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File: 76 KB, 483x273, Jordan-Belfort-Sales-Training.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7423702 No.7423702 [Reply] [Original]


What /biz says to JB? He nocoiner?

>> No.7423794

leo di caprio played him good, but hes just a scammer who didnt pay his victims and went to jail

>> No.7424058

He could very likely be wrong, put yourself in his position. He scammed loads of people, so it's just a natural personality trait for him not to be fucked over by anyone or anything ever.

Ask yourself, do you think this guy has ever been the dummy or "lost" big time? No, and don't mention the arrest/fines or anything like that because its not what I meant. He just takes very insane precautions with everything he does(I've studied him). He even says in the video that he's never bought into bitcoin.

But I guess we'll see, he might be right. The risk(atleast currently) is much bigger than the possible profit.

He's the smart guy, only going after guaranteed wins in everything he does and crypto surely isn't one, and it won't be for another decade.

Some of you should seriously look into the stock market.. If you are smart enough not to fall for the "5-10% annual gains" meme. You can actually make 20% a day and it is much more stable then crypto currencies.

>> No.7424100

remember that he is a known scammer that got into jail if you are retarded enough to believe him then you won't make it far in life.

>> No.7424148

>listening to anyone older than 40yo about bitcoin
even giancarlo had to listen to his niece to understand bitcoin

>> No.7424193
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>tfw in comfy fiat

>> No.7424339

Pay your taxes smegma.

Only big banks can manipulate and I'm sure those niggas ain't going to jail.

>> No.7424362
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Serious question why every Wall Street fags hates bitcoin? Cause of the privacy?

>> No.7424472

if Scorsese hadn't made a movie about this guy he'd be just another con man fading into oblivion. He's not an idiot, but he's certainly no authority on investments and even less of an authority on crypto.

>> No.7424512

They hate it because they always want to feel like the smartest guys in the room. The fact that they don't "get" crypto and that they've been consistently wrong in their predictions about it makes them feel dumb, so they react by shitting on it.

>> No.7424520
File: 41 KB, 276x276, hohhoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- bitcoin should be zero by know!
- but it's not, cause it's manipulated!

:D he's on coke

>> No.7424544

He's right on a lot of points, but he's a Jew and acts like a dick so fuck him. Any smart person is hedging anyway. No one would be dumb enough to put all their life-savings in BTC.

>> No.7424593

>Crypto currency is a stock

>> No.7424683

The market is a damn near record highs you fucking nigger. Why would i invest at ATH when its all up cuz of QE and fed money printing like its going out of style. Oh wait..the dollar is goin out of style. Fuck u clown.

>> No.7424702

>using this guy to appeal to millenials
>even calls out millenials by name
>they know millenials support btc mostly

They are really pulling out all the stops.

>> No.7424991

He's right, dropping truth bombs yo

>> No.7425033

who cares what this faggot says.

>> No.7425081
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All listen to the end.

He is right but saying bitcoin will go to zero, nah. But he is right. Gotta be careful folks if govt. enters, its gg no re - report slardar.

>> No.7425675
File: 527 KB, 1190x378, 1517567602215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone explain to me how governments can halt trading on cryptocurrencies? How can they shut down decentralized exchanges? They can't.

>> No.7426190

They won't allow you to transfer crypto to fiat. They won't allow businesses to accept crypto as payment. It's that simple. There will be no more fiat on or off ramps. You'll be buying worthless shit.

>> No.7426232

They can only make it a pain in the ass to transfer between fiat/crypto, but then you can just go to local monero, and use decentralized exchanges to trade.

>> No.7426266

That doesn't make any sense. People won't buy monero if you can't actually do anything with it. Why would you even buy monero if you literally cannot purchase anything with it.

>> No.7426318

>scams millions
>don't buy this ponzi xD who da fuck is satoshi lol

>> No.7426335

>successful conman famous for movie about his life spent conducting investment scams tells everyone to sell their bags immediately for whatever low price the market has currently plunged to
...so that he can then buy up all of those bags cheaply before the end of the dip and sell them back for ten times what he paid to the very same people he bought them from in the first place.

