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7465719 No.7465719 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys/gals i am currently writing a university assignment regarding work stress:

I have to have a practical part with some examples from business.
>Were you stressed in work?
> from what?
>how did you deal with it?

Anyone care enough to give a helping hand?

>> No.7465827

sauce for pics plz

>> No.7465877

Sounds like a Women's Studies course

>> No.7465968

"Work and organisation psychology" - Human Resources/Marketing/ Business creating orientated Master program.

The course is "Stress and health management in organisations"

>> No.7465999

No idea sorry anon, just found her in my download folder.

>> No.7466036
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>brained colleagues
>im taking the fifth

>> No.7466084

1.yes, head sysadmin in small business
2. hard stressful work, deadlines, 24/7 readyness, shift work (allnighters, outside business hours, overtime)
3. Hardly, got burned out pretty fast & now have health issues and am unable to work

>> No.7466188

>From meeting deadlines
>Stress is good if you can control it

The trick is to allow yourself to be "sufficiently" stressed. If you can control the build up after a certain amount you work more efficiently without the associated unpleasant effects.

>> No.7466253


Thanks guys, so far this is kind of confirming a research made from the American Institute of stress. They rank workload as the highest reason for experiencing work stress.

>> No.7466315

>Were you stressed in work?
> from what?
From an impatient ungrateful retard called boss
>how did you deal with it?
I keyed his car

>> No.7466350

>Were you stressed in work?
Oh wait, it's a real question? Yes then. uhm...

> from what?
Being in hte productive part of the pareto distribution with no shame in the non-productive part. Being naive as to their motives.

>how did you deal with it?
Power through it, then stockholm syndrome for a very long time. Later by changing jobs.

>> No.7466605

lol anon. Hope it helped, my last boss was retarded too. She made me and a colleague sort CV's by alphabetic order by separating the CV's randomly in two stacks and gave each other one and told us to work in separated rooms...

Tried to explain that you can't get 1 stack of sorted CV's if you gave them to two people to work independent of each other.... it was to hard of a concept for her. And I fucking lost it... (was not the first case of such retardation)

In before
No surprise there.

This sounds seriously fucked up, hope you found a better place :/

>> No.7466669

Stop wasting your money on housewife degrees

>> No.7466748

>Were you stressed in work?
> from what?
A patient I saw on a Friday had a large subarachnoid haemorrhage from an aneurysm - massive bad luck and something you can't really check for without a scan and has no real indicators on examination or history. Mother is in the process of trying to sue me, unlikely it'll go anywhere.
>how did you deal with it?
Ignore it, realise I didn't do anything wrong, his ruined life still haunts me though.

>> No.7466939


I am mostly in crypto money wise. I have to say that HR is not the most payed job but its comfy and interesting for me.

Also i am not from America (from EU) it cost literally nothing for me as i won a scholarship. A semester is like 147 euro so my masters degree is less than 300 euro in total.

Also Times Higher Education ranks it between 201 and 250 place.

Best i can get in my country :/

>> No.7467396

Thanks guys it helped a lot :) I am finished
thanks for the assist.

>> No.7467760

It's one of the beautyleg girls

>> No.7467808

Deploy server being a cunt and returning 429 error codes when pushing a container onto aws.

Also being late and missing meeting that is placed at 9am despite being told this job was flexi time. I have a new born who is keeping me up til 4am and a boomer colleague who doesn’t understand.

Same boomer colleague not understanding that a new framework takes time and requires a lot of testing and refactoring to implement.

Having several teams depend on the work of your team and pajeet teams in Delhi begging us to “plz provide the code for xyz Sir”.

Fear of losing a client as I work on a consultancy day rate and I could go a month or two without pay. Although tbf I earn around 8000 Euro per month before tax.

That’s just this week.

>> No.7467965

Just learn to not care

>> No.7468360

I'll help.

If you're handing this in in English then reword the first phrase:
>Have you ever been stressed at work?
>Has your work ever caused you stress?

Note that these both sound much more natural but have slightly different meanings to eachother. Yours doesn't mean anything.

I fucking hate taking the time to fill out someones survey when they havent taken the time to write intelligible questions