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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 63 KB, 640x400, WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7488803 No.7488803 [Reply] [Original]

>Cofounders split and community outraged at lack of transparency


>> No.7489531


>> No.7489656

WTF I will never use mycrypto and I will continue to use myetherwallet as the only legit blockchange interface.

>> No.7489790

Ha, so that stupid Taylor bitch cracked the shits that she wasn't getting enough attention/ power for being a MEW co-founder and threw a typical woman tantrum??

Now she has started this MyCrypto shit (whatever the fuck it does) so she can have total power over it??

Am I following this shit correctly?? Her crappy little rant didn't really make much sense.

>> No.7490772

>Ha, so that stupid Taylor bitch cracked the shits that she wasn't getting enough attention/ power for being a MEW co-founder and threw a typical woman tantrum??
pretty much. She forgot she has a cunt n fucked up. She tried pissing standing up and it just shot all over the place and down her leg.

>> No.7490786

MEW made the mistake to give a woman a leading position. Now they pay the price because she had to make it all about herself.

>> No.7490801


this is a fucking scam

don't give this other bullshit service your info

>> No.7490811

Roasties, not even once, they truly are a scourge on humanity

>> No.7490819

binance and now this?
they dont want us to have link

>> No.7490849
File: 105 KB, 628x490, TaylorResponse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bitch is crazy

>> No.7490961

No warning about internal drama? At least it's open source, but come on man...

>> No.7491081

does MEW make any money?
I don't understand the reason why she would even go through the hassle of creating a fork of MEW

>> No.7491158

so is my shit safe in MEW or what?

I really need to get a hardware wallet

>> No.7491200

>he doesnt know how blockchain works
kill yourself

>> No.7491203

How long have you been in crypto - do you think you store your coins on MEW?

>> No.7491222

You're fine. You have your private key, it's not in MEW, they don't store it. It's just an interface.

You have the key, MEW is just one of several doors that lets you get into your ETH house

>> No.7491284

Did she break up with her other half? LMAO Roasties man.

>> No.7492138

>women in crypto

they should just wait till men have pioneered the way before becoming involved

>> No.7492152

I usually try not to be sexist, but this is exactly the type of emotional bullshit that make many women bad leaders.

Like wtf, who's retarded enough to think that an out of nowhere rebrand is going to be well accepted, especially when everyone is paranoid af about getting scammed.

>> No.7492174
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>> No.7492191

>personal twitter
>emotional attachment
holy fuck

>> No.7492264

Just download MEW code from github and load the file from disk.

Ethereum API will never change so it will work forever!

Who gives a fuck about the company.

>> No.7492291

>using company twitter account as personal account


>> No.7492330

Can someone tldr on what happened?

>> No.7492369

women should have never been allowed to vote. their brains run entirely off emotion.

>> No.7492380


>> No.7492560
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>> No.7492942
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That was a good thread.

>> No.7493702
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>> No.7493723


>> No.7493760
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>> No.7493799


What's a good alternative to MEW? I don't want to use this shit anymore

>> No.7494190

There is some hilariously bad pajeet tier pro MyCrypto shilling going on on reddit. That's another tick in the scam box.

>> No.7494272
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>> No.7494562

Just stick to MEW and stay away from MyCrypto. MEW still exists and will continue to work as intended

>> No.7495234

i wonder if she is capable to compromise anything , now i am twice as paranoid.