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File: 20 KB, 480x433, wallets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7452566 No.7452566 [Reply] [Original]

OK, so I'm an idiot and keep way too much crypto on exchanges. I used to JUSTify it because I was afraid I would have a hard drive go bad and all my internet money would vanish. But now with shitgrail and byenance i've decided to keep all my internet monehs locally. Is there a hardware wallet that can accept ALL coin types? If not, what is the best strategy?

>> No.7452574

I hate black people

>> No.7452584

well i want a wallet that accepts NGR

>> No.7452608

We have to defend the white race

>> No.7452621

that's why i need it locked up in my wallet

>> No.7452641

We must make America white again

>> No.7452701
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gimme wallet deets

>> No.7452723

>I used to JUSTify it because I was afraid I would have a hard drive go bad and all my internet money would vanish.

ITT: brainlet who thinks the coins are literally stored inside the wallet.

>> No.7452743
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i understand the concept of paper wallets and private keys faggot, im just asking for an easy way to manage this shit

>> No.7452779

fuckwit get a ledger nano or trezor

>> No.7452802

You're fucking retarded and no, yo uh do not understand. Just write down the seed on a piece of paper you fuck and place it in two different secure places.

>> No.7452810

from what i understand you can't use those for all currencies xrb/nano for example

>> No.7452822

ERC20 tokens can all go into an ethereum wallet. All other coins need their own specific wallets. Or just >>7452779

>> No.7452887

so basically there is no hardware wallet that does everything like monero and nano so paper wallets are the best way to go - i just fucking hate downloading entire blockchains and dont want to use a web wallet - but i guess that's basically what ledger is in a way