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7470354 No.7470354 [Reply] [Original]

>Whole market is green
>except this

>> No.7470445

Let me guess, but xrp?

>> No.7470487

If anyone bought this turd at 35 dollars you should end your life

>> No.7470517

The nano fudders are in overdrive again today. Which bags are you selling this time pajeet?

>> No.7470591

perfect opportunity for swinging into it i guess

>> No.7470689

I love XRB fud threads. Here, let me contribute:

> scam tech shitty erc-20 utility token with major security flaw which I could easily point out but can't be bothered
> literally zero intrinsic value even as a service because no fees
> no incentive to run nodes so nobody ever will
> devs still hold 95% of tokens and

I got in at $0.12 and sold at $37 but whatever have fun holding your bags fucking idiots. If you're lucky I'll buy them back from you next week when it's back below $1

>> No.7470769

Anyone care to add to this >>7470689?
I feel like I forgot a few

>> No.7470820

devs don't hold 95% retard

>> No.7470856

I'm larping as a fudder ya dummy.
Yes, I have actually seen people write this many times

>> No.7471325
File: 69 KB, 478x400, 3d3a464edcbb4b660dbe6b92d88108df787de712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Weak made up fud

>Only 39.158% of the existence of the XRB circulates in the entire market (distributed through faucet)
>60.8% of the distribution funds were burned (Genesis and Landing accounts)

>> No.7471504

Agreed, I only posted because I'm routinely shocked by the absurdity of XRB fud. The brainlet invasion of 4chan has scaled to the point where I can hardly even enjoy schadenfreude any more

>> No.7471613

Shitty as fick tecb that breaks every exchange it's implemented on
Slower transfer speeds than bitcoin snd ethereun
Biggest losses jn january in the top 100
Garbage rebrand makes it look like a joke

Keep pretending none of this happened though lol

>> No.7471668

Moar pls I'm collecting this shit

>> No.7471694

Even Vitalik called it the scammiest ERC20 token

>> No.7471974

b-b-but its the future anon. i-i-its the bitcoin killer anon.

>> No.7472127

a lot of the fud is low IQ but this project is genuinely going nowhere. its only selling point is fast transactions and there are already a ton of other blockchain projects that are super fast + more secure + smart contracts + developer/enterprise adoption. this is dead in the water.

>> No.7472135

>no incentive to run nodes
b-but anon, that one is actually true...

>> No.7472312
File: 116 KB, 600x400, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only selling point
>already other faster things
>no smart contracts
>corporations will never use it
>"genuinely going nowhere"
>"this is dead in the water"

This is gold anon, thanks

>> No.7472675

cringe. you are so cringe.

good luck with your coin anon. youre gonna need it.

>> No.7472860
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