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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7423979 No.7423979 [Reply] [Original]

Get in before the end of Feb or you will regret it!
Jibronis get in here NOW!!!!

>> No.7424029

What happens? Already holding 200k JNT but not following the project rn, because until Q3 of this year i don't even consider selling.

>> No.7424030
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>Get in before the end of Feb or you will regret it!

>> No.7424147
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What happens is you either have none, more or less JNT, and the price either goes higher or lower than it is now.

>> No.7424210

is this true??

>> No.7424227

But with a confirmed 20T in 2020 mcap, the only way is Up Up and away. Even tether will moon

>> No.7424240

can somebody please explain this pepe meme?

>> No.7424427

huge partnership

>> No.7424562

Would you mind terribly shutting the fuck up old chap? I was waiting for my other coins to recover a bit before finishing off stocking up on this and I would like to get it under 60 cents if possible. Thanks awfully you mouth-breathing cunt.

>> No.7424605

circ supply ?

>> No.7424614

>being this new

>> No.7424656

wow... thanks. I just don't know the origin of the plush pepe

>> No.7424675

it's going to stay around .60 for a month at least.

>> No.7424759

Not if twats like you keep stirring up the plebs by drawing attention to it. I doubt we'll see 60 again after next week when the Maktoum family press release comes out.

>> No.7424851

Hopefully we will see a dip when it hits KuCoin.

>> No.7424952

lol guys, please stop talking about this while its only 60 cents, longer its under the radar, more we can accumulate!

>> No.7424961

> new exchange
> dip


>> No.7424969
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Jibroni. Check out what Talal said in telegram couple days ago. We are gonna make it.

It’s only 2x ico price, down from 4x a few days ago. This is the dip

>> No.7424973

lol no coin has ever pumped after reaching an exchange

>> No.7424981

I said hopefully nigger get off my back

>> No.7425032

tbf whilst I actually would like you to stop shilling just so we can accumulate more I think it will rise to about $1 by the end of the month with the al maktoum press release and KuCoin listing.

Then after that we will see Binance and another of the B's

>> No.7425771 [DELETED] 

getting a dip right now you retards

>> No.7425821


>> No.7425859 [DELETED] 

making a dip, i mean

>> No.7425892

get ready to get in in about 2 hours you nigger, it's falling now

>> No.7425901

the hype in the last jibrel thread was off the charts delusional. you faggots were in there saying a single JNT will likely allow you to retire at some point in the next decade.

>> No.7425941

some fag even said he wouldn't be surprised if the creators of Jibrel were eventually the richest people on earth... what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7425964
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this is the new chainlink, makes me not want to go near it

>> No.7425971

wtf nobody ever said that

>> No.7426014

wait i need to confirm this with some sick TA... yes, it'll go up or down!

>> No.7426016


>> No.7426059

god dammit it didn't link... anyways the direct quote is:

If this gets adopted, 1 token will be enough to retire on.

>I'm not even fucking joking. People would have laughed at you if you said bitcoin would be worth $20,000. This can easily do 100X of what bitcoin ever does.

>fiat backing
>dao reserves
>jnt getting burned when assets are tokenize

>The more assets that get tokenized, the smaller the supply gets. It's literally designed to moon. And the beauty is that the normans will never touch JNT itself, they get digital dollars.

>I won't be surprised at all if the dev team end up being the richest people on earth in a few years.

>> No.7426074

While this is delusional beyond belief, Jibrel is one of the most promising projects right now. It pretty much allows institions to get their assets into blockchain. And the price of JNT will increase naturally over time. In my opinion we're looking at $1 EOM and $10 EOY. Beyond that who knows? Might even go to $100 if it gets adopted, but in the meantime something else might come out. Buying now will give you least x10 in a few months if the market doesn't go to shit.

>> No.7426078

Oh look it's this PND shill thread again. As if all day yesterday wasn't enough. No one is buying your shit coin you street shitting faggots.

>> No.7426092

i'm more interested in it long term i.e. what could it be in 2020

>> No.7426094

It was indeed said by some Anon and I think it's easy to get carried away with hopes and expectations but at the same time, don't expect too much or you will get your dreams crushed when reality hits.

