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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 600x600, 0D922EAD-1A81-4991-99FA-4344C10109E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7490817 No.7490817 [Reply] [Original]

>legal shares in companies like Apple, GM, NVIDIA, Boeing, etc that provide real goods and services to people

>internet money you can buy pot with


>> No.7491245

0 replies...
looks like mr. pajeet over here won't be making his daily quota
also: don't directly reply to them, they usually get paid a small amount for every direct reply in a thread... they post screenshots in pajeet discords

>> No.7491638


Take your meds

>> No.7491699

lmao and the internet is just chatrooms and shitty geocities websites. why the fuck would anyone buy something from the internet (hello how can you trust them to even send it to you?) when you can just walk into a store and get it the same day instead of waiting 2 fucking weeks lmao.

>> No.7491766

Waltonchain is a full ecosystem where you can buy services and items that are tracked with their patented rfid with waltoncoins. Closest thing in crypto to real company.

>> No.7491832

In what way isn't "providing people access to pot" not a real service?

>> No.7491888
File: 73 KB, 627x576, 1517102863658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even 4chan all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious

>> No.7491964

>Tripfag thinks he deserves an opinion
Been here since 2004 newfag, why dont you fuck off back to whatever normie shithole you that accidentally linked you here.

>> No.7492017

>tilting this hard over memepaste

>> No.7492033
File: 200 KB, 500x265, tumblr_mokfb9W5JF1ridklro1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the baiter is baited
O I am laffin

>> No.7492053

>literally retarded
Wow really makes me think. Why don't you post a selfie with every reply you attention seeking cunt

>> No.7492074

>Still tripfagging

>> No.7492115

this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even 4chan all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious

>> No.7492147


Crypto is much more accessible and easy to understand than businesses

>> No.7492150

Stocks are not shares

>> No.7492164

this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even 4chan all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious

>> No.7492165

hah good one.

>> No.7492168

look at the dumbass who missed out on 10,000% gains.



>> No.7492176

It's a meme you dip

>> No.7492231

>claims to be from 2004
>doesn't respect GSA
this is unironically the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even 4chan all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious

flags when?