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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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749156 No.749156 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /Biz/

preface: this maybe longer than most posts as it seems and it's my first time here.

so maybe this is stupid, but hopefully some of you can enlighten me.

I have an idea and a product kind of.

Basically my mom makes an all natural solution with the primary ingredients being, pure lemon juice and vinegar.

it has many uses, cleaning/weeds/etc. The thing that she does with it that really got me thinking is she sprays green produce kale/lettuce/spinach/avocado/celery that has started to spoil or will make a solution of the spray with a lot of water and dunk the produce that has spoiled in it after trimming off some of the browned or browning bits.

Anyway the stuff really works and it all comes back to "life" in a manner of speaking. Stuff goes from brown and wilted to comparatively crispy and lively green again.

I feel like this has the makings for an infomercial product.

>> No.749160
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>Basically my mom makes
>my mom

>> No.749165

not sure how many words are allowed per post so just trying to break it up a bit:


so my questions are these.

how does infomercial selling work exactly?

how much to make one?

do i have to make it?

can I get someone else to make it?

more importantly

let's say I make a infomercial for my product and people call in how do i find someone to make this for me.

what I mean is if i make an infomercial and it starts selling say 10,000 people call and order a bottle in three days from the infomercial airing how do I work that?

sorry if vague i can try to answer questions if you have any.


>> No.749167


what's your point?

>> No.749169

to me it just has successful infomercial written all over it.

like my original picture, people love stuff like that. seeing the limp lifeless before the the plump and full of like after.

I know this isn't anything great, but there really isn't anything that markets to this.

It's Green
Has other benefits, the cleaning/weedkilling aspects

and I've seen it and know it works.

any help would be appreciated

>> No.749170

i know i'm not reinventing the wheel or anything, it just seems like a decent marketable idea

>> No.749179

Whats it taste like though? Thats just some acids

>> No.749189



it's not for taste, it's to firm up and revitalize browning green produce. you rinse it off once it's ready and do whatever you want with it.

>> No.749213


>> No.749219

I worked at a store as produce and they told me to just put stuff like in the left picture into a bowl of water and put some lemon juice into it and it does the same exact thing as you've described.

If you can figure out how to sell it, by all means do so.

TL;DR: it's nothing special.

>> No.749223


but a lot of people don't know and there is not really much out there that does.

isn't that the point of it?

nothing special?

neither are a bunch of things that make thousands or sometimes millions of dollars.

>If you can figure out how to sell it, by all means do so

that's what i'm trying to do.

>> No.749692

OH wow, you've discovered the power of citrus!

>> No.749712

OP this is how you become a millionaire:

You know how in grocery stores they have automatic sprinklers that straw water on the produce?

Well what if you add your solution to the water to extend the visual shelf life of their produce?

Now grocery stores don't throw away as much vegetables and they save money.

>> No.749934

OP here

criticize and make fun of my idea, i personally like it, but I know it sounds stupid. However, this is clearly the type of thing you'd see on an infomercial, no one has given any answer on how to make an infomercial works or how the distribution and manufacturing of the product once an infomercial is made.

does anyone here actually have any good answers or information or can point me a direction to a place where they will have answers?

>> No.750915


>> No.751221

Your idea is stupid because its common knowledge that people can use vinegar/citric acid to restore veggies. You're expecting people to be full blown retarded to pay $9.99 for a bottle of something they can make for 20 cents.

>> No.751227

people dont make their own soap do tjey dumbass? That isnt the reason the idea sucks it sucks because its not the kind of problem most people have been itching to fix

Op your problem is how to market this junk and yeh probably late night i fomercials is the way to go

>> No.751234

Making your own soap is decently time consuming and people are afraid to work with lye.

People do make their own laundry soap, that shit is all over pinterest and facebook.

>> No.751257

it's not a good idea - it's a shit idea and you should stop thinking out loud. selling "holy water" is a more lucrative business than this awful mess, but the kicker is how absolutely retarded your questions are.

this is certainly not the time in your life to be thinking about "easy money" schemes. read some fucking books and find something you'll actually be interested in. even in your wildest dreams where nobody has access to information on fucking vinegar, if you want to make this a business you will need permission from the producers of the vinegar and lemon juice, proper inspections, and licenses to sell a food product. go ahead and try farmers markets but this is a disaster 5th grade science project type of "idea" on the same level as adding salt to a bath of water for a hard boiled egg - why not just special hard boiled egg salt water!

you know what i think when i see this "product"?
I'm not going to let my veggies get brown in the first place, or I'm not going to give a shit because they are less expensive than your product.