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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 779x808, ARY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7424577 No.7424577 [Reply] [Original]

Hope you guys aren't missing out on this. Held up great during the crash and mooned like a motherfucker immediately after.

>> No.7424597

It mooned because of a pump n dump, but it surprisingly didn't dump all that much. Weird.

>> No.7424959


Anyone can pump this coin - it's literally 0.8 BTC away from a 40% price increase.

Great long term project, desperately needs a big announcement to increase the volume. Then it will be the easiest moon mission ever.

0.8 BTC from 40% price increase, and then it needs to jump over an 8 BTC wall to double in price ( 100% price increase ).

>> No.7424972

That's because a ton of people holding it (like me) realize that the company has a lot of potential, and aren't planning to sell. The problem they're trying to solve is a big one, and implementing their solution is possible literally this year.

>> No.7425004


Yeah, that's why it gives me girly giggles. They are already testing their solution with a delivery company which operates 15 trucks.

>> No.7425347
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>> No.7425962

too bad the trucking unions would never allow it. truckdrivers dont like change. they want to keep scamming the system.

>> No.7426067

yeah, better buy devery
oh wait

>> No.7426113

>pump n dump
>didn't dump

Hmm real headscratcher right there anons, maybe the coin is actually fucking worth something

>> No.7426194

ARY is great but I feel it has gone under the radar far too long. Needs some more marketing and shilling and it will moon.

>> No.7426357
File: 231 KB, 1350x601, blockchain_3pl_logistics_eld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You obviously have no idea how it is being a truck driver. They want to deliver as much shit as possible. They want to get the payment they're owed if the cargo isn't loaded in time. That's what Block Array does.

Secondly, the US recently passed a law saying that all trucks must have electronic logging devices installed. So there will be no scamming, regardless.

The ELD law is one of the main reasons I invested in ARY.

>> No.7426444

Ugh, it was literally a PnD group on BIZ targeting ARY yesterday. I'm holding a grip of ARY, but this shit-tier shilling isn't going to get us off the ground.

>> No.7426488
File: 209 KB, 948x856, whales2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it surprisingly didn't dump all that much.
not even whales would sell this low
the majority of the trucking industry is with small companies

plus the US govt is on track to make it mandatory by 2019 anyway

>> No.7426494

Check deez trips n green ID. ARY's gonna moon.

>> No.7426511

who cares, we will be $10 end of year anyway

>> No.7426643

>Held up great during the crash
>went under ICO

>> No.7426693

>0.8 BTC
Is the volume really that low?

>> No.7426732

wasnt this a confirmed scam?Their logo een was fount on free icon sites

>> No.7426747

It's going to be mandatory in the US by december 2019 you fucking idiot

>> No.7426763

poorfag cant type with broken ass laptop

>> No.7426770


>No value of token
>Company has lost $4 million since ICO

Good luck faggots

>> No.7426774

fuck this coin

why the hell didn't i sell when i was up almost 4x a day after the ico


>> No.7426786
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>logo FUD

>> No.7426850

$10 is my target as well, just accumulated 10,000 during the dip. I'm surprised nobody here has not mentioned that ARY is a member of the trucking blockchain Alliance which UPS and FedEx are members of. It's not what you know it's who you know. This coin gives me the same vibe that WTC and VEN did <$1. Plus an 88M total supply means it'll go parabolic quickly

>> No.7426933

weak fud
also company has lost nothing, do u retard think the marketcap represents the actual companies worth? or better, the funds?
either weak fudder or still in highschool

>> No.7427150

Sam is also in talks with US Xpress and used to work at Amazon, he could go visit his old office and ask if his boss would like to save some money

Sam also hired 3 more devs. A 5 dev team is more than enough to deliver on the product, so I can rest easy knowing that within a year I will be rich.

