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File: 71 KB, 1280x846, jawsurgery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7493731 No.7493731 [Reply] [Original]

The only reason I want to become rich is to be able to afford surgeries to become better looking.

>> No.7493743

From alpha chin-chad to baby faced soyboy, gj

>> No.7493753

I need this. my underbite is horrible.

t. amerimutt

>> No.7493764

can i get a penis enlagrment in 2018?

>> No.7493795

with money you dont need this stupid shit just buy a lambo retard

>> No.7493805

>not wanting to be able to batter someone to death with your chin

>> No.7493813
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1516786000884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physically make yourself look retarted in a profile shot by making a grimace and forcing an underbite
>putting a shot of you looking normal, rested face, on the right side of it, again in profile, also: with better lighting
internet marketing at it's finest kek

>> No.7493836

You know some people actually do have a bite like the pic on the left? xd

Little info for you though, it's not just the bite that';s changed, the whole mid face has been pulled forward. Google Le Fort.

>> No.7493862

>underbites don't exist because you can fake them XDD
Overbite to normal comparisons also exist, faggot. Now that is impossible to fake

>> No.7493921


Look at this guy before and after. He comes off as a totally different person. His voice even sounds different because his maxilla is no longer recessed in, creating more space for resonance.

>> No.7494001

It's not even that I want to become better looking for the sake of getting women either. It seems rewarding in and of itself.

>> No.7494019

t. woman

>> No.7494059

Same hair transplant need that shit

>> No.7494102

Why? If you're not fat, then that's good enough in terms of raw looks for men. Social dominance or 'coolness' and competence are much more important for men.

>> No.7494115

t. chad

>> No.7494125

Lol what are you gonna say to her when the baby comes out with mandibular prognathism and MPB

>> No.7494131
File: 157 KB, 1203x620, 1518128021994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need surgery, just stop being a self pity faglord
>mfw making it

>> No.7494155

Did he get a nose job too? How do these people afford these operations?

>> No.7494187

don't be a dumbass they changed his hairline, neck and jaw

>> No.7494195

just kill yourself now my dude

>> No.7494196

photoshop is nice too

>> No.7494227

This post made me sad.

>> No.7494240

I don't think it's even genetic. It's something environmental, probably nutrition and tongue posturing in developmental years.

>> No.7494318


I need a hair transplant or some kind of treatment to regrow it.

Also interested in anti ageing tech and want to be able to afford it. I have no desire to become a wrinkly old person.

Some interesting stuff coming out of South Korea that could solve my issues also that blood treatment from the ambrosia clinic once more info comes out about it.

Just need the money to afford it all.

>> No.7494332

lambo won't make you like your reflection

>> No.7494348

Similar goal for me. Want to get double jaw surgery just to be able to get restful sleep again. I'm dying here

>> No.7494362

There's rumours of a South Korean lab discovering the cure for mpb by accident after they did trials to heal scar tissue. Looking promising desu, you have to spend a month in SK but it looks a pretty cool place so I could handle that, would be better than a transplant also.

>> No.7494365

The protagonist of Money by Martin Amis has the same intention, but it all turns out to be a horrible scam.

>> No.7494390

I will probably do a hair transplant, Elon Musk transformation.

>> No.7494400

Just shave retard

>> No.7494447

I resisted the fact that's what I really want because it's "effeminate, faggy, superficial, vain, shallow" or whatever to care about your appearance. But when you really desire something in your core you can't reason or talk yourself out of it.

>> No.7494468

Same OP

>> No.7494642

I think this was a double jaw surgery. Meaning they actually cut his midface and moved it forward. Since the cartilage in the tip of your nose is attached to the maxilla, moving it forward would allow the tip of your nose to come forward as well, fixing recessed hook noses.

>> No.7494687

This board is filled with terribly insecure people, borderline women

>> No.7494737

is there a new surgery for personality op?
or were you thinking lobotomy?

>> No.7494802

>Be satisfied with what you are and what you have.


>> No.7494820

the only valid reason to get rich is to become free from the wagecuck life

>> No.7494861

You don't need surgeries, just learn about proper posture for your tongue from Mike Mew on youtube. Results take some time.

>> No.7494892


>> No.7494964

The only reason I want money right now is to have enough to get my parents and myself out of Venezuela.

Dont be that shallow op, its like trannies think getting surgeries will solve all their problems but when they realize it doesn't they kill themselves

>> No.7495011

>I'm on a lower end of the Maslow's Hierarchy of needs so only my wants are valid.

Most people who have jaw surgery say it's the best decision of their life.

>> No.7495043
File: 203 KB, 1500x850, 47ebb33ebef87967e6003f4dcdda3371be01f2f20925e77da693d0e864b88b5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry monsieur, not everyone can be born perfect.

>> No.7495355

Making money JUST so you can get a jaw surgery its something very different
Do you think you will become happy because of it? Or richer? Look at vitalik dude

>> No.7495377

i need a penis reduction

>> No.7495456

I'll probably be glad I did it and then move on to something else. People have different needs and wants, I don't have to live like Vitalik.

