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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7448300 No.7448300 [Reply] [Original]

>Coworkers keep making jokes about taking me out to a bar or party to get drunk and have a good time
>Told them I don't drink like an idiot and now they probably think I'm not only a virgin but also a momma's boy
>They make jokes about how I dress as if my mom bought my clothes for me
>Pretty much treated like a subhuman by my coworkers they do not respect or care about me, if I died they would be sad because there is no one to pick on
>Everytime I say something they either do a long pause like they dont understand me or say "Uh huh"
>Office girls treat me like im shit, dont even consider me as a human. Probably know im a virgin

How can I re-assert my dominance? Is there any going back after I established myself as a beta?

>> No.7448344

No need to assert dominance. Its better to be called a momma’s boy rather than have no mother at all.

Prioritize family over strangers making assumptions about your lifestyle and personality after knowing you for 5 months.

>> No.7448361

When you're rich, buy the company and shit on them.

>> No.7448365

My family treats me badly too though. I have no one really.

>> No.7448378

Nope. Unless you do it gradually over time so they dont notice the immediate change. You need to be more confident you fuck. Start going on long walks - alone. Start working out.

>> No.7448408

The only one who took your dominance from you was you with your pathetic mindset.

You dont drink, cool, own it, its your choice, you have your reasons, those reasons are valid to you. period.

You dress the way you want, you have a few options. You own it, you change it, or you bitch and cry about it and be a pussy ass victim.

They only dont respect you bc its obvious you dont respect yourself, you care way too much about what others think and dont have the balls to validate yourself

its cowardly

>> No.7448422

Already work out but dont really look great. My lifts are okay but body is nothing special, especially with clothes on.

>> No.7448430

Change your posture

>> No.7448448

Brandon what the fuck are you doing on /biz/

>> No.7448452

Next time surprise the shit out of them and go. Nurse a drink or two, it won't kill you. You don't need to go every time following but you may realize getting out once in a while is actually nice

>> No.7448493


You have me, OP. I love you man.

>> No.7448497
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You know you can go to a party, say "sorry I can't drink for medical reasons" and nobody cares right?

>> No.7448570


drinking has ruined my life

>> No.7448578

Yeah, just maintaining appearances and surprising everyone every couple weeks is the way to go.
Going out is shit though. Loud music, drunk normies talking about nothing for hours, expensive everything. It's a costly and unenjoyable investment.

>> No.7448581

I don't want to embarrass myself. I have never been to a bar and only a few times went to a party years ago.

>"What medical reasons, anon?"
>U-uh umm

>> No.7448584

fucking pathetic, having to tell a lie to make yourself appear better to others.

Just say you dont drink. Own your own shit people, this shit is fucking dumb

>> No.7448585

You need to learn to laugh at yourself, which means you need some confidence. You need to try things you could potentially fail at so you can get over failure. Working out will also help. Youre a biological being and working out will make you feel better.

By failure I mean two things, socially and mentally. Socially you just need to get out there. You are inexperienced with the skills necessary to understand what is going on in a social situation. The only way to get over this is through experience. Try stand up comedy, speed dating, or making a fool of yourself in public on purpose. Just get it over with and youll see.

For mental, study philosophy. You have a bad mindset and you need to challenge it in order to get out of it.

>> No.7448611

This isn't Dr. Phil go get fucked OP

>> No.7448619
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Oh I just own it personally, but OP is too much of a beta for that.

>> No.7448778

I love how everyone says working out as the first suggestion when it's done near nothing for me. Maybe bad genetics or I need steroids but it's not helping here.

What philosophy should I study? There is so many

>> No.7448795

Well ordering a drink at a bar is no harder than asking for something behind the counter at a convenience store. Nurse your drink or two while listening to the others talk. Chime in once in a while or answer questions. Go home. Easy

>> No.7448807

if youve been a little bitch your entire life and havent demonstrated confidence at least a little bit, then trying now will just be going against your nature

>> No.7448858

There's nothing wrong with not drinking.
I've been abstaining for 3 years now, it really changes your life.

>> No.7448865

What is a normal way to talk to people in such settings? I think I'm honestly too autistic because I fuck up even regular conversations all the time with bad jokes or whatever.

>> No.7448898

>medical reasons
lol this

I eat croissants/breads inside the store without even paying, when the security says wtf you doing I tell them I have diabetes. toplel

>> No.7449004

Don't try to run the conversation, mostly listen to whatever shit they're talking about and I guess how they're talking. If the topic turns to something you can comment on (thing that happened at work or something you know shit about) then speak up

>> No.7449061

How about you stop larping and fuck off?

>> No.7449083

Know you have something that the other people don't

>> No.7449105

casually tell them get fucked

>> No.7449147

I wish I could say it was a larp.

>> No.7449184

Just tell them you're om the spectrum. It works for me.

>> No.7449226

1) Stop being low self-esteem
2) Don't view everything as a personal attack
3) VALUE ADD - How are you making other people's live better?
4) Be an Alpha Male; Understand your core values and use these values to HELP other people

Remember the golden is to give rather than take.

>> No.7449228

Didn't you make this exact same thread hours ago about co-workers making fun of you being the next mass shooter?

>> No.7449267

it'll be okay op. You're not alone in your pain

>> No.7449294

Then be aman and kill them all.

>> No.7449304

Just say it is against your religion. They won't want to be racist.