>> No.7426347

>You can actually make 20% a day and it is much more stable than crypto currencies

GTFO you fucking child. 20% a day means you turn $1000 into $50 MILLION in under 2 months.

You're a fucking retard who should kill yourself.

>> No.7426412

it's possible if you watch 1 minute candles for 10 hours per day

>> No.7426485

this is what a boomer nocoiner looks like.

>I have researched this, I know about crypto
>Governments will block it
>Mentions tether in a bad way

Someone needs to to explain him what decentralized means.
This guy is a walking fud machine.
What a cuck.

>> No.7426545


>> No.7426546

I hate seeing the real life version of people that Hollywood movies are based off of. They're always funny looking and lame compared to the actor.

>> No.7426563
File: 226 KB, 394x397, 1476072403716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually if you listen to his part about the "recognized" exchanges, the
>can't cash out
meme may actually come true in the near future

>> No.7426596

Did he even fucking watch the SEC hearing?

>> No.7426603
File: 710 KB, 1764x1920, angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I knew about it years ago but didn't buy it or mine it
why not belfstien ? you could have been a billionaire...
>uhmm b-because... SHUT IT DOWN GOY

>> No.7426613

yeah, sure, they'll crack down on hundreds of darkweb websites and shady irl people that constantly disobey what they do, they might make it crash, but they aren't stopping shit

>> No.7426631

Oh he did, and he failed to catch the fact that only certain ICO's will be considered Securities.

>> No.7426635


I hate the way it sounds like he's got 800 gallons/minute of saliva and mucus flowing into his mouth.

>> No.7426681

>No one would be dumb enough to put all their life-savings in BTC.

>> No.7426719


this guy is autistic as fuck, he can't even articulate his view

>> No.7426727

jordan belfort can go eat his own dick. this dumb fuck has some agenda guaranteed.

>> No.7426794

He's a fucking notorious scammer who wants people to sell so he can buy in cheap.

Always do the opposite of what people like him say.

>> No.7426816

I think it was hard for him to focus while his cartoons were on

>> No.7426817
File: 19 KB, 231x244, 1458847650943[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure everyone has an agenda... lol. he just has no clue

>> No.7426891

they won't stop any of this technically
but they sure as hell can make it almost worthless.
Sure a privacy coin like monero would remains at some value for darkweb/money laundering/black market in general
but all the other coins/tokens would go to 0 or close to it. Why would you hold tokens that you will never be able to sell legally?

On the other hand that would imply the death of all those legit projects because of that, which I think the government is not retarded enough to kill, but you never know

>> No.7426989

he is so triggered lmao

best line from the video "look i'm so upset because honestly I really do care about the millennials. They're my people. They loved the movie." DBLLMAO

>> No.7427013


>> No.7427238

He's right and you are all fools to think age has any correlation with being right. Specially when most of you are under 25. Pathetic really.

If you thought a sea of 1500 shitcoins was sustainable you were very wrong.

That said, maybe one or two of those said cryptos can become a profitable business on their own and might increase "stock" value. The rest is going to burn to the ground, as they should. I was waiting for this crash for a long time to put my plans into motion.

>> No.7427258


I too watched the entire video you unoriginal piece of shit

>> No.7427331

I will not believe a guy who coloured his hair.

>> No.7427353

I got to "mah gubbberment" and shut it off. This guy is an idiot.

>> No.7427359

It was an interesting video, and he's absolutely right that all of this is retarded and worthless, but there is still money to be made quite easily.

Also If it starts smelling really bad then it means we're going to see a massive spike up cause big players need to cash out and will probably manipulate the shit out of it.

I only have 5% of my money in crypto so I dont give a fuck anyways

>> No.7427397
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, behind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the end of crypto said someone for the 10000000000 time

>> No.7427414


Hi, do you know what shorting is you dumbass?

