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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7461506 No.7461506 [Reply] [Original]

Great Idea:
Create the Crypto version of Goldman Sachs.

Call it Silverboy Balls

>> No.7461543

Great Idea:

OP goes back to r*ddit

>> No.7461589
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>”guess what I told OP, mom!”

>> No.7461749

Goldman Sachs blockchain

>> No.7461778

Soyboy Cuckhs

>> No.7461810

Sachs transliterates as bags in french... Therefore:

Silverboy Baggs

>> No.7461858

Platinumpussy Ovaries

>> No.7461866

Yeah it already exists and its just called Goldman Sachs. You do realize they are already making moves in crypto and have set up a trading desk that will be launching in June? And if you just mean a crypto hedge fun Michael Novogratz beat you to it

>> No.7462629

They have been trading crypto from Sweden since years. It’s common knowledge in the financial world.