I think most of us acknowledge the potential of JNT and have high hopes but again, lets keep it realistic and await further information towards the middle of February regarding the partnership with Al-Maktoum. This will more or less be a sleeper anyway until Q3 when they get their banking license.

>> No.7426147

so what's the move? i might just toss 5-6K at this and forget about it for a few years. i'd like to get about 10K tokens ultimately

>> No.7426186

lol no you're not. You know damn well we know this is a shit coin.

>> No.7426255

absolutely nigger-tier fud. that's how i know this is a legit coin, no one can even remotely fud it on a technical level.

>> No.7426333

If they manage to tokenize a over 10B+ in assets, people might actually be able to retire on this.

Token economics are unparalleled.

>> No.7426343

you fucking idiot, this is the most shilled coin of the week by paid pnd groups. Are you this new? Is this babys first time on this board? Go ahead and get wrecked. This coin will never be worth more than a dollar. It's Pajeet street from here.

>> No.7426352

gtfo you fucking nigger ass faggot piece of pajeet shit, stop entering our threads if you don't like this and mind your own fucking bussiness
stay poorer than us

>> No.7426416

Depends on what you want. It's barely 2x ICO price atm so it's not a particularely bad time to invest. At the same time, you might catch a dip depending on how the market swings. However, if the announcement in the middle of February regarding the Al-Maktoum family is positive I would expect an increase in price, so buying now is definately not a bad choice.

That said, not much is going to happen with this project until Q3 when they get their banking license. It might be a smart idea to get in early in order to get a good price for future gains but at the same time you might invest those money in another short-term coin, make some cash and then re-invest the profit in JNT at a future date. Up to you.

As for other coins, I'm really bullish on Ambrosus (AMBER), they look poised disrupt the supply-chain industry with their fantastic innovations. It's not relevant to this thread but I'm excited about it so I'll post it anyway, here is a good paper talking about it if you are interested.

>> No.7426432

justify your claim with proof, otherwise shut the fuck up
did you actually read the old bitcoin thread of yesterday which i linked? Fudding won't get you anywhere

>> No.7426449


10k tokens *might* be worth 1 million dollars in 2020. MIGHT. If adoption comes.

I hold around 300k JNT by the way and also have no intention of selling. That's likely enough for me to be a multimillionaire by EOY.

>> No.7426454
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>gets btfo when anons point out no one can fud jibrel from a tech angle
>doubles down

>> No.7426479


Mate, if you like AMB take a look at the TE-FOOD ICO happening in two weeks. Seriously, just check it.

>> No.7426523

Cheers, will do.

>> No.7426634

aww whats a matter baby's pnd scheme not working out? You curry shitting pajeet.

>> No.7426728

well i'm looking for something super long term with high potential and this looks like it fits the bill. other stuff i'm looking at involves AI. i'm not really interested in getting fast money as i have a nice 500K windfall coming this year, a percentage of which i'll put into stuff like eth/neo. then i'll live off the rest and just wait for 5 years or so. should be set for life unless the market totally goes under.

>> No.7426762
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Could you explain me how it will be worth anything when they don't even have a marketcap (not fudding, out of curiosity) something regarding tokens b eing recycled? Care to explain?

>> No.7426795


You are embarrassing yourself by the way. Just to let you know. Everyone is laughing at you. Please get off this board and re-evaluate your life.

>> No.7426842

AY Jibroni did you not see my post above? Talal confirmed that Jibrel isn’t also a bank the unbanked initiative, you’ll be able to send jCash through SMS.

So we are now talking institucional adoption as well as everyday adoption.

What’s up what’s up!!!!!!

>> No.7426868


>> No.7426875


>> No.7426943

>Calls it a pump and dump while it's only 2x ico price and everyone is saying this is a coin for long term
>Doesn't know the definition of pump and dump

You can't even fud this correctly ahahahahahaha. I really hope this moons and you have to buy it at a higher price looooooool

>> No.7426960

>implying pajeet feelings matter

Do you know that everyone here can see through your PND right? Like you're fooling no one. kys

>> No.7427086


In short, there will be a DAO that acts as the on-chain presence of the Jibrel bank. Assets can be tokenized by private investors and institutions. This tokenization of real assets means that there will be tokens on the blockchain, and something needs to guarantee the value of the these tokens is equal to the value of the tokenized assets.