>> No.7449339

That only works if you brown or black. If you're white you'll still be treated like a beta bitch. But OP is larping. See >>7449228

>> No.7449396

Normies don't like it when you tell them to fuck off like that

>> No.7449523

I think they care about you, bro. And they also feel sorry for you because you exude "I don't have fun" to them.

Let your guard down and go have fun.

someone 10 years older who didn't do this

>> No.7449554

Clean your room
Cut your hair
Lift some weights
And take control of your life

>> No.7449564

what's with the >>>/r9k/ spillover as of late? This is not the board to talk about your feelies you pathetic incel.

>> No.7449596

Why do you sound like an average pajeet?

>> No.7449639
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>cares what normies think of him
>probably bought btc at 19k

>> No.7449652
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>2012, 18 years old
>Never drink
>Friends and family always pestering me to drink and have fun
>Say no
>2014 they're still pestering me about it
>Decide to start cave and start drinking
>2018, 24 years old
>Family and friends stage an intervention because I drink too much

Never relent OP, it is impossible to please the normie scum.

>> No.7449672

mannnn, when you actually just chill out and start being yourself, and be a happy guy theyll like you.

if you look down and mad then they cant like you. simple as that

>> No.7449679

>"do you drink?"
>"nah I don't drink"
>"oh okay, no worries anon"
This board worries me

>> No.7449705

make crypto gains and leave them in the dirt

>> No.7449744

This has never happened to me and in instances I have seen.

>Do you drink?
>Nah, I don't drink
>Haha dude just try one
>C'mon Anon, c'mon
>Why aren't you drinking mate?
>You want me to get you a drink?
>Here, have a sip of mine

At every social event that has alcohol.

>> No.7449747
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Who cares if they think you're a virgin? If you really are, then you shouldn't be ashamed of it.
Literally nothing wrong with being a pure man. Tesla was a virgin and he changed the world.

God, what a bunch of faggots.

>> No.7449803

Your coworkers sound like low IQ trash people. Wake-up call for you anon, pursue a new career.

>> No.7449806
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stay more on on /biz/
enjoy the memes
lost the money more

>> No.7449820

Say "I don't drink anymore".

>> No.7449879

Eat more

>> No.7449884

>no one likes quitters, anon

>> No.7449891

75% in the kitchen

>> No.7450037

>falling for peer pressure
Just be confident you fag. If you really have friends that think you're wierd because you don't drink they're not your friends.

>> No.7450073
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take them out of your life
in work only do your job, no conversation not show interest on others
once you finish leave the place in silence and straight to home
your coworkers are uselessNPC in your life
if someone does something against you ignore and make a written report to HR

>> No.7450114

It's not friends who say this, you're right. Just the average person

>> No.7450153

the correct answer is, no, thankyou

the answer of why is i dont like it

if you do more explaining you open the window for them to delve into the matter

>> No.7450163
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>> No.7450336

I was about to call you a faggot but then i remember I was in the same situation.
Just try be rational about why your not drinking and don't be a buzzkill and I'm sure you'll be fine.
Just remind yourself that you don't give a shit about those people anyway.

>> No.7450415


>Called them idiots for doing something that's been socially acceptable for thousands of years

That's where you fucked up, kiddo

>> No.7450584

Yes anon, there is hope for you whether you take my advice or not.

My advice is to find a brazilian jiu jitsu school in your area and enroll - I'm not joking mate. You need to learn self confidence, how to set boundaries and to be in an encouraging masculine environment. You won't get that from a typical gym.

I'm dead serious dude. There's a reason so many people sing it's praises.

Also, watch Jocko Willink and Jordan Peterson - you need roll models and guidance on how to act like a man and how to earn your coworkers respect.

You should go out and get a beer with them too. Get a cold pint and a shot of whisky and then call it a night. You don't need to get smashed.

>> No.7450655

>be at party
>have enough to drink
>girl keeps trying to get me to drink more
>say no multiple times
>she pours me a cup and hands it to me
>i pretend to drink then pour it out in her face

Peer pressure is a meme

>> No.7450770

>make a written report to HR
Has this really ever worked in real life?

>> No.7450949

Dude you gotta relax. If you personally don't like the cloths you're wearing try to find a new style, but don't do that just cause people are talking shit. If they make fun of your shit maybe they're just being purely mean and in that case they're assholes but they're probably poking fun at you and you gotta just own it, say some funny shit. Be comfortable in your own skin. If you're not than figure out why and change it. Why aren't you comfortable saying that you don't drink? Why aren't you comfortable dressing how you dress? Is it cause people are making fun of you or is it cause you don't like these things either.

I grew out my hair and beard and I always got comments that I was basically a homeless guy of course this was just poking fun at me but I could've taken it two ways. That I really do look horrible and shit and feel bad, or I could be comfortable with it and really just own it, and continue on with the joke. Learn to laugh at yourself and try not to take life too seriously. I don't know what else to say.

>> No.7450957

hahaha fuck you sound like my coworker i pick on. btw made a mil in crypto

>> No.7451060

Buy 100k today and wait for a month, then female coworkers won't be able to keep their vaginal fluids inside every time they find themselves around your chad crypto gainz.

>> No.7451088

Good advice... If you want to be a lonely faggot.
No OP, you have to find common points of interests with your co-workers. Yes there are, do you really think you're unique?

>> No.7451323

It's because they're saying no with low self esteem. Never had trouble refusing drinks.

>> No.7451512

if your family and your colleagues all treat you badly maybe has something to do with you being so judgmental.

Who the fuck answers "I don't drink like an idiot" to a party invitation?

You sound like someone I would hate too.