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File: 203 KB, 900x460, ethereum-bitcoin-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7507628 No.7507628 [Reply] [Original]

Why does discussion of these 2 always lean heavily towards ETH and muh flippening or daddy BTC. There is room for both. What’s wrong with ETH being more of your cash/liquid crypto, and BTC being your savings account?

ETH Pros:
> Relatively fast transactions, low tx fee
> Smart contracts, still untapped potential
> Easy entry into shitcoins, good for trading

ETH Cons:
> Vitalik, Ethereum Foundations are central authority
> History of decisions made without consensus by central authorities (DAO for example)
> Doesn’t scale as well as we thought, see crytokitties or bancor ICO
> Unknown vulnerabilities within smart contracts

BTC Pros:
> Gold standard of cryptocurrency
> Most resilient network. BTC has survived literally everything and continues to be tested 24 hours a day.
> The only crypto truly decentralized crypto that nobody owns. Nobody can speak on bitcoins behalf. Nobodys death will destroy the future of Bitcoin. There are no Vitaliks, only Vers.
> There can never be another crypto created like bitcoin. Monetary interests and desire for influence is behind every new coin, the internet will never be that innocent again

BTC Cons:
> Network is too resilient for efficiency. Updates and improvement take unanimous consensus, very tough to get
> Normies are put off by the high price per coin which slows adoption
> Compared to newer cryptos, slower and more expensive TX. Segwit adoption is slow, LN effect remains to be seen.

These should be like 80% of your portfolio with the rest going into shitcoins for the easy gains

>> No.7507697

ETH is going to crash hard, and never recover

BTC already proved that it crashed but always recover

>> No.7507763

you're completely right OP

in reality both will survive for completely different purposes

bitcoin is a digital gold
ethereum is more for the technology of blockchain and investing in companies

both are for differnet things but both will survive, although I believe ETH and ERC20 tokens may dominate the market