The Jibrel bank will thus have outstanding on-chain liabilities which they need to cover by holding JNT, as the token acts as "proof of solvency". So let's say Jibrel has 100 million in on-chain liabilities, then the DAO needs to hold that value in JNT. If JNT is worth 5 dollars, the DAO needs to hold 20 million JNT. As adoption grows, so will the value of the on-chain liabilities, because more and more assets on the chain will need to be backed by it. So the DAO will have to hold more JNT, or the price of JNT needs to go up to guarantee the backing, both of which are things that holders benefit from.

Therefore, JNT's value is inherently tied to adoption of the project and not just speculation. The more people tokenize assets, the higher the liabilities and the higher the buy pressure from the DAO. Hope that explains it.

One last thing: This also makes JNT resilient to crypto market performance in both ways, as the DAO will buy/sell JNT as it drops/increases in value to ensure they hold exactly enough to match liabilities.

>> No.7427144

>''get in on the coin so I can dump these bags''

>> No.7427148


What? You have literally until June to buy this coin. It's a long term hold, but one of the most legitimate. This has been the argument for a long time. Though arguably it might be a better buy now than it will be in a month due to some announcements and listings coming that will permanently fix this coin above a dollar.

>> No.7427186

I'm a poorfag who only recently got into crypto so you should probably take my advice with a pinch of salt, I only have about 3500 dollars invested at the moment split between JNT and CoinMetro.

That said, if this project goes according to plan and they achieve their goals (which I think they will) then expect a lot of institutional money to pour in, first from the UAE (concentrated on Dubai) and then the rest of the world. This will of course send the JNT price skyrocketing, as with these countries we are probably looking at countless bilions of dollars.

Check out some of their interviews and presentations, especially the event they hosted in South Korea recently. They are really smart people who know what they are talking about and the presence of Don Taperscott only strengthens my faith in the team. But don't just take my word for it, take a look for yourself.

TE-FOOD looks phenomonal, just signed up for the token sale, thanks for telling me about it.

>> No.7427263

I'm only a level 60k jibrony. Will I even make it?

>> No.7427385

You need to inovate on your fud. Pump and dump is for short term, everyone is talking about long term (1-2 years). No one is pumping this to dump it; It's not a shitcoin and you know it. If you weren't an idiot you would find better points to fud this on.

>Muh pump and dump discord organized Illuminati shill coin

Pls what discord is that? Link it to me, I'll be happy to know if one exists

Pls innovate on fud, I need something better

>> No.7427444 [DELETED] 

what exchange do you guys recommend and why?
bibox or gate?

>> No.7427463

Glad I could help!

I'm an AMB fan, but I honestly like TE even more because of their existing business relations.

>> No.7427510

Ahhhhhh too much pajeet going on

>> No.7427735

thanks anon for the explication. So you are saying it could moon through the roof?

>> No.7427849

Another PnD of the week I see. You disgusting shit smearing fgts. This is the kinda bs that gives crypto a bad name and gives governments the excuse they need to regulate.

>> No.7427972


>> No.7428279

Yes, lambos moons and countless virgins await in the promised land!

No but seriously though, it all depends on whether the project lives up to expectations or not. The potential is huge though.

>> No.7428557
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you should kill yourself

but before you should read this newfag

>> No.7428884

You should have some at least in case it never dips. So far its looking like a super performer

>> No.7428986

can someone explain to me what "tokenizing" an asset is? let's say i have $100K usd. how do i tokenize it with Jibrel?

>> No.7429006

AXP does the exact same thing but is much lower market cap.

>> No.7429255

I recommend you read this, it explains everything rather clearly and will most likely answer all your questions. Otherwise, just come back here and we can try to answer you as best we can.


>> No.7429311

>axp is a better coin than jnt

>> No.7429313


>> No.7429447

what is actually the purpose of jcash if they will require full KYC to buy it?
I don't see the point, you may as well go into fiat temporarily and keep it on the exchange

>> No.7429487

KYC Forbes institutions and investors tokenizing their assets, not people looking to hedge with jCash within crypto is my understanding.

