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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 873x783, binance-coverup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7449769 No.7449769 [Reply] [Original]

No bullshit, no drama, no fake post screenshots. Just know these 2 things from this are fact no matter whats going on or what happens.

1. Binance has a shit technology infrastructure with inadequate disaster recovery (who knows how bad security is). If this can happen to their (supposed) replation it can happen in the production environment.

2. Check the image. You cannot trust Binance to tell you about issues they deem unfavorable to them. They will try to lie to you. How can you trust them with a future economy?

>> No.7449802

Bitconnect 2.0 Chinese Monsoon.

>> No.7449826

damnit i knew i shoulda withdrew the rest of my shit last night. i was so close, good thing i got most of it out

>> No.7449828
File: 156 KB, 1080x744, 1518071304382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sickening what is going on a Binance. If it doesn't give you a bad feeling in your guts then you're not paying attention.

>> No.7449850
File: 454 KB, 1662x1178, Screenshot 2018-02-07 23.06.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7449861

Obviously fake and retarded.

>> No.7449867

Not gonna lie, there was a call to remove all your money off the exchanges since last week going over the weekend. Yet since anon didn't elaborate, it mostly got ignored.

After now realizing Tuesdays announcement, I am thinking the worst scenario, all our data may be forwarded to uncle sam. Mainly targetting US ip'/US registrants. Though nothing may happen and it'll be back to business tomorrow I don't doubt that they will have records up to yesterday of US residents. Looking back at what the IRS issue awhile back, this should have been the first red flag to everyone.

>> No.7449872
File: 75 KB, 1280x853, IMG_0333-1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They simply need to go find Kim Jong-Un and ask him to give it back.

>> No.7449886

Damnit this is real talk

>> No.7449887

we all just got fucking scammed, who wants to join me in hunting these thieving chinks

>> No.7449888


>tfw have a third of your stack on binance


>> No.7449897

No it's real, most of the other shit is bullshit though

>> No.7449908

Anon me too, thank fuck ihave fuck all left on there now thank fuck, only 200 link 170req and don't even want to say it but 53 appc

>> No.7449962


This is impossible. Why would the US do this sort of thing? Jesus Christ, I can see my balance on my phone but I can't withdraw.

>> No.7449963

Jesus christ, what a fucked attempt at garnering sympathy. Whats more is that he had to be told how long this would take. As if I wouldn't walk around 24/7 thinking about every possible fucking disaster scenario and how we were setup to mitigate it.

>> No.7449988

Really without citations this shit is worthless.

>> No.7450020

tl;dr about this situation?

>> No.7450039


>> No.7450070

Aaaaand its up again. Got me worried for a sec

>> No.7450071

Yeah he's a dumbass, I'm still bullish though. Once binance opens in like 8 hours there's gonna be a bum rush to buy btc and we'll be mooning like no other

>> No.7450086

I am presuming how the gov went about the first interaction with exchanges, they may only look/go after those above a certain dollar amt (20k? was the requested list they subpoenaed?), since its un-regulated, anyone with $10 could get into crypto.- so that may be some amnesty hopefully for the majority of those just doing it to get in first time. At the moment none of the ICO's are registered as securities so we also maybe lucky on that point, as how can we be taxed if its not recognized either. We are all throwing money at tulips.

>> No.7450095

lmao @ all these 6k cucks desperately trying to fud the market

>> No.7450109

Remember US can twist the arm when it needs to, why do you think the US is always giving out millions/billions in aid to almost every country. Leverage.

>> No.7450164


>> No.7450249

Holy shit Kucoin looks so much better from what I'm seeing so far. Probably switching over after this horseshit

>> No.7450407

kucoin has low as fuck trading volume, good luck with the shitty liquidity.

>> No.7450428

Fucking retards, we warned them it was too late and they still had to be the last men out the door

>> No.7450580

This board is infested with americucks. Who the fuck cares about your shitty country with its fucked up tax regime and its "freedom"

>> No.7450639

Where else can I exchange ether for ICX?

>> No.7450721

One of those things is true

>> No.7450759

Right, every fucking thread, Flavour of the month FUD, tax thread, legal situations are all to do with US mutts and dont affect the rest of us, yet the mongrels will attempt to make others feel bad to make up for the fact that they may as well not be in crypto.

Fucking amerimuttshartclappingmongrels

>> No.7450899

Insider here. The results of the chainlink testnet at comdex have been outstanding and leaked. First binance upped the transfer fee for LINK to accumulate and now has the site down so as they can trade off their BTC and take LINK positions. Buckle up.

>> No.7451118
File: 3.14 MB, 1334x750, heyheyheeyyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7451160


its called maintenance, holy fucking shit I have $3000 on there I dont give a fuck

>> No.7451329
File: 34 KB, 410x690, B509A272-B1A7-43CB-8CA0-D77E0689FB5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Sirs, since binance is about to exitscam, it’s time to use a more trustworthy exchange in the future. I present to you:


Pleas Sirs, stay save