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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7456802 No.7456802 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder to AVOID this coin. Helping out fellow /biz/bros here. Some facts about it:

>Pajeet discord PnD has been shilling this for days trying to unload their heavy-ass bags
>Exit scam literally part of their roadmap
>Coin is hardcoded to not be able to go over one dollar, extremely limited upside ("Tether replacement")
>CEO publically called terrorism an "underrepresented market in blockchain"

If you buy this coin you deserve to lose all your money.

>> No.7456829

>no evidence of substance was posted

discord link? quote from road map? quote from hardcode?

This FUD is just another way to pump it.

>> No.7456853

is this real ?

can you show discord link ? It seems indeed like a dicsord group shilling but need to be sure

>> No.7456873

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.7456886

it's just holders excited about the coin.

seems like a quality project honestly.

>> No.7456901


>>Coin is hardcoded to not be able to go over one dollar, extremely limited upside ("Tether replacement")

Why don't you retards understand this?

>> No.7457049

But jcash is the next tether. This is like max x2 since 1 USD is max

>> No.7457125


Lmao, you are coming from the discord man. Don't ask for the link.


Admin closed invitations.

Because they fall for pajeet shills, duh. It seems like max supply is 200M as well, nice Tether replacement. So what, the entire cryptoworld is supposed to operate on 200 million dollars? This is why it's a SCAMMY SCAM

>> No.7457144

They are brainlets that dont understand.
This is arab tether, only thing worse than this would be african tether.

>> No.7457187

Thank you for advertising JNT anon! This stupid fud won't do shit because you're a retard who can't answer peoples questions. Keep this up mate you're doing god's work.

For those who don't understand, this anon sees a lot of potential in JNT and doesn't want the price to increase. So look into the project guys

>> No.7457217

The FUD is just getting worse, man just buy some already or kys

>> No.7457219
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Atleast i Sold it at profit. Can't believe I feel into that.

>> No.7457250


I just want to short this somewhere with 1000x leverage.

>> No.7457326

Actually this is one of the most promising ICOs I ever participated in. Long term hodling

>> No.7457411

sirs please buy coin. coin very good yes. will be $1 soon.

>> No.7457446

Yup and it has so much potential that it can easily do 100x in 2 years if it delivers

>> No.7457447

Maybe EoY it will be $1, but not sooner.

My odds are better gambling everything on red or black in the casino

>> No.7457473

Says the actual pajeet fudding this project KEK.

>> No.7457483

Why would you need JNT anyway? You can tokenize everything already anywawy.

>> No.7457490

but how will it go x100 if it is pegged to $1?

>> No.7457504

The only coin in the red today. You can smell the Jeet from a mile away.

>> No.7457511

I won't explain shit to you retard. It's been explained a million times in the last 3 threads we made. This project will speak for itself when the time is right.

>> No.7457548


It can't! Look at the github! Oh wait, there is not github. Devs are currently sitting Panama sipping good liquor and getting their dicks sucked. Lmfao

>> No.7457549

10$ minimum EOY, people who dyor knows this but what ever

>> No.7457550

we get it, you have to wait a few more days for your deposit to buy in

>> No.7457593

thanks for the weak FUD, just bought 100k

>> No.7457596

There is no chance.

It will keep dropping because the basically got nothing and will have nothing for months.

This is axpire 2.0 which will pull a confido

>> No.7457599

exactly my point.. They even said they had hosted their own event in SK but people from Korea and China are saying they don't know anything about this coin. very smelly

>> No.7457600

>> heavy ass bags
>> 15% down from an ATH.

>> No.7457630
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are you completely retarded? JNT <> jUSD

>> No.7457633

this desperate FUD reminds me of when biz was FUDing NEO 24/7 calling it a chink scam with no product lmfao

i all inned NEO at $3.50 with full confidence, and jibrel is no different. DYOR.

>> No.7457642

less than 5000 wallets hold this gem

>> No.7457690

nice id anon, too bad you aren't getting what's happening here...

>> No.7457699
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Coin is hardcoded to not be able to go over one dollar, extremely limited upside ("Tether replacement")

Your argument is invalid

>> No.7457710
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>> No.7457786

reverse psychology obviously

>> No.7457817

That "conference" was proved fake like 10 times. GTFO pajeet.

>> No.7457844


Read the github code by their lead developer Pajeet Poodaloo, it clearly states it. Oh wait, they took down the github when they fled to the Caribbean sea, where they bought a McDonald's franchise with the ICO funds. They are eating Big Macs with Sergey and Joost every day laughing at biz retards buying into another one of their scams.

This is all verifiable info that the Pajeet discord PnDers don't want you to learn. I am out here doing the good mission.

