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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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746833 No.746833 [Reply] [Original]

Im in Iran. What can we ( me and you ) do to make money?

>> No.746846

>post shitty jew memes on a japanese website
>0% per hour

>> No.746848


Im actually iranian and i can confirm it by writing in Farsi. Im asking if theres anything we can do to make money together like an international company.

>> No.746849
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>> No.746851

Open up a quality restaurant.

Even the ones in Tehran hail to be the best that I went to were mediocre at best.

>> No.746852


>> No.746854


Im asking for an international partnership. A business we could do to make money combining what we have.

>> No.746862

what happens in the thump keg

>> No.746864

a restaurant franchise perhaps

>> No.746871

Best option is to enable/build internet banking websites like paypal etc. Since iran is still in the stoneage in that sector

>> No.746872


>Since iran is still in the stoneage in that sector

You have clearly no idea what state iran is in. There are already 10 companies who do the same thing paypal does, but in iran.

>> No.746881


Overthrow your retarded government theology.

Serious answer, this will make Iran rich as fuck.

>> No.746882
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>> No.746883

trade with bitcoin so we can bypass the sanctions
turkey here

>> No.746884


Thats a good idea, what you got?

>> No.746888

software platform that makes investment in iranian gas and oil easier?

what are your exports other than those
what are the imports you seek

how is the startup environment there

>> No.746889

Pls name me one. I'm honestly interested.

>> No.746890


>software platform that makes investment in iranian gas and oil easier?

we have it already

>what are your exports other than those

i can export anything

>what are the imports you seek

anything profitable

>how is the startup environment there

its pretty active, there are online shops which sell millions of dollars each month

>> No.746891


This is the most famous one but there are many :


>> No.746892

do you have food delivery platforms

the turkish one yemeksepeti just exited for $590 million

>> No.746894


yeah and they are rich as fuck now. this is the most famous one, they bring you food from more than 1000 restaurants :


>> No.746895

okay let me think on this
the thread will be up hopefully

>> No.746897


>le epic hat meme

fuck off faggot.

Iran's retarded government is the single biggest strain on its economic development.

>> No.746898


Please shut the fuck up. Im here to make money if you want to spout nonsense go back to /pol/.

>> No.746899



Nonsense? You think Iran's current economic policies are effective? You think Iran benefits economically from its foreign policy under the Ayatollah?

Its very typical of you to respond angrily to any criticism of your government though.

>> No.746903


mate fuck off

>> No.746908


Great post friend! :^)

>> No.746915

sell smuggled jailbreak Iphone

Been to Tehran once. I thought it gonna suck hard like Cairo(fer tourist traps and that's about it), but actually it's a clean, modern metropolis with plenty of shopping malls and designer stores, cheap, decent internet and actually functioning public transport. I'd say they're as good as Warsaw or Kuala lumpur or some 2nd rate korean cities

>> No.746916


>sell smuggled jailbreak Iphone

That market is saturated.

>> No.746922

Seriously fuck off.

>> No.746943

kentuckian here, thump kegs re-evaporate the alcohol to filter out whatever mash is still in it.

>> No.746956


fuck off pleb

>> No.746968

Do Iranian's like wine? I've got a good source and I'm looking for new markets to exploit

>> No.746974

intredasting, I would not have expected any mash to rise with the steam in the first place

>> No.746977

good luck

>> No.747002

Lol i would guess alcohol and pork are haram>>746974

>> No.747008


>Actually using a proxy to shill for your shitty regime

You're not fooling anybody so just stick to your own id, OP.

>> No.747009

It will get you hanged.

>> No.747030

So a pretty decent return then?
>puts on al capone hat

>> No.747045

Let's do medical tourism. Getting wealthy Iranians to Germany for general checkup/therapy and some ugly nose German bitches to Iran. I already have hospital connections in Germany, respond with mailadress/skype/we

>> No.747059


Im already doing it with arabs here. We have super advanced medical complexes and they come here to have operations because the doctors are better than the ones in europe and its way much cheaper for them, and we still make lots of cash. Ive been in this business surprised someone on /biz/ mentioned it.

