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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7494625 No.7494625 [Reply] [Original]

My forecast is saying the crash occurs in 30 mins

Old thread: >>7491780

>> No.7494655

Um... take it you sold the bottom? Enjoy FOMOing in back at 10k sweetie :)

>> No.7494667

I don't know about a crash, but we're certainly going to retrace quite a bit

>> No.7494672

Crypto? Stocks? Both?

>> No.7494674

No I leveraged from the bottom

>> No.7494764


>> No.7494853
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>> No.7494888
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Did your crystal ball tell you that? Might as well have.

>> No.7494949

show me your shorts on bitmex then you faggot
oh wait because you dont even own any bitcoin

>> No.7495193

ok op, i sold everything

>> No.7495264

me too, cant risk it

>> No.7495289

I tethered up 50% just to be sure

>> No.7495317

you lied OP

>> No.7495343
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>> No.7495346


>> No.7495348

We are going down,

I like to see the buy and sell orders,
You see people with bigger amounts trying to sell, your typical smart money.
And you see a bunch of smaller buys, normies and people that know shit about this.

>> No.7495353
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Nice prediction faggot

>> No.7495381

kekimus prime

>> No.7495419

poo in loo Pajeet

>> No.7495429

It will crash shortly desu. If btc craps its pants this time, we are going sub 8k today.

>> No.7495490

Le professional ta
Le 5 min tf
Le mooning

>> No.7495493

>if bitcoin dips it will dip
good logics my friend

>> No.7495502

So estimated bottom ~6300 usd with a turn and volatility between 7-7.5k

>> No.7495550

I wish I had crypto on bitminex. 5x short in kraken since 8450.

>one green 5 min candle
>its going up

>> No.7495571

Anything above the previous low
No double bottoms
Only higher lows

Or we go deeper

>> No.7495624


Didn't you say in 30 minutes though? It's been 45 and it's going higher than 15 minutes ago. Aren't you fucking retarded then?

>> No.7495658

God I hope you're right. Come on, this can't be it. Drop to 6k you motherfucker

>> No.7495662
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its crashed upwards you dingus

>> No.7495683

>one green 5 min candle

Those are extremely crucial right now, this is the make it or break it point.

It's triple top on some exchanges, it's head-and-shoulders (with the same height on both shoulders) on others.

A 5 min candle breaking out the top could skyrocket this straight to 9000.

>> No.7495706
File: 371 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180209-173004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all it says 10m right there cant you even read? And what the fuck am i supposed to do, use 2h candles when faggot OP makes a 30min prediction? Here have a 30min candle that ist bigger than the previous red one if you want some ta bullshit

>> No.7495720

Nah if it doesnt break 8.5k line.

>> No.7495866

>hurr this is going to the mooon
>Hurr crash is coming
>Hurr TA
>Hurr this is gonna be huge!

/Biz/ should be called /buyhighselllow/, fucking losers

>> No.7496109

prepare yourself

>> No.7496224

Next target 7000
Mark my words
Then up.

>> No.7496248

Why the fuck would I mark your words when you're just gonna disappear when it doesn't happen?

>> No.7496418

Didn't happen, fuck off. You're not going to buy any lower. Wall Street is coming into crypto, a 2k drop or rise right now is nothing. These are rock bottom prices. Buy now or live a life of despair later.

>> No.7496510
File: 93 KB, 640x1136, EC1EC642-B720-452B-A1B2-EABFD5F18AF3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great TA just bought 100k

>> No.7497024
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Great stuff!
Please leave now kay?

>> No.7497084

8400 wall just got completely smashed with mass volume out of nowhere

OP is about to be justed beyond repair

>> No.7497109


>> No.7497139
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>the absolute state of TAfags

>> No.7497185
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>it's going to crash, just look at the charts

>> No.7497221
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why do you morons even respond to these crystal ball assclowns.
It's real simple. If TA worked, every bot would be a billionaire.
Do you believe a gypsy woman in a tent with a glass ball can tell you what the lottery numbers will be?

>> No.7497242
File: 6 KB, 390x470, 00F61523-0F3E-41B9-9D24-1235E81E9AD0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you nigger. Your fault for not buying in when you had the chance. Enjoy FOMOing in at the top when it’s too late haha
>being this delusional because you didn’t buy sub $6k when you had the chance
>being this desperate to want BTC to go down again
>after he gets on it he will want it to go back up
>thinks the market gives 2 shits about what he “wants” and what he “thinks”
a bag of dicks coming your way faggot!

>> No.7497271
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How much did you lose OP?

>> No.7497274




>> No.7497291

Where are we on that chart? Top left? How come you didn't include prices?

>> No.7497358

does biz seriously just talk crypto by default now?

your little crypto crash is nothing compared to the market meltdown that is about to begin

>> No.7497376

absolute fail

>> No.7497403

>2 hours later
>btc @ highest point this week so far
You 6k cucks are hilarious.

>> No.7497442

this retarded is almost as retarded as omegatrader or oldfag ....holy shit KYS

>> No.7497461

>daytrading anywhere but near an ATH
That's completely retarded.

>> No.7497499
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dumb TA poster

>> No.7497673
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