>> No.7457859


>> No.7457900
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The amount of trolls in this thread, holy shit some discord group is having a blast somewhere right now

>> No.7457920

wow they even got white old man on their team so they appeal to normies more. how convenient. ask Koreans if they knew about that conference and we will see what they answer. all staged

>> No.7457943
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thanks for the kek

>> No.7457980

Why would exchanges use some shady middle eastern coin when they can use Tether which is already established in all major exchanges.
And don't give me the bullshit about Tether being a scam when they came out and said they have $2 billion.
Also recently Bittrex announced USD deposits and they will have USD pairs which will negate the use of this shitcoin and this will be the case for many exchanges based in the US as long as they are approved by the SEC.
Similarly other exchanges based in other countries will have their native currency pairing with crypto as adoption comes closer.

>> No.7457998


The pajeets photoshopped this video, you are a fool for falling for this. How is life with a sub 70 IQ?

>> No.7458035

Yeah even Da Hong Fei was there talking;


And so was Zhao ChengPeng;


Can you just kys now please, seriously go spam in a walton thread or something about how scammy they are like you did back in autumn

JNT is one of the soon to be giants but what ever, people who buys into this ridiculous fud deserves to be the victims of your buyorders

>> No.7458037

go read the whitepaper. its not only about jCash. they want to tokenize any kind of asset.

i found this to be informative:

>> No.7458088

Da Hong Feik and ChengPeng aka i exitscammed with your money guy? please anon...

>> No.7458090

Lol this coin again. Everyday shilling. I won't be buying rasheedcoins

>> No.7458123

Good choice.

>> No.7458159


>> No.7458185


Finally a smart person. >>7458159

>> No.7458203

>nd don't give me the bullshit about Tether being a scam when they came out and said they have $2 billion.

Yep. And if they didn't, they probably do now after selling during the dump the other day.

>> No.7458270

Okay, so given the fact that this thread is mostly baseless FUDing, what is your endgame, Pajeets? Do you want me to stay away from this, or is this some form of reverse psychology where you want me to actually buy it?

>> No.7458274
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Best part of this coin, its totally fud proof, all the idiots here fudding because they are panicking because they can only add 20 bux a week to it and wont buy enough to get them anywhere.The coin literally wouldnt even need the communty support (even though its going to be fucking huge) it goes up in price along with the assets tokenized on it.its literally fud proof, first of its kind in crypto.

>> No.7458326


We are trying to help you avoid losing your NEET bux.

>> No.7458337

DYOR and you will find the answer pretty quick.

There is no problem / need which Jibrel is solving or satisfying. Therefore it is useless and only viable as a random speculation asset for PnD or over all crypto moon.

>> No.7458374
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"There is no problem / need which Jibrel is solving or satisfying"

>> No.7458385

End game is they want to hold the price down while they accumulate, and are scared stiff of when it suddenly moons without them.Anyone with money has enough already, so it just ends up with people with more cash laughing at them like the pajeets they are.There are already assets on the network anyway, the price will be changed to reflect that soon.

>> No.7458421

When this project is as god tier as you day, it wouldn't even bother you. And no, people never have enough of a god tier coin.

And this obviously isn't one. 50% tether copy / 50% tokenizing asset, which nobody in the real world will consider doing.

>> No.7458495

so don tapscott the don of crypto and finance in general, " CZ" Zhao. CEO, Binance,da huanfei ceo of neo, 3 of the 4 most influential people in crpyo show up for fun at a huge jibrel conference before it moons?Do you know the cofounder of jibrel managed 4 billion of the saudi arabian families money?Do you know the saudi royal family is backing with fiat the assets on jobrel?If they suddenly add 2 billion dollars in assets, the coin goes up 2 billion dollars in marketcap.

>> No.7458502

Honestly I hope the price dips when it hits KuCoin on the 22nd as I get my salary on the 23rd. But yeah, there is no doubt about the potential about this project.

And to those FUDing, if you want this project to fly under the radar while you accumulate, I suggest not making threads about it you stupid niggers.

>> No.7458582

Why wouldn't you show up when you get paid to talk on a conference and promote something?

They haven't even talked about Jibrel.

>If? If? If?
Something else you wanna consider?

>> No.7458583

Stop telling me to go all in, FUDsters. It's getting suspicious.

>> No.7458638

exactly lol, it just gives us a chance to tell everyone how good it actually is.Imagine billions upon billions being added every week in assets.bear market?This coin wouldnt give a fuck, still would keep steaming upwards in marketcap.it would be like tether except you could make huge money during the bear market lol.

>> No.7458709

Don Tapscott, aka 2nd most influential person in crypto, is a Jibrel advisor you complete brainlet.Icon was his only other advisor role until recently.You think this man doesnt thoroughly vet each coin before he accepts a role?Hint:theres a reason why he advises so few when he could gets stacks of cash advising on a ton.


>> No.7458959


... Are you serious? Tapscott was blackmailed to appear on the conference. Didn't you read about Jibrel's dealings with Hamas and ISIS?

>> No.7458994
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>> No.7458997

yes, I heard they had a hand in the jfk assassination too.