>> No.7429504

There is also an option that I have same amount of JNT as now. And price might be same too which is unlikely, but your analysis has flaws.

>> No.7429638

are you sure we will be able to anonymously buy jsud etc?

>> No.7429820

Can't be right all the time I guess. Jokes aside, I think the main thing is that they're announcing news about the Al-Maktoum family as >>7426416

>> No.7429992

jesus christ, does non of you faggots actually read the whitepaper
and if, tries to understand it?
yes, this is a good project
but no, the worth of jnt DOES NOT grow the same amount the DAO will incorporate assets
not every incorporated asset will be a on-chain liability
so when the sandniggerprince decides to let the dao handle 1bil of his assets, this DOES NOT automatically mean that the jnt marketcap will grow 1bil
u fucking idiots make me really sad sometimes

>> No.7430029

No you won't, to buy jCash they need to know who you are.

I think you have a misunderstand though. Was he's saying is jUSD, jEUR, jKRW is only for institutions and investors (imagine banks or rich people). They are the ones that cannot be anonymous.

To hedge your funds, similar to tether, you would only need to buy JNT.

>> No.7430068

Just to be clear about the support of the Al-Maktoum family, as quoted from Reddit:

"Correct. We intend to release full details of the partnership mid / end of February.

But to add clarity, the contractual agreement / partnership is with SEED Group - a venture aimed at bringing the latest innovative technologies to the United Arab Emirates - led by the private office of Sheikh Saeed Bin Ahmed Al Maktoum.

Hope that helps!"

So AFAIK, it's not a direct relationship with the Al-Maktoum family itself but rather a partnership with a company associated with them. I would assume it's a part of their bigger Smart Dubai 2021 vision.

>> No.7430089

never said that, also both dont have platforms so...

>> No.7430098

Yes it does

>> No.7430143

why do you keep shilling this?

why would you even want to dump your bags?

you buy at .00096 or something?


this is one of my most confident holds but these shitposts are making me doubt things. Literally nothing good is ever shilled or, and everything shilled is done so for selfish reasons.

>> No.7430209

how is jnt a hedge to anything if it's not a stable coin?

>> No.7430261

That is false though, when someone tokenizes an off-chain asset valued at one billion, the JNT DAO is forced to retain one billion worth of JNT in the system as proof-of-solvency.

One of the co-founders responded to this on Telegram yesterday I think, does anyone have a screencap of it perhaps?

>> No.7430346

no it does not mean that
one of the founders explained that very good on the Telegram yesterday, but obviously u brainlets only hear what u want to hear
the dao is only forced to do that if it becomes a on-chain liability

>> No.7430374
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>tfw didn't buy into the Jibrel ICO because I thought the name sounded fucking dumb

Oh well, at least I got in at 4x the ICO price.

>> No.7430396
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>> No.7430477

...so basically you bought at ATH instead of waiting for the dip? You'll probably make some profits, but why the fuck do you people keep doing this?

>> No.7430497

first >>7430346

u don't really can think it works the way you assume? the price would already have saturned, the whole asian community knows this coin, this is no "secret 4chan gem"
don't get me wrong, this is a good project, but you wont buy 10k now and be a billionaire 2019/20
you just don't understand the project because you did'nt read the whitepaper and only hear what you want to hear

>> No.7430567

only the same amount as the ON-CHAIN liabilities
to incorporate the assets they can also become OFF-CHAIN liabilities which has nothing to do with the amount of jnt held by the dao
like i said, you don't understand this at all and only filter what you want to hear
just read the damn paper for fucks sake

>> No.7430613

If you're so sure there's a dip coming, have you sold?

The only reason it went up from 0.4 to 0.6 was because BTC bounced back. After that it has been trading sideways rather than moon, so unless BTC crashes again, there's no indication of a dip coming.

