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7423115 No.7423115 [Reply] [Original]

china to firewall all of bitcoin, how will this affect the market


>> No.7423185

China is such ass cancer.

>> No.7423307
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>china banning crypto for the 100th time

>> No.7423315

lol salty nocoiner
again with this FUD
when will you realize that bitcoin is the king and nothing can stop it
we'are going to the moon while you fudders wagecuck lmao

>> No.7423381

Well, prepare your pink wojaks, it's going to be another rough week

>> No.7423453

A shock but it will recover. China bans Bitcoin every year.

>> No.7423833

read the article brainlet

>> No.7423914
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>> No.7423988

i read the article, how is he wrong?
are you from plebbit?

>> No.7423991

It officially fucked it

The ccp recently started being able to track and block vpns, so now with it being added to the firewall the only ways around for the Chinese people are extordnaly questionable and run the risk if being black bagged.

China was the main market to actually sell your coins to people who intended to use them by a wide margin. This is the nail in the coffin.

>> No.7424018

i love ironic posts
so funny

>> No.7424099

>China is such ass cancer.
What do you expect with communist-inspired ideologies.

>> No.7424114

>2009 memes

>> No.7424132

If this was true it would be huge news

>> No.7424223

>implying the chinese don't own about 40% of the media outlits in your nation

And the ones they do not own have subsidiaries who want to do some kind of business in china and calling out the ccp like that is bad for your quan shi, if I am spelling that term right.

>> No.7424236
File: 661 KB, 733x853, fudder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't buy an ounce of this FUD

>> No.7424264

cpp will die soon

can't wait

>> No.7424302

when was this article posted?

>> No.7424308


t. increasingly nervous nocoiner

>> No.7424329



>> No.7424411

Ya, I wish.

They are only reving up the crazy at this point, it has been getting out of hand the past 2 months. And no one in the planet who is in power seems to give a fuck.

Saudi Arabia has a better chance of being knocked off and they sit on the un security console while spuring on the war in Yemen by funding and supplying terrorists.

Shit be fucked

>> No.7424499

With adoption of 5G coming in the next few years, China and everyone else will be helpless in bocking data transmission.

>> No.7424579

So does that mean OP's FUD was fake?

CPP is so fucking evil, holy shit.
It's incredible the chinks don't do something about their oppressive government.
This is so fucking retarded.

>> No.7424615

>With adoption of 5G coming in the next few years, China and everyone else will be helpless in bocking data transmission.
Explain more.
Can't they just ban 5g phones?
Also couldn't they just regulate 5g so it has to use the chinese firewall?

>> No.7424665


>> No.7424701

Not Hong Kong though.

>> No.7424738

China is a communist shithole

you don't want anything to do with that place

>> No.7424758

>this guy dosn't know

They don't have to say they don't want bitxoin minners or that bitcoin is unrecognized, they do it anyways. China is moving to all digital payments using your phone and what is basicly a ssn with way more info attached for all transactions. They will find minning rigs when they connect to networks and possibly fry that shit with a vrius. I have no doubts about how the ccp operates.

These are the people who say you have freedom of religion but once your following gets to over a million in the bation they start bulldozing your churches, sometimes with the parish inside. Sometimes they black bag you and harvest you organs. Or they do it the old fashion way and jusy take you to a forced labor camp if not having the military shot you right there for being an "extremist".

I don't trust the ccp as far as I can throw them.

>> No.7424790

>They don't have to say they don't want bitxoin minners or that bitcoin is unrecognized, they do it anyways.
So why report on it like it was some official proclamation unless you were actively trying to FUD?

>> No.7424843

No, actually they have been banning more and more each time. Now they are literally trying to make it impossible for people in mainland China to access anything BTC related. Might I remind you that the Chinks have also banned many VPNs that people have been using to bypass the firewall.
Very soon only a small group of hackers and extremely computer savvy people will be able to bypass it, whereas before there were easily 10% of the Internet-going population in China who could do so.

>> No.7424881

Because some low ranking could lacky sent out what was supposed to be private info. It would not be the first time this has happened, and if it was a warning or an accident will never be known because they guy who sent it is most likely in re education camp already. Yes they have those.

>> No.7424889

You guys gotta invest in Kore. They have a way to grt through the firewall.

>> No.7424917

dear idiots,

i live in china. they have not banned VPN's, and they never will.

ignore all "china ban" talk, forever.

>> No.7424934

Oh look China banning crpyto... again.
it has been what? five times already over the course of the years? chill.

>> No.7424944

Hi ccp mouthpiece, wanna talk about the bloody harvest report?

>> No.7424958

Start offering proxy services

>> No.7424977

Okey hope i become a billionare soon so i can nuke that communist shithole into the stoneage

>> No.7424993

A vpn is a proxie. They are hardcore cracking down on those, effectively this time as well.

Try to keep up.