>> No.7459032
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>> No.7459062
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>> No.7459090
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>> No.7459112


The absolute state of these idiots!Im just imagining their 212 dollar portfolios diversified between 15 coins, waiting for this months burger king wages to come through before jibrel takes off haha

>> No.7459114
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>> No.7459139

photoshop game strong. nice try

>> No.7459153
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John and Oli, you guys asked for it. Hope you get banned :)

>> No.7459188
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hahahahaha. 'oli, john, enough of that internet money talk!Break is over, this fryer wont clean itself!!

>> No.7459210

I wouldn't be surprised if they only have a couple of hundred dollar invested in this lmao

>> No.7459218

good work, images saved.Dont make me report you guys oli and john!!

>> No.7459236

Pajeets are everywhere, live with it

>> No.7459241


Its like this in every fucking telegram group, what is your point father than keeping the thread pinned on top

>> No.7459252

the reason why these idiots want to FUD this is due to the UAE pilot program. Once that finishes, they will be onboarding millions, followed by billions of their assets which will dramatically increase the JNT token price. By trying to fud this you created more awareness around it, idiots.

>> No.7459433

this thread should be in the dictionary under the word backfire

>> No.7459732

quick video overview of the project


>> No.7459776


Nah, all of this just further proves the point of this being a scam

>> No.7459802

Great coin. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. DYOR guys as you will want to buy this token also!!

>> No.7459822

everytime any of you idiots fud this now im just going to post those screenshots, then i can turn it in to an educational thread.So actually, keep making fudding threads!!

>> No.7459849

They also stated full details would be released when they were in Dubai with a previous time frame being mid February to end of February.

Very recently they stated they would be in Dubai Feb 10-14th. You have a few days to accumulate before the details are finalized and released and the market cap updated.

>> No.7459902


You're welcome Rashiq. But we all know you are looking to sell your precious 83 JNT you afforded at ICO lmfao.

>> No.7460263

And it keeps dropping

>> No.7460904

...and it keeps dropping

>> No.7461195

And its back up again.News just in, coin goes down, then back up minutes later

>> No.7461475


People are starting to realize thjey need to take what they can, before it inevitably dumps under ICO

>> No.7462093

I fucking hope so. Have to fill my bags.

>> No.7462523


>> No.7462674

Postin in epic bread

I have been saying this shit is pajeet street all week. Finally it's taking hold. Don't buy their curry bags anons.

>> No.7462759

This will be 1$ next week if not higher.

>> No.7463295

Holy shit this looks amazing. Can this moon as hard as NEO or ETH from ICO?

>> No.7463351
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harder. They have the potential to be the one coin to rule them all

>> No.7463378


No it's already been pumped and now it's dumping to 0. don't fall for this jeet scam

>> No.7463434

i bought this coin and my dog died

>> No.7463560

i bought this coin and my cat died

>> No.7463728
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>> No.7463817

Just bought 100k thanks

>> No.7463852


It's like you are dumb, we told you NOT to buy you faggot. Next thread I'll be shilling it again for reverse psychology.

>> No.7463867
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>Can't go above a dollar

This is some nigger teir fud. You're making it too obvious.

>> No.7463995

Hurrr durrrr... can't go above $1 but can go below $1 Hurrr durrrr

>> No.7464120

How will JNT price correlate to asset price?

>> No.7464248
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>niggers trying to fud the coin
>see right thru you fags
>accumulating as much as possible
>never would have even found it but for you cocksmokers doing such a horrible fud job
kindly note warm regards sirs

>> No.7464435

The amount of assets tokenized will reflect exactly into the market cap

>> No.7464703

Then this truly does have the potential to blast past the moon and straight to Uranus

>> No.7464848

These guys are doing better than any shills while trying miserably to do the opposite.The state of biz.

>> No.7465167


Next thread will be shill again to confuse the fuck outta this board. ;)

>> No.7465201
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If this was to accomplish what it has set out to do, oy fucking vey, a 2 trillion market cap in a few years wouldnt be unthinkable.

>$10000 per coin
> holding 12k
> 120m

k i know what im going to fap to later.

>> No.7465702



>> No.7465837

what would your expectation be? 100b easy

>> No.7465939

One of the founders was already handling 4 billion of royal family money on his own before starting jibrel.What do you think he can get them to put in to this?thats just 1 of his connections.The arabs have more money than anyone.

>> No.7466029

Thanks op, almost bought this shitcoin.
Don't want to get scammed again.

>> No.7466065 [DELETED] 

Join us and watch your money grow. We have all the tools you need,-

https://discord dot gg/pbN4G73

>> No.7466072

Buy ETHpyramid coins and then use that money to buy JNT. Gameplan.

>> No.7466148

Like max 0,1-1% of that 4B would only lead into like 4-40m. This is more about hype and nothing else.

>> No.7466218
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After reading this thread, I'm going to put 40% of my portfolio in JNT. I really think that it has the potential to become a top 10 coin easily.
This thread really backfired for OP.

>> No.7466221

No chance

>> No.7466908

nice try nigger

literal poo in loo coin

>> No.7466959


You're welcome


Or did it?

>> No.7467215

Yeah this is a legitimate interstellar mission