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File: 546 KB, 1225x841, tbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7492040 No.7492040 [Reply] [Original]

The Billion Coin! Worth $108k PER COIN!!!! And that was July 2017!! WOW!

>> No.7492071

scamming boomers seems too easy

what forums do they usually browse?

>> No.7492082
File: 412 KB, 1342x1345, dystopiannightmare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dad went all in on Billion Coin, it's amazing. The biggest moon yet!

>> No.7492084


>> No.7492350


>> No.7492406

Holy shit, I haven't seen anything this sketchy since I invested in Aureus but at least that turned out to be true and gave you your coins back after they liquidated.

>> No.7492594

and foxnews, that should make up a solid 90%

>> No.7493082

>1 TBC = 415.8574804 BTC

>> No.7493109

BTC is the scam!!!

>> No.7493146

>TBC is not an open public crypto-currency, we are a private group with a crypto-currency. We are the 1st “Abundance-based” currency. We have rules! If you don’t follow the rules we kick you out and you lose access to your TBC coins forever. As a private group we have the right to attach the value of our coins onto our membership numbers, and we have the right to enforce that value by being self-regulated.

seems legit

>> No.7493156
File: 457 KB, 992x879, Screenshot_20180130-093144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you bought some Kringle yet?

>> No.7493180


Don't miss out!!

>> No.7493195
File: 8 KB, 410x100, logo-gay-money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This boards mostly accumulates GAY, you should too anon!


>> No.7493256

This is her number btw
Cyndie Shelton 2622155348

Someone send her a prank call at prankdial dot com I don't have anymore tokens.

>> No.7493286

holy shit, these guys are the real deal

>> No.7493330
File: 146 KB, 671x519, gaymen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks legit, bought 100k

>> No.7493446

this coin actually made me some money.

>> No.7493780


>> No.7493948
File: 56 KB, 645x729, d27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people fall for this?

>> No.7494225

>How do people fall for this?
First, Spend like half an hour trying to argue facts with one of these Trontards. Once you've endured the high chromosome concentrations for long enough, think about how these people represent the median intelligence of new crypto "investors". No longer surprising when you see how far down the bell curve you have yet to slide.

I despise the boomers and normies, first obvious scam they wander into is going to put the eye of Sauron on innovative ICOs.

>> No.7494574

Holy shit they even held people's accounts hostage unless they payed them a $10 fee and made a testimonial video. Then all these boomers see these testimonial videos and are WOWED!

>> No.7494745

>not posting the best vid
>not making gud /biz/niz


>> No.7494751

I'm reading the "Formula"
it looks exactly like pajeet's first ponzi coin from a couple weeks ago

>> No.7494808

Someone post the image proof

>> No.7494830

fuck me

>> No.7494900

I have seen.

>> No.7495003

Throughout my entire life my mom continuously went from ponzi scheme to multilevel marketing to ponzi scheme

and EVERY SINGLE SCAM was absolutely FILLED with women who look exactly like this

If you're in anything and you see a fat old woman like this in it GET OUT IMMEDIATELY. Fucking reddest of flags I'm getting fucking triggered just looking at her

>> No.7495004

it's insane how fucking forced and translucent that video is, almost like they have that guys kids held hostage. "look at these guys smiling!"

>> No.7495054

this guys other videos oh my lord


>> No.7495103

this guy...

>> No.7495109

The Billion Coin seems to be mostly 3rd worlders though this piggy is fat for the slaughter

>> No.7495171

>category: comedy


>> No.7495209

That was actually useful video.

>> No.7495281

yup, 3rd worlders and fat boomerwomen... it's fucking amazing. There's a new disclaimer now stating that they can't make negative statements about TBC on social media, or the TBC police seizes their wallet.
Oh, and most people don't even have a fucking "send" button in their wallet.
That on top of that whole "answer Sansta's call" website makes the package complete, BEEECOOONEEEEC is professional compared to this.


>> No.7495319
File: 183 KB, 1638x979, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think he's off by a factor of 10

>> No.7495347

>Built 2005, rebuilt 2015, one of a kind

>> No.7495395
File: 556 KB, 862x647, 1517610432066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's called the billion coin.

>> No.7495423

These people are brainlet wojack incarnate. There was a thread about a week ago about how some guy was pissed his dad bought a bunch of tbc.

>> No.7495511

"Activate maximum send button enable in India"


I feel like we should find out who the guy is that's behind this fucking coin because he must be rolling in cash.

>> No.7495561

Look at the memberchart for tbc, they have over 1 million members from Nigeria and thousands from Bangladesh. How the fuck are boomers so stupid?

>> No.7495608

Maybe boomers are the only generation with people who are genuinely not racist. They just believed everything their talmudvision told them because they had no other sources of information.

>> No.7496108

>There was a thread about a week ago about how some guy was pissed his dad bought a bunch of tbc.
Yeah that's what got me to research this a bit and it's really like drifting into an alternate universe where fat boomerwives give advice about investing in crypto

>> No.7496608

This kind of stuff is almost hipster netflix documentary worthy

>> No.7496856
File: 99 KB, 750x380, 3B6F192C-2BF0-4657-83A9-C820705AC029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7496904

yeah I could've posted the link or you could've just typed those words in youtube which would've taken less time than replying to me.

>> No.7497055
File: 146 KB, 750x699, F2ADE8A2-166F-4463-B7EA-04DAD6856F9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how to make good threads retard

>> No.7497086

>'TBCeee, uh girl you're nasty'
my thoughts exactly

>> No.7497357

How rich is Sam right now

>> No.7497431

Guys this is like being able to sit near the train tracks where u know an epic crash will occur. Ima just make my whole spot comfy in order to fully appreciate every facet of this ponzi when it blows.

>> No.7497480

>Spoon-feed me

>> No.7497518


>> No.7497525

Since discovering this scam I check this demons channel daily, seems she's gone cold on tbc and is shilling some new thing. The jig will be up any day now

>> No.7497659

When does it implode you think?111111111111111111111

>> No.7497719

Whats even worse is people like this operate under the guise of Christianity. I dont even think theyre self aware

>> No.7498523

I'd bet it's this Dan Lutz motherfucker, he also has that "alien posing as a human"-vibe around himself

>> No.7499279

Are you implying Jews are human?

>> No.7499444

just googled it, it derives from "Ludwig" so no (((connection))) here. The fucker is also too stupid.

>> No.7499514
File: 448 KB, 528x671, TBC-police.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont talk bad, TBC police listening