious
it will make you stop being such a pussy, give you better cash flow, give you a trade and open doors to college or workforce in 4 years time

>> No.7516041

you probably wont respond but the best "investment" is in yourself... use the 1.5k and go to a CC... do the two year course and transfer out to a university.. Work at burger king at the same time. CC classes arent that hard.. Go to a university on student loans. After you get your degree find a nice job start making some real money. DESU if you dont think you can do it or think college is too expensive then you dont believe in yourself... stay working at burger and be a poor fuck

>> No.7516075

Jacksonville native here, how can you not afford FSCJ? Last I checked it's around 100 a credit hour. Have you looked in to FAFSA? And car wouldn't matter with how close you probably are to downtown campus. Bike or JTA?

>> No.7516091

You are an asset just like anything else. And OP has clearly shown that he's a low quality asset, so why should he invest in himself? He should invest in other, more successful people.

>> No.7516133

Harsh but true.

Everything is a Risk.
Right now you are betting that the safe route works better then the risky one.
Thats what normies do.
Dare take calculated risks OP, its how you become a strong individual.

>> No.7516169

Bitmex, 100x leverage.

>> No.7516445


Alright, after reading the thread I have a few things to say. You sound very similar to me. Physically it's frightening similar since I share the same exact weight and description, though I'm 5'11. My family was much more stable than yours growing up, but I was also a computer-attached introvert INTJ who grew up on 4chan and had no idea what I was doing after high school - and still don't 8 years later. But I have a stable job with good pay that I only hate half of the time, and am already debt free with roughly 30k invested here and there for retirement (yes, some in crypto as well). So based on all that you may or may not feel what I have to say is more or less meaningful.

One, you are not cut out for the military or law enforcement based on what you're conveying here. I considered both of those as well, but if you are risk averse those paths are about as risky as you can get, and lose a great deal of personal freedom, which seems important to you based on a lack of any strong commitments. Two, just take the loans and go to FSCJ for IT or other certifications. If the only thing you are doing right now is working at that shitty BK downtown then going to school again would help you out mentally by leagues. Three, network while you are at FSCJ. Infinitely more valuable than the degree or certs. I got my AA there and have several friends who got or are getting their IT degree from there and it's a good school. Four, try and move in somewhere with roommates if possible. The money you'll save that way will be a big help. If you go to school it'll be easy to find some potential people to live with, especially in places like san marco/riverside/avondale if that's your scene. Tons of young people moving over there. Fifth, don't feel like you have to plan everything out right now. Start with school even if you don't have a good idea of what's after. I didn't expect to have the job I do, and don't expect to stay in it forever. But it's a good launchpad.