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7424612 No.7424612 [Reply] [Original]

Payfair marines assemble!

>> No.7425093

1$/coin in March

Decentralized craigslist+ebay+localbitcoins

Good luck to those selling before product launch

>> No.7425241

Doubled my stack during this dip. Wish I had grabbed more at $0.06 though.

>> No.7425811

>thinking eBay for cryptocoins is worth anything

>> No.7425880

>FUDing cause he's trying to increase his stack.

>> No.7426246

Can honestly say I’m invested in better coins with actual futures
>hurrr everyone will want cryptocoins for their car so they can turn it to real money instead of just using eBay or craigslist to begin with
Do you even hear yourself?

>> No.7426367

I really like this coin, it's performed amazingly well for me since the crash. however telegram has some autists in it, but that probably just reinforces the work they're doing.

>> No.7426590

if crypto becomes widely adopted, then yes, it will be worth a fuck to. youd be able to pay in any damn crypto that you want and not have to convert to eth or btc every time you want to buy something

>> No.7426646

eBay Buyer Protection doesn't apply to the sale of digital goods so if you get scammed, too bad. At least Payfair has its escrow service which is hopefully less risky.

>> No.7426682
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2 PFR nodes checking in

>> No.7426758

Do you think anyone is going to go through all of this trouble for this and accrue a 3% fee on the transaction as well. There isn’t that many actual fiat scammed product sales that are going to make people run to payfair. Listen, I would love for this shit to be actually worth something, what is it ten cents USD a coin right now? The shit may top at .30 at the highest. There’s no practical use. You act like people are buying cars on eBay and craigslist enough to need this “secure” service. There’s too many options for buying shit safely.

>> No.7426785

Long time eBay member (1000+ feedback)

I love eBay because it’s easy but I fucking hate it because the 13% fees (eBay + PayPal)

It is a fucking rip off. This is why I invested in PFR. Because I know how shitty eBay can be and if you’re wondering if people will take crypto for their items, of course they will. I’d sell most items for crypto if I could.

>> No.7426824

Pay 3% with PFR or 13% with eBay/PayPal. Of course this is a while away but if it falls into fruition, people will kick themselves for selling early

You decide.

>> No.7426841

I've been selling on Ebay for 18 years. I will use PFR for sure. I already bought my trust node.

>> No.7426871

Same, I have over 600 rare books I sell regularely on ebay, I will move all of them to payfair. There will be enough supply, only question is if there will be enough demand.

>> No.7426999


No one's saying this is the next NEO, it fills a huge E-commerce niche of trust-less transactions

>> No.7427057

List some for crypto then. eBay has a higher fee than Payfair does (and let me repeat, does not support crypto or digital goods in general) and LocalBitcoins and its spinoffs, while good, are more limited.

As it is, you are coming off like you don't have much experience in using online marketplaces, and that since you're ignorant of the finer details, everyone will be too.

>> No.7427068

And pay the fees of transferring real money into crypto, there just isnt enough need for this man. If people really want to buy something huge that 13% will cost a lot of money they will seldomly buy it off of eBay lol. >>7426999

>> No.7427140

You’re a dope, you clearly are a NEET and don’t realize the majority of the world are not going to go into crypto just to use this service. It wouldn’t even benefit them. The only exception that this makes any sense are incredibly large ticket items like cars where people don’t want to pay 13% and even then they’re not going to go through the trouble to go get cryptocoins to trade just to do this. They’ll go to an actual dealership lol. You’re overvaluing the usefulness of this.

>> No.7427279

Shut up. You don't understand the project fully and are spreading misinformation with your ignorance.

This is needed. I invested in Payfair because I can't wait to use it.

If you don't see the huge hole this is filing then maybe you're not right for it. Try vechain or POWH.

>> No.7427376

if this is on-chain won't it be as shit as Etherdelta?

They need to use an offchain order book or PFR is just gonna be another normie filter

>> No.7427377
File: 102 KB, 680x638, IMG_2470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one responding to multiple people who've given you legit usecases for the platform in how it would be useful, as if we're all wrong and don't want an actual platform like this lol

LocalBitcoins has a pretty impressive volume for much more limited features, that tells me more than you acting like you speak for everyone.

>> No.7427453

Then enlighten me what I’m missing, you think people are going to trade shirts on payfair because they’re afraid they are gonna get scammed?>>7427377
I haven’t gotten one actual response except.
>hurrr eBay is expensive
>hurrr you can trade on payfair safely
No one is going through the trouble to trade small items or big items on this platform. It doesn’t make any sense and no one has given me one example of when it would make sense.

>> No.7427514

Why? I list my item. Buyer decides they want it. They click buy and Payfair starts the transfer. Buyer goes on with his day after he gets his e-mail stating "your order is processing." Transaction goes through "Congratulations AnonWhoIsntAnIdiot, your order was successful." I ship the item.

>> No.7427565

Okay finally someone who can speak, so give me an example of an item you might list

>> No.7427585

A lot of the stuff happens off chain. Watch the animation


>> No.7427604

you forgot the 5 other buyers who got a "this item has already been sold" message because an on-chain orderbook will be slow as shit.