>> No.7495477

My facial structure is fine. I just want laser resurfacing

>> No.7495543

I've always thought that people who use PEDs are exactly the same as those anorexic bitches starving themselves.

>> No.7495552

I would change nothing. Already satisfied as is desu. Maybe would get a tooth whitening or something.
My get rich goal is to be able to buy enough value producing assets to live comfortably on returns and still be able to reinvest. The bar is that a below average 2 year T bond return must cover basic expenses. Just enough for bare essentials, which frees me to do whatever else I want even if it pays little or takes a long time to pay off.

>> No.7495649

lmao guy on the left looks like a fucking gremlin

>> No.7495928

Class 3 malocclusion here. Fuck you clueless fags likening major jaw misalignment to a petty cosmetic procedure.

Getting my jaw surgery shortly. Thank you NHS

>> No.7496372

>tfw could've been good looking if it wasn't for my fat nose
Goin to cash out a bit of my portfolio after the dip and have a nosejob.
LMAO at the retards in this thread.
>muh just shave your head bro
>just be confident
lol what a bunch of morons. Other people will always look down upon you and judge by the way you look. Personality and confidence don't mean shit.
It's not just about getting pussy, but all other aspects of life, even getting a decent job would be much easier with good looks. In overall people will treat you better if you're good looking

>> No.7496480

of course lol but being confident can easily trump bad looks. not to toot my own horn but i was getting laid my freshman year of college with a pedo stache and greasy ass uncut hair

>> No.7496702

I don't see getting a nose job as any different to getting the bumper on your car changed to one you prefer.

And yeah I agree with you, people judge based on looks so naturally that they're not even self-aware how much they're doing it. Even your perception of someone's personality is probably dictated in large part by how they look.

>> No.7496760

People who know how to draw are pretty red pilled on the whole thing though. About how looks dictate the perception of the character's personality.

>> No.7496947
File: 9 KB, 432x330, AxE7aVC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing pedo stache and greasy hair to deformed facial features and balding

especially for women (pic related). I think there are even studies on this.

>> No.7496971
File: 94 KB, 736x736, 1518133105106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post pics
underbites hot
pic related
is me

>> No.7497204

Exactly dude I'd look like a total fag with a shaved head and it ages you by 10 years. I remember someone joking about my hair loss and they asked why I'm so salty so I said imagine having a permanent scar on your face that people thought it was ok to joke about, they soon shut up.

Good hair send out signals not just to other people but your own self esteem, just look at animals in nature almost all of them use hair/feathers as a status symbol.

>> No.7497926

you idiot. just work out and you'll be fine. its fucking free and its good for you. youll live longer if you do.

>saged bc op is a lazy faggot

>> No.7498538

This. OP will end up looking like the Bogs.

>> No.7498852
File: 46 KB, 905x448, bone pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. cope

>> No.7498854

This. Also . You can get a cutie by being funny.

>> No.7498967

He's a wig wearing faggot.

The only cure for hairloss is a bullet to the brain.

>> No.7499027

Holy fuck. Copers will still deny looks aren't everything.

Too bad to get these surgeries you need to have rich parents, otherwise by the time you get them your prime is over.

>> No.7499282

Bimax is cope.

People just end up with barely any improvement and with monkey faces or saggy skin due to impaction changing the area where skin is stretched on the skull.

Implants provide a more stable results but then also make you look unnatural and fucked up unless you put them in every area of your face, instead of just one. Which means high risk of infection and bone erosion.

Basically cosmetic surgery is cope unless it's Lefort III, which nobody will perferm unless you're on a spectrum.

No escape for us subhumans other than death.

>> No.7499287

why hide your shitty genes, you should be selected against as any of us if you are damaged. Why make your children suffer as you suffered?

>> No.7499487

It's about experiencing basic human intimacy, something you probably take for granted if you are 5+/10. Of course subhumans don't want to have kids.

>> No.7499496

The only reason I want to become rich is to be able to afford my own degenerate NEET cave.

>> No.7499989

>your prime is over

Thanks for contributing to suicide anon, why not let people just stay in denial.

>> No.7500584

>>tfw could've been good looking if it wasn't for my fat nose
Same boat. BOTH of my parents got rhinoplasties at some point, so I got totally fucked by their combined ugly nose genes. Drops me from an 8 to a 6. Kind of depressing.

>> No.7500585
File: 180 KB, 2108x1184, samhyde2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change your hairline
>change your jaw
>change your teeth
>change your eyebrows
>it's easy !

