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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7501018 No.7501018 [Reply] [Original]

What is his secret to happiness ???
Hes poor, ugly and uneducated
why is he so fucking happy!>!!?

>> No.7501036

he has big hands

>> No.7501055

People all over the world are happy and only a fraction of them are rich first worlders.

Happiness is a mental, internal thing much more than a material, external one.

>> No.7501101

its not fair
we need to redistribute the happiness

>> No.7501188

son of bogdanoff brothers. they used their dna together in a lab to make a fusion bog. 200% bog dna, incredible.

>> No.7501220

He is still alive in mother russia.

>> No.7501263

>Happiness is a mental, internal thing much more than a material, external one.

that's so deep anon.
> should i kms?

>> No.7501597

This is pretty much exactly right. Happiness is an internal process within each person, and believe it or not you can work on being happy just like you can train your body to be athletic. Also, generally mutants are happier because most of them realise that they were only a few cunt hairs shy of losing the being alive lottery. That must make you happy too, sometimes just being here is a miracle in itself.

>> No.7501666
File: 66 KB, 612x574, 1517651205376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big hands = big dick

>> No.7501905

>believe it or not you can work on being happy just like you can train your body to be athletic
complete bullshit
most things in the world are determined by your genes.
also if you are more likely to be happy or sad/depressed.
you should read some recent papers if you still believe this bullshit you write.

>> No.7501985


fucking hate when ppl who knows jackshit about it are spouting bullshit tier advice since they have felt sad once and think they are fucking geniuses

>> No.7502010

The secret to happiness is to be busy.

>> No.7502028

>satanic trips checked

>> No.7502056

and the key to business is motivation
if you like motivation, take action. motivation will follow

all starts with a little action

stay happy /biz/fags

>> No.7502134

looking happy on social media =/= being happy

>> No.7502155
File: 65 KB, 451x604, 1514694487962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when people call others ugly. Not everyone holds the same standards of beauty ya know. I find Kristen Stewart to be the hottest chick alive, others say she's ugly af. Some people post that Russian chick that's supposed to be the epitome of ugly, but hell I'd fuck her. I think her name was Veronica? Anyway, who the fuck are you to just decide someone's ugly? Post pic of you and let us be the judge.

>> No.7502188

Ignorance. Seriously, smart people are less happy.

>> No.7502268

the devil for the truth

>> No.7502293


>> No.7502323

its partly mental and partly physical

you will have a hard time being happy if you're in too much physical discomfort

but the most mentally committed to happiness can endure quite a bit unwaverred

i recommend tai-chi and try to understand its more much more than the physical expressions

>> No.7502377
File: 602 KB, 793x794, 1517613142855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How fucking convenient of you guys. I guess you're free to keep on being sad miserable failures without having to do anything about it that might be uncomfortable because afterall, it's in your genes that you're a depressive loser, there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.7502404
File: 168 KB, 908x1448, T3X4Lfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chick.
What do y'all think? :)

>> No.7502463


>lives in homogenous white society with no niggers and arabs
>strong culture and family ties
>doesnt have PC, trannyism and other jew garbage shoved down his throat 24/7

I guess we will never find out why hes so happy

>> No.7502478

Post more pics

>> No.7502607

>Definitions of happiness are variable among different cultures
>Somehow happiness is related to your genes and not socially constructed

Your genes only code the biological reaction mechanism to social events. You react the same way (serotonin, endorphin...) but not to the same stimuli - it depends of your socialization.
Also if you actually read, and were intelligent enough to understand scientific papers you would know how much of the biological is ruled by the social in our bodies. But you just read baitclick pseudo-science articles on buzzfeed and take it for granted.

>> No.7502635

That's all I got. If you really want to see more of her, take that pic to /b/ and ask them. They have lots of pics of her.

>> No.7502656

i'm happy and they're right

>> No.7503664

I'm happy and they're wrong

>> No.7503791

Im actually a doctor and I do neurosciences and have profound interest in hegelian dialectics and Nietzsche

and you are a retard

>muh genes
>muh be yrself
>muh just be social


>> No.7504758

cause hes a downer and doesnt know any better

>> No.7504886

unlike trump

>> No.7504903

you "do" neurosciences huh

>> No.7504955

He does scienze every night shuddap
anon is a sick ass doctor

>> No.7505096

No you're not. No respectable neuroscientist would claim genetics have a major influence on people's behaviors.
You've just been abused by shitty facebook articles
>"just be social"
You missed the point entierely

>> No.7505308

I never claimed that

>> No.7505476


its spelled busyness

business means something different, which one thinks you would know since you are posting on the business and finance board

>> No.7505671

I don't know what everyone is going on about

he's retarded. it's simple as that

>> No.7505767

damn I was just about to post that. fu

>> No.7505875

Her bio made me fucking sad Jesus Christ