>> No.7427324
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another cool fact is Sam plans to spread his bushiness overseas after it has success in the US. literally cannot find an easier long term 10000x

also us ARYfags to Shill Sam to e-mail IBM to ask to partner with them so we get the XLM treatment

>> No.7427439

how much ary do you have

>> No.7427459
File: 18 KB, 260x256, 1517894584365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ARY and IBM partnership
Oh fuck that actuallt makes sense IBM blockchain initiative doesnt include a logistic based blockchain.EVERYBODY IN THE TELEGRAM SPAM SAM SO THAT HE CONTACTS IBM

>> No.7427552



>> No.7427634


The token was for fundraising only and has no utility value. Even if they ever did deal with a big box store the store would never agree to use an ERC20 to transact. DYOR. And the team is spending hundreds of ETH now rather than when ETH was 60% higher. Good luck and I hope you make it.

>> No.7427717

Not in sats it didn't you dumb fuck

>> No.7427757

>buying muslim coin
no thank you!

>> No.7427775

ARY is used as a license to use the ARY network, they also plan on using this past just the trucking industry, they just wanted to start small

>And the team is spending hundreds of ETH now rather than when ETH was 60% higher.
no they are not, they are taking small amounts out at a time as a bet that ETH will continue to rise.

>> No.7427830


>> No.7427855

nearly 99% of all tokens are for fundraising to begin with
it has utility value and will become more so (DYOR), most of it is simply not revealed as of now because of unclear legal positions of burgerland
ary system will be chain agnostic
the "team" converted most of it to cash asap
i hope none of you brainlets actually believe that any sane company would keep their funds in internetfunnymoneytokens?
nearly made it, but need more
to sum things up, this lets me sleep really well
ofc no all in, but you should'nt do that anyway

>> No.7427938

Sam believes in ETH so he left some in ETH if I remember correctly
this, we would unironically hit the moon @ $100 ARY by next year if this happened

>> No.7427975

maybe a small portion
in no way a big amount, this guy knows the drill

>> No.7427989

Also since IBM and ARY is US based they would be likely to work with ARY as long as it has a good product (we'll see at the end of the pilot study)

this could be huge boys

>> No.7428026

we need to convince Sam to contact IBM's blockchain initiative guys. Unironically.

>> No.7428096

u think?
i think they will rather give some obscure chinese money laundering operations the benefit of doubt, because they have all the memes and dreamy whitepapers
don't waste this on /biz

>> No.7428133
File: 116 KB, 974x971, IMG_6873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't dump that much
>-50% ico price

>> No.7428184

>does'nt know how dollar value and sats value are measured
>only buys high and sells low
won't make it

>> No.7428189

We need to convince Sam to contact IBM, I've seen how IBM acts on their AMA's and you can see they are really trying to pilot blockchain by their commercials they air on TV and by their partnership with XLM and attempted partnership with DION

If Sam can convince IBM to give ARY a chance we will be huge.

>> No.7428310

guy knows the drill
either he contacted them before, or he will as his personal roadmap says so
no worries about that guy, does'nt need help from telegram and /biz

>> No.7428330

Yawn. They can also be used to buy GS1 barcodes once implemented. Actual token use. Congrats on playing yourself.

>> No.7428390

>personal roadmap says so
oh frugg really?

I was saying we need to just implant the thought for him, IBM is super friendly to US based blockchain projects

>> No.7428460

Y'all think that if crypto resumes the bear trend (not asking if it will or won't, don't care) that ARY could move back down as well? Missed $0.12 the other day. Deposit finally came in. Would be happy with $0.13 or even $0.14. Tryna DCA my $0.22 ICO price lol

>> No.7428514
File: 81 KB, 956x420, jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have until the pilot study gets published for you to buy in

>> No.7428566

holy fucking reading comprehension, I just said I'm trying to DCA my ICO price. Obviously that means I bought during the ICO crowdsale. Fucking A the state of this board.

>> No.7428586

you just have no idea
like i said, there comes more
but you won, i get no money for spoonfeeding you
and my bags are light as a feather

>> No.7428587

yes and Im saying you have until the pilot study to DCA

>> No.7428681

ah, my bad. i was the reading comprehension retard all along. it's not too far off from ICO price at the moment, but the rising market might make DCAing unfeasible soon.

wtf are you even saying. learn english.