>> No.7425020

>risks are still there, fueled by illegal issuance, and even fraud and ethpyramid selling
>Bitcoin blackout in China, with their state-owned social media and search engines wiping clean any trace of cryptocurrency and ICO advertising in the past few days. This is in line with Facebook’s decision to do the same.
Chinks and Jews, man.

>> No.7425078

>These are the people who say you have freedom of religion but once your following gets to over a million in the bation they start bulldozing your churches, sometimes with the parish inside. Sometimes they black bag you and harvest you organs. Or they do it the old fashion way and jusy take you to a forced labor camp if not having the military shot you right there for being an "extremist".
Wow, i didn't knew that.
I was always badmouthing the chinks, but they are good people after all.
Not quite on the level of the japanese of course, but there is good in them.

>> No.7425083

it doesn't matter what anyone says regarding my post. it's the truth, and you'd be wise to follow it.


someone who's been in and out of here for 7 years, and has lived here for 4.

>> No.7425095

>7 post by this shill
this is the only thing nocoiners can do in their shitty ghetto

>> No.7425115

All in on VeChain

>> No.7425138

no, they aren't, at all.

>> No.7425214

Anyone got the south park webm with the Asian guy crank calling saying he's China and he's banning Bitcoin?

>> No.7425243

So you are some white dude who is letting his corporation get fucked in the ass trying to break into the Chinese market. I could not care less about your opinion, literally a whale the ccp wines and dines to keep running your wells for all they can get.

I just don't like the ccp and people need to know what kind of place china is right now. Btc is supposed to be non trackable in its ideal from. Guess what the ccp hates?

>> No.7425264

Most importantly, why is NEO not tanking like a piece of shit?
Not even Neo tanks with China fud, that's how irrelevant that FUD is, Bitcoin is already banned, no exchanges, essentially You can't trade any cryptos in mainland china, and the great firewall can't do shit about ur wallet, what they can't do is try to stop chinks from accesing exchanges but all they have to do is contact their guy in hong kong and tell them to buy or sell crypto in their managed accounts.

normies and small time investor from china left the market long a go, only whales left and these you can't stop.

>> No.7425297

you lying dude?
why would china ban this shit if they can gain wealth from it?

>> No.7425311

Capital is fleeing China as those in the know realize they're about to experience their own 2008 style collapse caused by a government real estate bubble. They're also expecting a huge devaluation of their currency which will fuck their savers and rich.

>> No.7425318



>> No.7425372

they don't like things they don't understand, but they "ban" a lot of things. hell....firecrackers and burning ghost paper is banned, right now, but what do I see out my window...

VPN's will never, ever be "banned" (you can't even fucking do this anyway)


>> No.7425474

Priced. In.

>> No.7425505



>> No.7425506


The whole 2018 is already price in folks.

>> No.7425533

Rickards Warns "Prepare For A Chinese Maxi-Devaluation"
>China has also been attempting to do the impossible in recent years with predictable results.
>Beginning in 2008 China pegged its exchange rate to the U.S. dollar. China also had an open capital account to allow the free exchange of yuan for dollars, and China preferred an independent monetary policy.
>The problem is that the Impossible Trinity says you can’t have all three. This model has been validated several times since 2008 as China has stumbled through a series of currency and monetary reversals.
>For example, China’s attempted the impossible beginning in 2008 with a peg to the dollar around 6.80. This ended abruptly in June 2010 when China broke the currency peg and allowed it to rise from 6.82 to 6.05 by January 2014 — a 10% appreciation.
>This exchange rate revaluation was partly in response to bitter complaints by U.S. Treasury Secretary Geithner about China’s “currency manipulation” through an artificially low peg to the dollar in the 2008 – 2010 period.
>After 2013, China reversed course and pursued a steady devaluation of the yuan from 6.05 in January 2014 to 6.95 by December 2016. At the end of 2016, the Chinese yuan was back where it was when the U.S. was screaming “currency manipulation.”
>Only now there was a new figure to point the finger at China. The new American critic was no longer the quiet Tim Geithner, but the bombastic Donald Trump.

>Hugh Hendry: "If China Devalues By 20% The World Is Over, Everything Hits A Wall"

China's savers and rich would loose 20% over night. That's why the Chinese are trying to flee their currency and BitCoin is such a threat.

>> No.7425605

The world is so fucking crazy.

Governments don't even understand basic economics and are doing the most insane of things.

>> No.7425653

that's nice. it's been said for a few decades now.


>> No.7425863

They are banning all vpns and replacing it with there own vpn that they monitor. This is different, they don't care anymore.

Watch the video next time.

>> No.7425903

Yep, chinks abused the shit out of the foreign investment laws to move their money into overseas property which caused massive bubbles in countries like Australia and Canada and the goverment had to step in, most chinks have resorted to Literally smuggling money into Australia and Canada to buy property Lmao.
it's about to get rowdy, next decade is going to be crazy.