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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7434710 No.7434710 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the deal with this coin? It’s been bleeding for a while. Bitcoin cash managed to gain traction and grab a significant share of Bitcoin’s market share. But ETC seems to have failed miserably. Should I cut my losses and dump?

>> No.7434753

wait till the devs decide they are going to re-fork to 'ethereum private' with zksnarks and airdop 1 ETHP to every ETC holder

>> No.7434810


>> No.7434856

sounds pretty stupid, right? Literally printing money out of thin air

>> No.7434889

>he's dumping before the callisto airdrop
literal brainlet

>> No.7434919

This coin has absolutely no point, if you know the history behind the fork.

>> No.7434949

Ah! The coveted calypso!

>> No.7434960

Yes anon but what does Callisto do anyway? Why will it be used at all? All I see is buzwords, promises and unfinished products. Pretty much the same mess as Cardano. Etc will drop pretty bady the moment Calisto is realeased

>> No.7434992

Pssst he doesn't need to know
Yes good strategy OP, buy high, sell low, always sell long-time bleeding but promising projects with good devs and incoming fork

>> No.7435034

> le promising long-term hold
Seriously what is the point of this coin other than being an ethereum fork? Isn’t it developed by the same team as Cardano?

>> No.7435361


ETH changes from proof of work to proof of stake soon while for ETC this will take some years. At that time miners who'll switch to ETC giving them huge support. Also ETC will become more valuable if applications are built on top of it (this will come soon especially since it is so familiar to ETH). Also the Castillo Airdrop is a reason to increase the ETC stack ATM. ETC has 3 separate development teams and is more community driven than ETH