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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7462998 No.7462998 [Reply] [Original]

I already tried biomedical sciences and failed, currently im in accounting and I hate my life. No I'm not an idiot- but I think I finally figured it out. My main problem with university is motivation- if I actually put in my best effort, I can do really well. The thing that fucked me in biomed was chemistry- I absolutely hated all the math equations, numbers and all that. I wasn't bad at it, I just couldn't be assed to do the hours of practicing the same type of shit over and over again required to do well.

Now, in my 2nd semester of accounting- I reached the problem again. 1st semester was filled with reading courses- such as professional writing, management, and organizational psychology (I also had calculus, which was my worst grade by far). I got in A's in everything, but a C in calculus. It was basically grade 12 calculus, but I just put off studying each test til the very night before and only did a couple practice problems. I don't know why doing number work is such a dread to me, but it is. Anyways, this semester I have courses like introductory accounting, statistics, and finance. Were a week before midterms, and I just realize I did fuck all. I don't mind reading textbooks, memorizing, and applying that information- but I just hate all these fucking numbers.

Before you ask why I would go into these programs- both instances were pressure from my parents. Immigrant parents wanted me to be doctor, dropped out, worked fast food for a year. Second time around, the pressure to get a degree was hard and they insisted I pick something that has a "good job market".

The fuck is the point of all these degrees anyway? If only 3% of them can get you anything, isn't university just some big scam? Anyways- hoping for some advice /biz/. Is there ANY reading based degrees that can get you a half decent job after graduating (im thinking $60k+)? Live in Canada btw

>> No.7463382

pls help

>> No.7463981

Wish I could help, but im autistic

>> No.7464224

get into cs

>> No.7464980

If you're dead-set on being a wagecuck, go into whatever form of engineering sounds fun to you (besides biochemical, literally the worst job market with only avg. pay for engineers). Then, once you're raking in that 70k/yr salary WITH government benefits, go to school for two years to get some form of masters degree in business. You'll get instantly promoted and your salary will jump up to somewhere between 100k-250k, especially if you stay with the same company you've been at.

This is the wagecuck template. If you have a >120 IQ, this should be a breeze.

>> No.7465519

isnt engineering full of the very type of work i described to hate?

Also, what are some non-wagecucking options?

>> No.7465582 [DELETED] 

Join us and watch your money grow. We have all the tools you need,,.

https://discord dot gg/pbN4G73

>> No.7465667

Maritime Engineering degree it will always be on demand and you get paid 6 figures + right out of school can work on shore or off.

>> No.7465708

U got scammed, gj
Just go chop trees down in Alaska

>> No.7466718

>if i actually put in the work i'd be good at it.
Get rid of that mindset and accept you're just not good with numbers. The thing is, the more you struggle with something the more you dread doing it. and that's reflected in your grades. So either accept the fact that you'll have to work harder to get a decent grade in STEM courses, or just go with something you're good at and that'll also provide a decent income. Maybe journalism if you're lucky. But honestly if you're not some language prodigy researcher you'll probably end up as a teacher/translator/social security or whatever. Nothing wrong with that though, if that's what you like doing most.