>> No.7500641

? What's wrong with looking like the Bogs ? They're basically perfect

>> No.7500926

>personality and confidence dont mean shit

then why the fuck are you getting the work done? i'm with you anon, cosmetic surgery should not be shunned upon. honestly would be a utopic world if we could all look like our ideals, obviously. but if you had confidence already, if you were comfortable in your own skin, you woudn't be doing this shit.

confidence and personality are everything. in combination they are what make a jaw drop when someone comes into a room, with that indescribably magnetic attraction. you seek confidence and with it believe you will have the freedom to develop your personality without the "chains" that are holding you down, whatever they may be.

there are people though, who through sheer confidence, and by having great personalities, will get laid much more than physically beautiful people, because they have ENERGY. they have a sexual energy. a tooth whitening wont give you that.

>> No.7501010

>all that money spent on his face and the only important part, the jawline, has been ruined. now its going to be even harder for him to attract women

>> No.7501080

What if we just socialised plastic surgery?

>> No.7501141

ben is that you?

>> No.7501200

like seriously, the guy on the left is ugly, but has an angled jawline so it doesn't matter. the face on the right, that has a round beta male jawline, he'll never be able to attract a woman now.

>> No.7501238

Yeah, you'll lose some sensitivity tho.

>> No.7501242

lol at this coper

>> No.7501323
File: 103 KB, 640x427, 20170512050058_5D3_0647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Stipe is textbook high test face

>> No.7501380

do you have proof that he wears a wig? I'm 99% sure that it is not a wig, just looks too real to be fake.

>> No.7501443

Uh, that would be a dream to any man.

>> No.7501452

My mom was actually very beautiful when she was young, I wish she didn't fall for the confidence meme and chose some Chad over my ugly poor manlet father who fucked up all my chances at life pretty much. So as a result I'm ugly as my father and weird and autistic just like my mother. What a fucking life.

>> No.7501489

They aren't though. If you have at least 40% good traits and high confidence/social ability you are fine.


A norwooding 6'2 confident, athletic, funny, high BF % dude will still pull prime pussy.

Money, Status, Game, Looks. All 4 of these contribute to a man's ability to conquer women. The distribution of importance is subjective.

>> No.7501517

well if she chose some Chad, you would've never existed...

But I guess brainlets are going to be ugly brainlets LMAO

>> No.7501563

Take some responsibility you fucking beta. The biggest failures I've met had shit fathers. The most successful people I've met had good ones (barring exceptions). If he was truly confident, he would have exceptional genes and you wouldn't be such a pathetic mess whining on imageboards. Stop lying to yourself. There was no true confidence. He was a beta, just like you.

>> No.7501565

For jaw misalignment that severe, it's more than just a cosmetic procedure. Real shame he lost that excellent jawline though.

>> No.7501642


If they would have been able to advance the upper jaw only and leave his mandible that would have been ideal.

>> No.7501696

>op would end up looking like the Bogs if he was born perfect*

>> No.7501811

>borderline women
>being so insecure you spen your gains on looking pretty

>> No.7501813

it's a hair transplant. and noone cares that he got it really. it's still 'vain', but who isn't these days.

>> No.7501826

handsome AF

>> No.7502076

>well if she chose some Chad, you would've never existed...
how the fuck can you possibly know that, you cunt. Unless you've just solved the consiousness problem and found out what makes a person experience this world in a particular body.

>Stop lying to yourself. There was no true confidence. He was a beta, just like you.
Where did I say he wasn't a beta ? He's a pathetic alcoholic, who worked a dead end wagecucking job all his life, until he got fired 10 years ago. I made more money in crypto in a year than he did in his entire life.
My mom wanted to divorce multiple times but never got to do that. She literally could've chosen anyone she wanted with her looks, but she went for some ugly poor betacuck with 0 ambitions in life.

>> No.7502150

thats what I think too. It looks so real that no one even thinks that he did a hair job.

>> No.7502294

Damn I have gay alien skull but at least I don't have a big nose... heh..h..

>> No.7502501

for telling they guy getting his teeth whitened and a hair transplant wont make him a rockstar?

>> No.7503178

kek You'd think there'd be at least ONE out lier dot with a low looks score and high personality but no.

>> No.7503221

nothing is going to save his hair

>> No.7503331

Mfw have that jaw. Mfw is also one of the reasons i want to become rich.

>> No.7503392

I'm aware of Mike Mew but let's be real. He gets no results with adults.

>> No.7503425
File: 46 KB, 500x375, 216245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting pictures of yourself for attention.

>> No.7503531

Women here with 2 little boys.
I'm gonna tell you something you guys don't understand.
Grown up females dont care how symmetrical or pretty your face looks
ALL manly man have some sort of facial deformation.
What makes them EXTREMLY attractive is how they turn it into their own visial candy.
The goal to every single GROWN up female is by being extremly confident why staying humble and not cocky.

No real female is gonna give a fuck about your pretty face if you are a manchild.

>> No.7503572

you won't be a manchild when you're a Chad.

t. balding no-chin incel

>> No.7503744

But... I don't want you. You were never the end goal in all this. Being good looking is my end in and of itself. I would literally give up having a wife and kids for it.