>> No.7428783

the bear market obviously would not continue Altcoins have too much progress coming through the door
>buh muh blockchain is unprotfitable!
Elon musk isn't profitable yet he gets tons of investment

>> No.7428831

What do you mean by DCA? I went all in on the ICO but I feel if I tried to increase my stack i'd probably fuck up knowing myself so I'm just playing it safe.

>> No.7428841

>Even if they ever did deal with a big box store

Get a load of this guy. Whaaaat the fuuuuuck are you talking about? ARY is for the trucking industry, it has fuck-all to do with retail stores. Are you drunk?

>> No.7428921

ARY also wants to expand to the whole logistic industry, read the whitepaper and code

>> No.7429303

Haven't heard about this but damn! I'm impressed! The trucking system needs a fucking overhaul. It's inefficient as fuck. I could definitely see this coin mooning. Will buy. Thank y'all for the advice. Y'all recommend a particular exchange for this shit?

>> No.7429333

Etherdelta is currently the cheapest according to CMC

>> No.7429413

there's a 380 ETH buywall on kucoin thats why

>> No.7429540

Damn! Glad I bought up last night at .14c - I wonder who's propping it up?

>> No.7429574
File: 173 KB, 1908x901, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit get a load of this buy wall.

>> No.7429652
File: 179 KB, 948x856, wA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whales are accumulating, look at all the selling in the wall, it's not a PnD

he's sucking away all the kucoin competition faggots

>> No.7430381

Biz... all the positive comments in here are bagholders shilling it. This shit was less than half ICO price and is still below ICO DYOR.

>> No.7430549

still could be a good quick flip though....sell right before the bag holders to avoid being one

>> No.7430604
File: 58 KB, 645x729, 1512223393848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe if you didn't notice the market's been crashing for the past weeks and now it's finally recovering, including this coin.

>> No.7430781

See >>7430604
...and try doing some puzzles or crosswords or something to exercise that tiny brain of yours. Wew.

>> No.7430878
File: 8 KB, 250x230, 1517768998511s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy SHIT!!!! Look at the buy wall on Kucoin!!! 200 ETH!!!! Out of nowhere!!!

>> No.7430921

I was thinking about getting into ARY after researching today. I'd like to get in between .12 and .15 hoping for another dip.

What news is coming for ARY that will make it moon? Pilot study?

Fuck if this was released in a bull market it would have blown up.

>> No.7430940

dont fucking buy this shitcoin

>> No.7430954

Lol you should've been here after the ICO. Two weeks of non-stop ARY FUD. But don't buy, biz. It's up 4 cents since this thread started, and I'm tryna get this cheap

>> No.7430977

I'm not on the telegram, but the BiTA symposium is in May, which ARY is a member of and will probably be attending. I'm expecting they'll have some sort of news right before then - now is a good time to accumulate

>> No.7431008

Lmao fuck, guess we're buying the ARY/BTC pair on Kucoin instead

>> No.7431020

it was 350 eth 30 minutes ago lol this shit dumps like crazy

>> No.7431036

>Hope you guys aren't missing out on this.
hope you aren't missing out on ass cancer, shill fag

>> No.7431056

In March he's attending a conference with a possible (at the moment) demo slot

He hinted at working with some universities as well

>> No.7431060

>>Held up great during the crash
this shit went down like 80%(from 37 cents to 11) and traded under presale price for like 2 days bruh

>> No.7431209
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>he doesn't measure his prices in sats
filthy casual

>> No.7431278

yea it traded under presale eth price for a while still trash and the shill lied like a jew pig.

>> No.7431419

They already have electronic logging devices

>> No.7431566

i wish it dumped like crazy. i have sideline cash waiting for that sweet $0.14 again.

>> No.7431963
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where did Sam touch you? You can be honest with us.
Did he fuck your bitch?