>> No.7430671

the people fudding are either looking for entry or are just salty for buying ath, no other explanation

>> No.7430728

why would someone want to put their assets into their dao if not for tokenization?

and why would institutions want to give them real fiat for jfiat? what's the point?

the way I thought it was gonna work is
I give them btc, they sell it immediately for fiat and give me the amount of jusd the btc was worth at that moment (+ fees of course)

>> No.7430733

No, I have my JNT in a paper wallet and hold them for tax reasons. But I sure as hell wouldn't have bought in at almost $1. If you bought at the following dip at $0.75 I can't blame you, since the crypto crash came afterwards and you couldn't have known. But I wouldn't buy at ATH after a parabolic rise.

>> No.7430743

You didnt say hopefully you retarded fuck

>> No.7430794

just read the paper
read the paper

then you can ask some questions

the paper

>> No.7431054

If there will be 2 billion jUSD issued, those will count as on-chain liability, no? I read whitepaper, it wasn’t super clear on the purpose and potential valuation of JNT beyond it getting burned as gas

>> No.7431063

Even if it's just the on-chain assets that are reflected in the mcap, it's still significant.
I understand your point though

>> No.7431378

Yeah I'm with you there. I think this coin is being really overlooked and people aren't grasping the potential gains that this coin could bring. If all goes well, they could tokenize billions of dollars, very optimistically even a trillion. For whatever reason people seem to think this is only going to have a market cap of like $10-20b in like 3 years. I think there's no way it's that low if they're successful in what they want to do and crypto takes off, because they're going to be partnering with banks and other institutional money. $10-20b is fucking chump change when you're talking about banks. I say this easily has a MCAP of $100b in 2 years if they're successful. It doesn't even matter if the rest of the market takes a shit, this will have lots of money from institutional players, it doesn't need biz's autismbux to survive.

>> No.7431615

Literally the most influential man in crypto apart from vitalik is advisor and spoke at their conference.Also at this same conference arguably the 3rd most influential man, the binance boss spoke at it too,the man who is on the front cover of this months forbes.and this was jibrels own conference.You think the 2nd and 3rd most influential people speak at a conference of a coin that wasnt even released yet for no reason?Read between the lines brainlets.See vids below, was only 3 weeks



>> No.7431664

why is it still so cheap then? why isn't it skyrocketing with hype? i'm genuinely curious

>> No.7431807

its on exchanges that nobody is on.Has only been on them 3 days, and by their own admission they havnt kicked marketing etc in to gear yet.That happens this month with kucoin and likely binance and bitfinex.They said they were getting added to 2 of the 3 big B's.Also more news coming this month about partnerships etc.Already they have said they have added financially backed assets as testing currently and marketcap will soon be adjusted.

>> No.7431869

And it released right on the days of one of the worst crashes in crypto.Imagine bluzelle had released 5 days ago instead of today, it likely would have gone down and taken weeks to recover.Instead it released on big enthusiasm and mooned.

>> No.7432087

kucoin is confirmed feb 22-23 by an admin in telegram

>> No.7432124

well so its still hard to tell if I should buy now or wait for kuckcoin dump...

>> No.7432162

i think people wouldve have dumped by now since ico price 0.25

>> No.7432179

buy now, sell the news when the alleged news comes out. ALWAYS sell the news.

>> No.7432238
File: 66 KB, 800x532, 0BB902C7-CDA6-4A1B-A6C0-249DDB046310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit anon, are you actually retarded? jibrel was released in the middle of a crypto bloodbath with lots of heavyweight FUD about the end of crypto and yet gained in value and managed not to dump below ico price.

>> No.7432246

good point, but is there enough volume for whales from presale to dump?

>> No.7432331

so fucking what? noone said that it would also hold amounts equal to the off-chain liabilities. are you just trying to seem smart or what the fuck is your problem

>> No.7432489
File: 28 KB, 741x142, Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 1.02.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds to me like you're wrong. JNT is used to back value of CryDRs so they can be redeemed.

>> No.7432571
File: 23 KB, 686x82, Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 1.07.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furthermore, those tokenizing assets will be doing this:

>> No.7432589

The one that set aside 500,000,000 tokens for "general reserve"? Give me a break.

