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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7438924 No.7438924 [Reply] [Original]

alright biz I have no clue or idea what I'm even doing, I figure'd I'd ask you because well r9k although filled with crypto neets doesn't exactly specialize in this shit

I can use $50 off my godfathers credit card, literally nothing, but it's what I have and all I got, what should I invest in it with? I'm trying to save up exactly $8,000 as fast as possible so I can renew my U.S passport get out of this 3rd world shit hole get a job and sort myself out

I've been spending a lot of time recently on BHworld, should I get into IM? after opening a shit ton of tabs and crashing firefox like 4 times and spending 40 hours reading I've come to the conclusion that nobody has actually made money and everyone is just trying to either scam eachother or sell their service, none of which seems to be working for them

then we have crypto, although I'm literally gen Z I have no fucking clue about the inner workings of crypto and it's culture, and digital trading type activities in general, I just know that if you look at the squiggly lines and buy when it goes down then wait until it turns into a nice little mountain sell it and viola you make money

are there any other legit time tested proven investment opportunities out there? obviously with the whole bitconnect charade that has literally infest every corner of the internet by now I don't want to put this in some obscure ponzi bullshit

inb4 >>>/pol/-tier bitcoin crypto ponzi shit

>> No.7439014
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>one chance at asking for help on /biz/
>forget spoiler and fuck up board tag

>> No.7439066

lol kill yourself :_)

>> No.7439210



Turning $50 into $8000 is a pretty tall order anon - best thing to do is place it in some safe wins.

If I were you I'd sit on $50 of OMG and only check it monthly - some people have said it could go up 30000% - insane? Possibly - but so's been everything else.