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7469042 No.7469042 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest guys... do you really think this market is coming back in the next month or 2 or are we basically fucked for 3 years in a bear market? I'm about ready to cut my dick off and eat it. I'd like to hear some thoughts.

>> No.7469126

I'm not really phased at all. Yeah it sucks we'll have to wagecuck a bit longer, but this is time to accumulate more. When the markets are back you'll be in an even better position than before.

>> No.7469185

I don't care either way. The government isn't just gonna let several million angry people starve/riot if shit gets even worse so there's probably gonna be some sweet gibsmedats program or job training.

>> No.7469191

>do you really think this market is coming back in the next month or 2

Back to 12k bitcoin?

No, there's no reason for it to go that high again so soon.

Probably take 6 months or end of year bull run.

>> No.7469210
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till mcap is 820b the market hasnt recovered. The longer the market move side ways the bigger return we can expect. Dnno oppie, i kinda want a boom to 820b again so i can be a millionaire and not wagecuck but at the same time i want a 2-3 year sideways movement

>> No.7469269

We are taking off, tomorrow is the day

>> No.7469307

Monero is set for a surge. That will bring attention and people will start looking around returning.

Then other large cap coins will gave their turn and we will be back. Give it 6 months.

>> No.7469748


Crypto does in days what other markets do in years. Even if it is a "bear market" (it's not, but whatever), it won't last long.

I don't know if the worst is yet to come, but I do know it won't last long and by March/April things will go up again.

Look for the coins that are splitting from the bitcoin pattern, when those are able to stand on their own, that's the sign to go all in.

>> No.7469839


>> No.7469922

I'm down like 60% on my initial investment.

I'm not gonna sell but I am pissed about buying so damn high. I think now, or soon, is the time to buy. Confidence is low, people are talking about BTC and crypto having no future. This is literally the shit I wanted to wait for but I did not have the patience and here we are.

I can tank it because I knew crypto was a crapshoot but I'm down enough that I don't want to put in any more. So at best I'm looking at months or years before I break fucking even, if I ever even get there. Don't really know what my lesson is.

>> No.7469958
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you're wrong, faggot (i hope you're not).

basically I'm super pissed because i missed my chance to cash out $8k on January 5th-6th. Being new i thought, "this is great, just a little bit more and everything will be great."

Then it kept going down... and down.. and down.... now i'm relying on my girlfriend to keep me afloat through these months until I can regain my footing. Hating myself and all this noise. Just need a 2 day long surge so i can get my initial investment back and just set it and forget it. fuck niggers.

>> No.7470188

>Just need a 2 day long surge so i can get my initial investment back and just set it and forget it. fuck niggers.

Oh, but anon, why would you sell your golden goose just two days after it starts laying eggs again? Surely if you wait JUST a little longer you can make some money for your troubles on top of what you put in. And then you wait a little longer, because the money keeps coming and THIS is what you got into crypto for, you knew this would come eventually. You look at the green numbers every day and feel like a genius, but why stop at a new PC when you could get a new car?

And then it's time for pink wojaks again.

You're not getting off this ride anytime soon, you stupid monkey, and neither am I.

>> No.7470973
File: 249 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180208-172330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to make it /biz?

>> No.7471114

You're not alone anon

>> No.7471156
File: 51 KB, 660x405, 1518017308397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the run we had, if be happy if w3 just chilled low for a while and let the normie faggots forget about crypto and stop paying attention to it, then just rocket.

>> No.7471787

>I'm about ready to cut my dick off and eat it.
Use a sharp knife, and plenty of mustard.

>> No.7472065
