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File: 63 KB, 831x814, bitfinex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7441445 No.7441445 [Reply] [Original]

Something fucking schetchy is going on with bitfinex. People are selling, but the numbers in orderbooks do not change. The sold tokens were not reduced from the current offers: This has happened multiple times during the day. I saw orders of 2-20BTC raining down at the highest big price, but nothing happened to the bids. Is the exchange buying bitcoins for itself, instead of letting the market valuation drop?

>> No.7441496

I'll tell this one time you little shit. Stop looking into this.

>> No.7441533
File: 72 KB, 615x820, 1517962239106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he knows
>shut everything down

>> No.7441534

basically every time you see this stagnant phase there were shitloads of trades but they were not affecting the order book bid not the market price.

>> No.7441557
File: 194 KB, 1208x961, limitmemes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop looking at the order book.
ive said this a millon times
you kids are in the wild west of trading and half don't even realise.
there are no rules. these exchanges can do whatever the fuck they want.
and so can the participants for that matter

>> No.7441636

bitfinex is a shady exchange i still can't figure out why anyone would choose them over binance, kucoin, or even bittrex.

they copy the order books from bittrex to make it seem like there's more volume.
That's why you can buy into an order that doesn't exist

>> No.7441647

An order that automatically refreshes when it's hit is called a crowd buyer/seller. It is a common algorithmic trading/market making technique used on equity exchanges to disguise the actual size of a buyer or seller so as not to discourage buyers or sellers from hitting their bid or lifting their offer. You are not allowed to act as crowd on NYSE but you can on Arca, Edgx, Bats, etc. When you see a bid/offer getting hit but the amount on bid/offer remaining unchanged you have found a crowd buyer/seller.

>> No.7441663

there are bots that create buy orders faster than the exchange updates them to your browser

the same thing happened on gdax when it was higher volume

>> No.7441715

yes op.. im not buying back until tether dies, bitfinex dies and btc crashes to $100

>> No.7441732

Its probably my bot making me bank

>> No.7441796
File: 1.81 MB, 400x400, 1500490386374.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone backtrace this guys IP
he knows too much
send the bogs

>> No.7441798

>there are no rules. these exchanges can do whatever the fuck they want.
Not according to the yesterdays us gov stream

>> No.7441848


>> No.7441870
File: 57 KB, 540x720, wdeE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can place INVISIBLE ORDERS on Bitfinex. Do you know what that means? HIDDEN ORDERS THAT DON'T APPEAR IN THE ORDERBOOK.


>> No.7442037

This right here.
Whales can actually hide their walls with invisible orders but they have to pay the taker fee if these orders get filled.

>> No.7442045

On Bibox, I’ve been watching JNT get bought and sold like motherfucking crazy on both sides, and the fucking coin price crawls. Fucking bots are giving volumes such a huge artificial volume boost. It’s makes holding the damn near only option. Trying to swing trade is fucking retarded against this.

>> No.7442084

please don't yell around that little pup, you'll needlessly frighten her.

>> No.7442089
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Nothing sketchy about that at all.

>> No.7442158

Volume, dude. I can sell $250k of Bitcoin at $8000 in 1 minute and then buy it all back at $7850 in 2 minutes.