Payfair will never work unless if they do the same as idex with their order book

>> No.7427630

I see Payfair being used to sell large amounts of crypto for FIAT safely. It's like local bitcons but safer and more diverse.


>> No.7427636

You're looking at it from the wrong point of view in the case of Ebay. Sure you get the protections, but you also get the cost savings. Trump T-shirt on Ebay $20 ($2.6 fee). Trump T-shirt on Payfair $19 ($.57 fee). Buyer sees cheaper price. Seller makes an extra dollar per sale. Everyone is happy.

>> No.7427675

What response are you expecting exactly? We disagree, you say people won't use the platform and I say they will. There's not much more to say since the platform isn't out yet lol. I have enough fiat myself and plan to sell my vidya for crypto, myself.

>> No.7427694

So now I see that you don’t really know how eBay works.

The seller pays 13%, the buyer pays nothing. This has always been a huge issue for sellers but they have basically been monopolized by eBay. You can go through Craigslist but it’s more difficult.

Every year I get taxed 13% from eBay and then I have to pay taxes to the fed/state again at the end of the year. It quickly becomes a steep hill.

That’s why real eBay sellers who delve into crypto. Know the significance of PFR and what they’re trying to accomplish

>> No.7427716

When have they said the platform itself would be on-chain? I don't think I've read that.

>> No.7427719

Right but this is my argument, this only works for people in crypto and those who actually want crypto for their item vs money. It’s a specialized service so it’s not going to be as big as people think. And that’s under the circumstance that the buyer would rather buy with crypto to save 2 dollars versus just going with eBay or Craig’s list or even going to the mall to get that item.

>> No.7427726

Never thought of that. I like the way you think.

>> No.7427764

It could literally be anything if we're talking about an eBay marketplace, but if we're talking about finding a niche use case then it could be as simple as selling a software product that is downloaded digitally. You pay. It goes into escrow. I send the key. I get my money. Now obviously you could choose to take the key without pushing the escrow through, but you'll never get your money back. I don't know if Payfair is planning a feedback system, but users will certainly want one. The buyer in this case gets negative feedback if he doesn't push through the escrow, and nobody will ever sell to him again. There's no reason to scam anyone other than just being a dickhead. Selling on Ebay always put you at risk of being scammed. The buyers are complete morons.

>> No.7427777

Shhhh. The prices are too low. Let's keep it secret so there are more buyers at 50 cents.

>> No.7427782

Right. So you’re going to have to find the person who is already in crypto, wants to buy the video game, wants to use this service instead of going to gamestop. All I’m saying is your userbase is limited. No one is going to think, hmm I really want resident evil, let me go check payfair!

>> No.7427793

I paid $5000 for my node. Patiently waiting.

>> No.7427795

fucking anything you retard. do you have no brain? ill sell you a fucking cup or a pen or my feces if you want it god damn

>> No.7427821

Yes but the great thing is you can sell your crypto for FIAT on the same platform. This is for everybody.

>> No.7427831

Right, this is an actual good point but again this is assuming people are going to go into crypto just to use this service. The buyers is what you actually need to buy in. With my example here.>>7427782

>> No.7427870

I agree to an extent, but sellers are the only ones who need to accept crypto. In the scenario I expect to see the buyer would just pay their $19 and the seller would receive an amount of Payfair currently equal to $19. The buyer doesn't have to understand crypto at all. If things end up in the way you're suggesting then I tend to agree with you. I'm betting on a user friendly final product.

>> No.7427879

Right, which is why buying on eBay is a last resort for most, doesn’t mean that anyone is going to turn to crypto and using this system to buy something they could get at a mall. I get your example is very different but you’re talking about a specialized product.

>> No.7427888

This. Selling on eBay is shit. Auctions always end with some autist bidding way too much and then never sending you a payment. There is no way to hold the buyer accountable for their dumb actions. It is purely on the seller to file an unpaid item case so they can relist it again. We need a new system. I hope Payfair is it or evolves into it.

>> No.7427913

>shhh keep it secret
>100000 payfair threads a day
Just stop>>7427795
Yes I am going to buy a fucking cup off of you versus going to the store you inbred retard.

>> No.7427937

I might just build it myself if they don't.

>> No.7427952

I mean ya I guess, again a very specialized service. I think people are looking at this like it’s going to be used widespread.

>> No.7428037

it was just an example but ill take the bait. if you can just go to the store then why do people still sell cups and shit on ebay eh? why not just go to the store, right? i think youre just trolling now lol

>> No.7428206

If GameStop is your automatic go-to for selling video games, mentally speaking, then this wasn't meant for you lol. Even more of a rip off than eBay.

It seems like you're perhaps closer to the mindset of a normie but I can tell you there are plenty of people who'd rather use platforms other than eBay, I made good money off of Glyde for example.

And I think cryptocurrency is going to stick around and you're only going to see more people who'd rather have an appreciating asset than cash.

