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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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749577 No.749577 [Reply] [Original]

Have i simply become old and cynical or are stupid people flooding this board? by no means am i rich but i am fairly smart and understand a great deal of the business world.

why are people literally asking if they can start a "porn" site when knowledge about how these things are run has been common for years?

a vending machine business...Really...

a "lingere" maid service....fuck it suck 3 dicks a day for $10.

Has this board served its entire purpose now with the death of cryptocurrency? there is no intelligent think tanks to be had.

>> No.749579


what on earth made you think /biz/ was for serious discussion in the first place. This board started as a containment zone for bitcoiners who were flooding /g/ with garbage

>> No.749581


for a short stint it did attract intelligent conversation in the nature of investing and market trends. Shame i should have surfed this place more back then. even if the majority of retards flooding it just wanted a get rich quick ponzy scheme.

>> No.749584

The issue was the people exhausted their "intelligent discussion" very quickly as most are just quoting wikis.

>> No.749587




>> No.749588

this is 4chan.

>> No.749591




>> No.749593

>there is no intelligent think tanks to be had.

On fucking 4chan? No way.

>> No.749596


/g/ has /diy/

from there you got nasaspaceflight.com or stackoverflow or github's forums

/g/ is just consumer tech discussion now anyway, odd how /biz/ is better than the board it broke off from

>> No.749633

>/g/ is just consumer tech discussion now anyway
fucking this!!!
/g/ has become the board where shills go.

>> No.749649


not even shills imo, just dumb people. It's sad when an obvious bait thread like "why are all linux users fat faggots" can easily get 300 replies but a thread about rpis or systemd (I don't take any stance on that issue btw) at best makes it to 50-60 posts before going dead

I mean, the top five threads on /g/ right now are all apple/smartphone threads one of which is someone complaining about green texts from andriod phones. /g/ is kill.

>> No.749707

When I came here I hopes for more enlighten full posts/threats.


Remember, this is /biz/ not /g/.

>> No.749754
File: 79 KB, 606x1173, bizsticky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of /biz/ is shit, "what do you guys think of this MLM scheme", "what do you think of this self-help speaker, should I buy his videos for $2000", "hey let's try to read the tea leaves and use forex as a platform for gambling", "i have $200 how do i turn it into a million", "how do i into stock market". We are in desperate need of a good sticky, pic related is my attempt.

That said, cynicism is not realism. Sometimes ideas that appear bad at the start become successful, it is worth putting aside your hubris and analyzing these outliers.


In and amongst the bullshit there are some good threads, stocks general, discussions about recent happenings, occasionally someone has an original business idea, a good question or an actual pro comes to talk with us. As far as discussing business, finance and economics with random people over the internet goes it is worth trawling through the 99% for the 1%, information you are unlikely to find elsewhere, things that would never be discussed by the prudes on reddit.

Also I am a fucking failure at life, had a series of events not happened I would have ended up being educated like you, I'd know all the technical details about accounting, stock and shipping, marketing and all that red tape. But that didn't happen and the internet is a free resource for education and networking. What do you have to say about that?

>> No.749788

This board has always been moronic
moronic. There's nothing wrong with actionable business ideas, it's an improvement if anything