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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7506487 No.7506487 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7506984

pretty sure thats /tv/s guy

>> No.7507022

well he was hardworking meanwhile we sit in front of pc clicking buttons

>> No.7507050

You forgot the excessive masturbation

>> No.7507142
File: 51 KB, 1280x544, Daniel-Plainview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for visiting with us this evening. Now I've traveled across half our state to be here and to see about this land. Now I daresay some of you might have heard some of the more extravagant rumors about what my plans are, so I just thought you'd like to hear it from me. This is the face -- it's no great mystery.

>> No.7507181

I'm an oil man, ladies and gentlemen. I have numerous concerns spread across this state. I have many wells flowing at many thousand barrels per days. I like to think of myself as an oil man. And as an oil man I hope that you'll forgive just good old-fashioned plain speaking. Now this work that we do is very much a family enterprise. I -- I work side by side with my wonderful son H.W. I think one or two of you might have met him already. I encourage my men to bring their families as well. Of course it makes for an ever so much more rewarding life for them. Family means children; children means education. So wherever we set up camp, education is a necessity, and we're just so happy to take care of that. So let's build a wonderful school in Little Boston. These children are the future that we strive for and so they should have the very best of things.

>> No.7507227

Now something else, and please don't be insulted if I speak about this: bread. Let's talk about bread. Now to my mind, it's an abomination to consider that any man, woman, or child in this magnificent country of ours should have to look upon a loaf of bread as a luxury. We're going to dig water wells here. Water wells means irrigation; irrigation means cultivation. We're going to raise crops here where before it just simply was impossible. You're going to have more grain than you know what to do with. Bread will be coming right out of your ears, ma'am.

>> No.7507280

New roads, agriculture, employment, education, these are just a few of the things we can offer you, and I assure you ladies and gentlemen, that if we do find oil here, and I think there's a very good chance that we will, this community of yours will not only survive, it will flourish.

>> No.7507394

>I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people.

>There are times when I... I look at people and I see nothing worth liking. I want to earn enough money I can get away from everyone.

>I see the worst in people. I don't need to look past seeing them to get all I need. I've built up my hatreds over the years, little by little.

Honestly, this man has become my role model, especially when it comes to dealing with normies on a daily basis. It's all about charming people and also being intimidating.

>> No.7507441
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>> No.7507449

fuck I am like that since I remember and I think Im a fucking egomaniacal sociopath. (but its okay since nobody notices)