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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 400x400, Ns0r8DIH_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7483923 No.7483923 [Reply] [Original]

*goes up 50% during the Bitcoin crash*
*does not dump during the Bitcoin recovery*

nothing personal, kid

>> No.7483960

New wallet out believe the reason why

>> No.7484124

The new wallet isn't out yet, only a demo video of the complete version with torrent functionality (so far the betas for bug testing don't have torrents yet). It should be released in the next few days.

>> No.7484178
File: 49 KB, 337x343, 1516393011518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ will fall for vapourware pajeet and chink tokens that ask them a gazillion in shady ICOs with a 100 million cap and are only traded on Etherdelta
>/biz/ will unironically invest in literal pyramid schemes where they hope the developers won't bail before they manage to sell
>/biz/ won't invest in a low marketcap coin 3 years in the making, that has an actual functioning product coming out in the next few days, its own blockchain, and one of the most advanced wallets in all of crypto while trading on bittrex.

>> No.7485100


>> No.7485298

So another pnd ufr shitcoin? Nah

>> No.7485333

Pretty much this desu. I'll mine the coin by seeding legal torrents, but I'm not putting a cent into this ufr clone.

>> No.7485358

i also bought this coin and i am not from india

>> No.7485371
File: 6 KB, 363x139, kucoinn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

binance still not up?

ku coin has never been down

>> No.7485376

storage, encrypted chats, all kinds of shit can go through blockchains. getting paid to host torrents as well i think. it does stuff, i like coins that do things.

>> No.7485381

I am literally the only one shilling it, and I'm doing it only for your own good. This coin deserves to be in the top 10.
It will moon whether or not you buy it.

>> No.7485409
File: 444 KB, 1831x1789, whitepaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget in/out stealth addresses, in-wallet trading and in-wallet 2FA. The swap to the zcash protocol alone would make it worth 100 million

>> No.7485448

Nobody cares. No American in their right mind will buy this as you have to report it on your taxes and a crypto called "vTorrent" would be a BIG no-no.

>> No.7485490
File: 165 KB, 725x754, VTR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this project has no hype, no marketing team and no deep pockets, so it's hard to get it into new exchanges. Only when the community becomes bigger will it be possible.
Members of the community are already raising money to pay for some articles to create awareness. The coin will moon regardless of it because it has actual utility, but it doesn't hurt to try and spread the word.
This is the community slack: https://vtr11.herokuapp.com/

You again, Your FUD is weak. Let's assume what you say is true.
1) You don't have to seed, so the fact that it's called Vtorrent does not automatically imply you sent torrented files to anyone
2) You can just convert the Vtorrent into Bitcoin and report the Bitcoin in your taxes

>> No.7485538

3) americans are not as relevant as you think they are
4) People report having Monero which is used to buy much more shady shit than copyrighted files, so your argument is dumb af

>> No.7485562

Every trade is a taxable event. If you convert the vTorrent to Bitcoin, that counts as a taxable event. Yes, you'll be trading 1:1, but you'll STILL have to report it on your taxes AND pay taxes on the value of the vTorrent you acquired.

Literally a tax nightmare.

>> No.7485646

>but you'll STILL have to report it on your taxes AND pay taxes on the value of the vTorrent you acquired.
And? As I said owning Vtorrent does not constitute proof that you seeded any files. If you are so scared, you can just treat the coin as an investment and not use it at all in the Vtorrent platform.

>Literally a tax nightmare.
That is true for every coin if you are an american, Vtorrent is not any worse so you concerns are not well-grounded

>> No.7485683
File: 152 KB, 1026x698, VTR chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will also add that the coin is trading on Bittrex, the exchange the complies in the strictest way possible with US regulations, so much that they recently delisted MTL temporarily because of their strict policies on which coins they allow for trading.
Therefore if they don't see any problem with VTR trading on their exchanges, it means nobody should have any problem trading the coin.

>> No.7485756

>ufr clone
VTR has been in development for 3 years. Ufr pajeets did not even know crypto existed when VTR was created.

>> No.7485764


If you buy vTorrent:

1. Buy Bitcoin/ETH
2. Use it to buy vTorrent
3. Accumulate vTorrent then convert back to Bitcoin/ETH
4. Convert to cash

That's 4 trades.

However, when you seed your files, you are earning vTorrent literally EVERY SECOND. That's THOUSANDS of trades of income EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

How in the living hell is one supposed to report this on their taxes?

>> No.7485827

>How in the living hell is one supposed to report this on their taxes?
Are you retarded or just pretending? As I said you don't have to seed, you can just treat the coin as a speculative instrument if you are so scared of taxes. Heck, you can just let it sit in your wallet and earn the 5% that derives from proof of stake.
I am sure accountants know how to report income that derives from things like that, but if you don't want to go to an accountant just buy low and sell high like you do with literally every other coin and you'll only have to report taxes once.

>> No.7485902

gee I sure want to buy high on this...

>> No.7486003

>buy high
6 million marketcap for a coin that is potentially worth several billions is high? Have some perspective. Also look at how it didn't dump at all after this small pump, nobody is selling. Everybody is waiting for the coin to go up with utility once the full wallet is released. Just imagine how much money one can make with the 5% roi on proof-of-stake once the coin has a 100 million marketcap (it's actually more than 5% right now because not many are staking)

>> No.7486073

How long is it going to take to reach 100 million marketcap, in your estimation?

Also, a huge put-off for me is the BTC-only pairing. Is there a possible ETH pairing coming soon?

>> No.7486103

dev does nothing for 2 years

>> No.7486161
File: 71 KB, 728x442, 1518001272084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long is it going to take to reach 100 million marketcap, in your estimation?
I am not nostradamus. All I can tell you is that the complete ready-to-use wallet will be released in the next few days, maximum two weeks. After that they will keepp working on the Zcash swap for the new wallet. I think that if a big blog like about torrenting or a torrenting website pick it up it will explode pretty fast.
Only invest the amount of money you are willing to lose, this is still a speculative and risky investment after all, just one that I strongly believe in (I have 60% of my net worth in it).

>Also, a huge put-off for me is the BTC-only pairing. Is there a possible ETH pairing coming soon?
I don't know. Bear in mind that this isn't an erc20 token, it is an actual coin with its own blockchain. If it reached a 100 million cap though Bittrex might enable it. Don't forget that Bittrex is going to enable USD pairs soon so that's also something we can hope for.

Merging torrents and blockchain isn't an easy feat. In fact, many projects have tried and failed. He was working, in silence, like Satoshi did before publishing the Bitcoin whitepaper. In the last two months he has released 4 betas of the new wallet, working out the bugs incessantly. He is as active as it goes.

>> No.7486251

i see nothing on github

>> No.7486306

Here you go:

On github there is only the Release Candidate 4 because the other three were distributed only to private testers. You can get confirmation of that in the community slack, a lot of people there tested them back then.
The full wallet with torrent functionality isn't on github yet, it will be posted in the next days, as this tweet by the dev says:

>> No.7487611

This is gonna be sweet with my 500 Mbps upload speed.

>> No.7487750


>> No.7488302