>> No.7427417

it's not about the crash or prices,
it's about the regulators wanting to make trading on all the exchanges that are known today illegal and forcing everyone who wants to ever cash out in the future to use (((their))) exchange.
And if that was gonna work retroactively we are all fucked with our current unsoldable (in the future) bags

it sound unlikely that they would fucks us over so hard, but you never know with the kikes

>> No.7427424

hey... retard,

you do understand that nobody is your friend, right?
people lie so they can take your money.. are you retarded or something? don't you know this yet?

>> No.7427441

20% a day my ass. how do you suggest you do that in the shit market?

>> No.7427450


There is no actual demand for crypto.

There is demand for crypto speculation. So if gov makes speculation illegal, your values are finished

(tjhre is slight demand for bitcoin and privacy coins etc but its certainly not worth $8000)

>> No.7427454

just look at his eyes
definitely cocaine

>> No.7427472

We stopped that when Trump took office because there wasn’t any need to do that when someone who knows what the fuck they’re doing made business friendly policy. It only went on under king nigger for 5-6 years (2009-2014), and we were looking at another round, then Trump got elected. It’s been organic ATH since.

>> No.7427487

>1 trillion
>2 trillion
>10 Trillion
>100 Trillion
Gee, I wish I bought Ethereum when it was still 15000 dollars. Now I have all this worthless fiat and not even the banks will hold it anymore. Now they are repossessing my house. I was a billionaire!

>> No.7427491

i know all about this stuff

>> No.7427501

This. He wants your bitcoin at a cheap price don't give it to him! I myself just got a 2nd mortgage on my house and took that money on bitmex and did a 100x margin long at 6k.

>> No.7427519

He's just a fucking moron with a good pitch nothing more. Guy scammed millions of people and is now telling people to not buy BTC because HE thinks its a ponzi?

>> No.7427561

he is high as fuck

sec and german gov just endorsed crypto

visa credit cards still are available and new ones getting released by naga,litepay. just wave crest was shut down

he is so wrong on many things

>> No.7427667
File: 160 KB, 1024x1024, Listen Bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only have 5% of my money in crypto so I dont give a fuck anyways

>> No.7427670
File: 132 KB, 278x300, 1517810949226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is right you know. Crypto will survive but the current pound will bleed out and price will fall.

He is right about bitcoin too. BTC has no value compared to other coins out there. Even fucking Doge is superior to it. He is right about trading also

He know his shit through sheer experience

>> No.7427746
File: 3.46 MB, 377x372, 1515565434500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know about these things
>China threw up the firewall
what a brilliant analysis of Chinese regulations

>> No.7427769

>"i-its for you millennials! I care about you goys!"

said the kike scammer.

>> No.7428068

I see his point and it’s not a bullshit. There will be a threshold where the Govs will say that enough is enough before it really be a menace for the global economy. If you see an upcoming bull market to hit and surpass in no time the previous ATH in few montha you’re a retard.

Anyway I just tend to avoid the opinions of people that move that much the hands while talking, and I’m italian, that’s too much for me too.

>> No.7428117

isn't that a barrier good enough to keep the non tech savvy normies out of the market?

>> No.7428392

What a dumb kike

>> No.7428633

He wants the price to drop to 1k so he can buy the dip.

>> No.7428669

Okay mr belfort I will sell all my BTC because I see you've done a terrific job investigating it.

>> No.7428687

>listening to someone who got rich by scamming people
>listening to the epitome of a pajeet

>> No.7428703

To expand on this: he owes fuckloads of money to the government and was paying a percentage of his income every year. Not sure if that’s still the case but if it is then he has lots to gain by funneling his illegal money into BTC where he can have a good chance of hiding money from the government. He didnt even pay back 20% of the money he owes so he is always looking for ways to grow his assets off the books. I legitimately think he is trolling everyone for personal gain. He’s a snake with no morals. Either that, or he is just an old fool.

>> No.7428817

>Literally scammed people for all his net worth
>Now just runs his mouth to continue increasing his net worth

I'm sure a scammer has the best interest of people and he's not just scamming r-right? Someone needs to staple his fucking disgusting New Jersey tanned mouth shut.