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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7453135 No.7453135 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /biz/ restructure my portfolio post crash

48% req
24% rpx
5.8% eng
4.9% xlm
4.6% blz
3.9% xvg
2.7% neo
1.4% xrp
1.3% itc
rest split over random insignificant shit

>> No.7453152

inb4 100 link

>> No.7453198

switch it to all blz for the next few days srs

>> No.7453239

ETH, WTC, DRGN, sell some REQ and buy some more ENG, NEO, XLM hold some btc just in case, dump the shitcoins.

>> No.7453242

Portfolio restructuration FUD, if you aren't going 100% in with Bitcoin you literally killing the future.
Please leave

>> No.7453253

I'm aware all of those are solid but have never heard of DRGN, gonna research it now but do you have any quick notes about it?

>> No.7453365

chart looks real good pre crash

>> No.7453385

very interesting anon
cheers lad

>> No.7453442

Keep REQ.
Rest all into FUN.
Thank me EOY

>> No.7453502

>rest split over random insignificant shit

Dude those are all random insignificant shit.
Me: 80% BTC, 20% ETH.

>> No.7453512

>selling REQ for meme coins
you're not gonna make it

>> No.7453528

BLZ you dumb nigger. This shit is gonna go x10 within the next few days. Get on for the ride.

>> No.7453545

wtf i love pajeets now

>> No.7453550

Fuck off shill your coin has nothing going for it

>> No.7453604
File: 168 KB, 600x423, my-stinkious2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more LINK

>> No.7453613

how miuch money they make you in last 6 months

>> No.7453622

100k link

>> No.7453634

Keep REQ.

+ Solid fucking team backed by Y Combinator, harder to get into than Harvard.
+ At least 14 projects being worked on, there'll be a metric fuckton of development.
+ Coins will be burnt, value goes up. People will FOMO into REQ when they see the supply going down.
+ Real world usage. There'll be people in your office who’ve never touched crypto who will be using Request.
+ People who want crypto to succeed will invest in REQ. It's one of the few coins that benefits the whole crypto ecosystem.
+ More Y Combinator partnerships are possible, they love networking.
+ Huge amount of followers on reddit. Constantly mentioned on the daily altcoin thread.
+ Plenty of use cases. Possible for ICOs to cam girls to use Request in the future.
+ Tons of people hate paypal and will switch to a better alternative.
+ Online stores stopped bitcoin support? Request will be ready when they want to get back into crypto.

>> No.7453709
File: 260 KB, 1024x888, 1514317612282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be stupid. We split it between the holy trinity.

>> No.7453856

This is why i've been hodl'ing through this fucked drop its had

>> No.7453900

you should just meme with XRB, it's probably going to have a nice run later this year

Bitcoin is not a bad idea, ETH is also solid

>> No.7454103
File: 228 KB, 1488x996, ripple comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7.
-Payment channels can process 10s of 1000s of transactions per second.

-A standard transaction costs just 0.00001 XRP.
-The cost is not paid to any party: it's irrevocably destroyed.

[Real-world use]
-5 institusions are currently using XRP (MoneyGram, Cuallix, FlashFX, IDT and MercuryFX).
-Many banks are currently using xCurrent. Since xRapid is cheaper (saves up to 60%) and provides final settlement, they are likely to transition to it.
-Bichip will use XRP in its RFID chips.
-A w3c standard that Ripple helped develop (and was demo'd by Microsoft) will be available in all major browsers, it'll facilitate paying with XRP.

-The supply is fixed
-Unlike Bitcoin, there's no inflation. Bitcoin uses PoW which relies on inflation and/or high fees. Bitcoin requires $18M of net new $ flowing in just to maintain the price!!

-Unlike Bitcoin, double-spending isn't possible. Bitmain (a Chinese company) can rollback Bitcoin's chain and bunkrupt the whole ecosystem.
-An attack could only stop new transactions temporarily. Participants would simply remove bad participants from their list

-Each participant can run a validator and use his own list of validators.
-validators role is to agree on an order for new transactions
-10s of reputable public & private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Bahnhof,..)
-Consensus for the order of new transactions requires a supermajority of 80%

-XRP is a revenue source for Ripple Labs. This aligns its incentives with XRP hodlers. It uses the revenue to improve the tech and expand XRP's marketshare.
-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches on the network. Only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. XRP is sold only to long term investors (i.e., they can't dump)