>> No.7428385

Ya I think it may be useful but it won’t be as used as people think. There just isn’t enough reason to get into this to buy off of payfair. Literally any product you name I would probably use another method to get it.>>7428037
And people use eBay because most people are simpletons and would t understand using and/or buying crypto so they won’t use payfair you dolt
I’m talking more to the average person, obviously GameStop sucks as a seller but as a buyer most people aren’t going to get into cryptocurrency instead of going to gamestop to buy a used game for 7.99

You’re basically arguing with me that people are going to want violently fluctuating fake money than real money

>> No.7428512

I could honestly see the exchange/local bit coins function creating enough revenue to make the nodes worthwhile anyways though. This isn't necessarily a long term hold for me yet. It'll go up short term. I'm waiting to see the product before deciding on anything long term. Until then I'll just hold enough to have a node if I want one.

>> No.7428611

if nodes pay out in the coins used on the platform then won't I be stuck with 700 shitcoins that I can't cash out because they're worth less than the Gas it would cost to exchange them?

>> No.7428694

Valid point, but if the product is successful you just hold them until there is enough to sell. Also isn't the gas price supposed to go down significantly with the new Ethereum updates later this year?

>> No.7428844

Nobody can really say what crypto will be in the next 1-2 years.

If it becomes mass adopted then you wouldn’t need to get into crypto to use PFR because you would already be in it.

Your little brain isn’t thinking big enough

>> No.7428938

>You’re basically arguing with me that people are going to want violently fluctuating fake money than real money

Isn't that why we're in crypto in the first place? I believe in the technology and unironically think people will keep pouring in, yes.

>> No.7428962

Pfr is not only for products, but also for crypto to fiat and vice versa. It literally fixes the "can't cash out" meme

Want to buy a new game from some of your gains? Got to payfair and buy that game.
Just want to cash out a bit? Go to payfair and cash out for a lower fee than elsewhere.

>> No.7429476

This all it has to do is be the first place to enable cashing out easily and it wins at least for a while.

>> No.7429622

Why is it that Everytime someone explains payfair, it seems to pick up a new niche?

>> No.7429699

>hurrr no one knows what the crypto market will do
>this will be huge because people will use crypto
T. Brainlet
Yes exactly it’s a speculation, you’re trying to predict how many people in the world use crypto and how many that actually do use crypto are going to go through the trouble to use this service, if it even turns out to be a decent product based on their five second videos
Right I’m not saying it’s useless I’m just saying it’s not going to be as heavily used as you think it will.

>> No.7429757

Even if it's not heavily used, I would be totally fine with "only" 300$ per node per month

>> No.7429828

Do you know how much you need for an escrow node?

>> No.7429892

escrow node is 250$ worth in tokens, but payout is of course less.

>> No.7429987

Also payfair is developed by Russians and Donald Trump worked with the Russians and he president now so... pfr $100 by 2019? MAGA

>> No.7430030

It remains to be seen how much of a trouble using the service is, but since it's decentralized I doubt we'd be inundated with the usual KYC shit. I'm optimistic since the demo seems decent.

As for whether crypto continues climbing I'm personally not worried at all about that, and I assume many here think the same.

>> No.7430120

Honestly, even though there’s been like seven people arguing with me thinking I want this to fail, I don’t. I want this to succeed because it would be beneficial for crypto in general. I just don’t see it as something that is going to take off as many people think, hope it does. It’s like selling left handed Harry Potter puppets. You need a specialized NEET to want it and want to use it.

>> No.7430184

I doubt too it will take off much, but I will be already happy with 1$ and if it even reaches 10$, which I doubt, I will be millionaire kek

>> No.7430731

I cant remember how much I put in but I have 2750 tokens, that should be enough for an escrow right?

>> No.7430760

I think it bodes well if the relative FUD Payfair threads have is just rational debates from the skeptical and optimistic. My expectations aren't set extremely high, I'll be happy if this gets to $1.

>> No.7430869

Yeah, should be more than enough

>> No.7431009

Oh I’ve seen tons of actual fud
>no developers have blockchain experience
But I’m actually trying to have a real conversation with those who are believers in it

>> No.7431090

I kind of miss the Minereum scam poster.

>> No.7431135

>he didn't buy bitbay

>> No.7431246

Ya I think there were like ten of them

>> No.7431251

Why does that have such a high supply?

>> No.7431929

At least PFR has low supply

>> No.7432612

So how many nodes you guys holding?

>> No.7432704

Over 200

>> No.7433012
File: 81 KB, 1152x510, 6a2fa375-e436-4a6f-b366-2eb0233862ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$2 by end of march

>> No.7433686

I hope haha

>> No.7434141

Just two. I regret not selling and buying back in on the dip but oh well, I'm confident sub-$1 PFR will soon be a distant memory

>> No.7434158

>100000 payfair threads a day
>still under 10M market cap

lmao these newfags here on /biz/ wouldn't even recognize a gem if it hit them in the face

>> No.7434189

That's where REQ comes in to play ;)

>> No.7434208

reminds me of the antshares threads

elaborate please

>> No.7434220

Isn't this coin gonna get cucked by REQ?

>> No.7434323

Not necessarily. It would be useful for dodging the taxman in the same way selling something on Craigslist would be. I'm certain REQ would track every conversion you'd do.

There's also being able to sell goods for crypto directly, and vice versa.