>> No.7432680

I bought 2k jnt and I'm waiting for BTC to dip again so I can get like 3k more but I'm starting to think I'm running out of time. 2k doesn't seem all that great when there's people out there with 100k jnt

>> No.7432756

u seem seriously underfucked mate,
got me ico bags and will hold them
but actually some people confused this and i tried to explain
i don't want /biz to ruin this
inb4 first sandniggerjntmeme tomorrow

>> No.7432771
File: 103 KB, 913x258, Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 1.11.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For users of Jibrel, this image has pretty clear information on how the process will work:

>> No.7433024

"This as a typical asset vs liability management situation.

CryDRs are on-chain liabilities. A jUSD in the possession of Kezmet is an on-chain liability (deposits in traditional banks are liabilities - at Jibrel we don't have any off-chain liabilities at the moment - hopefully once equiped with a banking license it will become possible).. For the sake of this explanation, please only consider CryDRs or on-chain liabilities (jCash being an example)

With Jibrel AG tokenizing a portion of funds raised, we need to have enough assets to cover our on-chain liabilities (CryDRs). We do this by ensuring the Jibrel DAO holds enough JNT to cover whatever CryDRs are in circulation (if we mint 1,000,000 jUSD, the Jibrel DAO needs to have 1,000,000 $ worth of JNT). As an additional safe-guard (1 to 1 backing), we also need to have 1,000,000 $ in the bank account of Jibrel AG.. By doing so, we make sure we are solvency proof as the CryDR is redeemable for JNT at any point in time, and the underlying value behind the CryDR is safely stored at a bank that is audited. The amount of JNT locked in the DAO for each CryDR can be easily verified by checking the smart contact (which will be made even easier once Jibrel Search is rolled out).

Going forward, financial institutions who remain custodians of the assets they tokenize, will have to puchase a certain amount of JNT to cover the liabilities they have on the Jibrel Network (this is when banks and institutions tokenize their assets)."

>> No.7433086

When asked about the difference between off-chain and on-chain liability, in case anyone else finds it interesting.

>> No.7433429

Anon this clearly doesn't make sense. The retard above certainly knows more than the cofounder of the company, he read the whitepaper.

>> No.7433614

yeah this guy is clearly fudding, he is just mad a good project is on /biz

this is a post the team made in the reddit that talks about why a financial entity would tokenize their assets in CryDRs. Keep in mind that CryDRs are backed by JNT

"Hi there,

It boils down to this:

What is the incentive for me to put my cash into a CryDR and sell it on the blockchain.

You don't. This is generally for licensed financial institutions to benefit from the high-returns of the crypto-economy without the exposure.

When the public has full confidence in tether, and the overall market is in downswing, USDT is valued at 1.03 and higher.

We have a buzzphrase for this, "on-chain / off-chain arbitrage".

This means stable assets on-chain could be worth more than they are off-chain, if there is confidence in the guarantor.

So this is what the financial entity would do... It would tokenize some of its cash, exchange it for volatile assets (selling them on-chain for BTC/ ETH), liquidate those assets (the BTC / ETH), and benefit from the arbitrage.

In addition, the financial entity has just acquired a customer with an account (compliantly, with full KYC done to the level of the financial institute).

Hope that helps!"

>> No.7433620

you have a fucking pissy attitude just for trying to explain things, "mate"

>> No.7434554

dude this is confusing the fuck out of me. i'm a newfag to the crypto space. someone help me out:

1. who is the strategic partner in this? a bank or financial institute or some shit?
2. who is the smart contract between?
3. who is the network user? why is this user spending $11K on something valued at $10K? what is the contract? is a network user using btc/eth to get cash that is backed by a bank hence the increased price?

seriously wtf is going on this seems like total nonsense

>> No.7434614

People will give you a bunch of other reasons and they might contribute to it but the main reason is simple.

It's being touted as a Tether competitor and people don't understand how it's different or how it's valuations and other functions work.

People think it's basically another Tether being backed by the arabs. Why would you buy tether expecting any gains? Much less some newer durka version.

That will change eventually when people actually research it. But until then just accumulate and wait.

>> No.7435294
File: 180 KB, 1575x1080, always-sunny-fight-milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this some king of Whop coin?