>> No.747063


oh by the way i changed my ip, im the OP so this is my new ID

>> No.747066

nice. can you use some russian/ex-soviet and african clients? what are the conditions in Iran? can you name some numbers? do you get % off the hospitals profit or only from your clients? also: we can do some international charity shit, got quite good connections to the cultural industry here: that's quite a cheap gate for marketing purposes. or what about continuing education for MDs in shit countries? I could also sell some of your shit if you make good prices, i.e. it is profitable for me. I can sell almost everything. Suggest something!

>> No.747070


>can you use some russian/ex-soviet and african clients?

we dont do medical tourism with russians/ex-soviet or africans because they are poor. arabs are rich.

>can you name some numbers?

numbers of what?

>do you get % off the hospitals profit or only from your clients?


>we can do some international charity shit

please elaborate

>what about continuing education for MDs in shit countries?

they already have it

>I could also sell some of your shit if you make good prices, i.e. it is profitable for me. I can sell almost everything.

what markets have you been in? whats your field of experience?

>> No.747091

you've got to know where you get your russians/africans from, don't prejudge. I've seen plenty of rich russians paying a shitload of money. When it comes to Africa: there are a couple of countries whose governments pay for medical tourism of e.g. teachers. I've got connections to some governments.

Numbers of hospitals/private doctors you have contacts to. Numbers of percentages you get from delivering to hospitals. Numbers of what you get from you clients. Numbers of prices your clients have to pay.

Will elaborate on charity later. Further education for MDs was an example, but one should always choose the charity he does systematically according to what he wants to make money off.

markets: art, gastronomy, clothes, raw materials, jewelery, but I can easily get into other markets. As I've already mentioned: make a good price and I can sell it. What can you export?

>> No.747111


> What can you export?

Saffron, Handicrafts, Rugs, Art, even Antiques if you have cash customers.

>> No.747113

and besides: ppl already having stuff is not a reason to put down opportunities... I'd even suggest to make continuing education for free, just to put some conditions on the participants/hospitals/governments. you gotta find the jew in you

>> No.747117

What's the price for saffron and rugs?
What kind of handicrafts and antiques?

>> No.747131
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Fuck off gaylord

>> No.747140
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I can give you anything 25% under the price you can find anywhere. also these are luxury handicrafts and done by masters of the respected art field. i can upload more pictures to an album on imgur if youre interested.

>> No.747142

What kind of antiques?

>> No.747155

Name me your best price for 1kg of saffron. Any experience with shipping to Europe?

I can try to sell your antiques around here if you give me a description+pictures and the minimum money you want for it.

>> No.747165


i can give you grade 1 saffron 1925 dollars for 1kg. you can make 350 dollars or more for each kilo according to the prices in UK :


>> No.747179

>mail spices, herbs, plants and shit to hippie parts of US
>stage small growing operation
>US receiver claims they are homegrown
>majority of product actually shipped from Iran
>sells them to "local and organic" hippie restaurants
>say you only supply that restaurant or a few so they aren't suspicious of how you can acquire so much
>eventually expand
>do this in twin cities, portland, seattle, madison, LA, etc
>simple warehouse for storage
Just a hilarious scam I thought up to piss off hippies. Someone make this happen for my entertainment please

>> No.747188

I'm on it.
1925$ including shipping and customs?
Also: I'm serious about the antiques, seems attractive.

>> No.747189


>1925$ including shipping and customs?


> I'm serious about the antiques, seems attractive.

we will talk about that after we have our first deal in something else since it can make lots of trouble

>> No.747198

I set up an emailaccount so we can exchange further details:
mail me at 4chanbiz@gmx.de

>> No.747201

Can you do homewares? Bitches love homewares

>> No.747297


Buy some Iranian stocks. The market index has returned 30% per year for the past 2 decades there, because stocks are so cheap (P/E's in the low single digits). Compounding your money, a $10,000 investment will be worth over half a million in 15 years at that rate.