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File: 95 KB, 500x316, turtleDUmp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7422983 No.7422983 [Reply] [Original]

Who's ready to buy some cheap coin? The autistic turbo sperg largest hodler of the coin just said this morning he is dumping his 900+ mill bags on everyone in the turd market and not looking back.

Here is your chance to buy into the meme, or get out before it goes below 1 satoshi.

>> No.7423017
File: 22 KB, 1573x93, turtledump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better sell now if you can. Low liquidity will cause turtle coin to drop faster than anything else in the market.

>> No.7423055


>> No.7423121

B3coin and u lambo later...

>> No.7423143
File: 14 KB, 673x83, 1445869827658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, it's for real! This mkid guy is crying like a little girl. +1 for the trtl devs for being bigger cucks than the litcoin guy.

>> No.7423159

TurtleCoin link rundown for potential newturtlecoiners:

>TurtleCoin's homepage

>TurtleCoin community on discord

>TurtleCoin subreddit

>Listen to the founder being interviewed (leave 5 stars on the blockzero itunes page, pls)

>Get Shells (TurtleCoins) for free

>Where to buy TRTL for BTC


>Play Turtle Trouble

Anything else to add?

>Tip me, please

Finally a pic that has the TurtleCoin logo properly pasted into.

>> No.7423202

Yeah, no way am I holding this garbage. Glad I sold off the 4000 coins I wasted a week mining when I could. Clearly this was a setup by the same guy that made garlic coin on reddit.com

>> No.7423288

Price just dumped to 3 sats. Better get out while you can

>> No.7423332

The Dev just warned the guy about putting all of his money into trtl and he read between lines that didn't exist and sperged out as usual

>> No.7423520
File: 220 KB, 393x302, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, just bought 6 gorillion.

>> No.7423636

Oh shit, the turtecoin whale guy just deleted all his posts on the discord and the lead dev is kicking everyone out of chat.


>> No.7424048

Trade Satoshi shut down the turtle coin wallet to stop the crash. They're in on this too. Better dump while you can boys.

>> No.7424399

there is not even enough bitcoin for him to sell, this will trade for DOGE soon dont fall for this scam

>> No.7424403
File: 28 KB, 615x316, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, we are in your chat. It is amusing to watch you all freak out as the price heads to zero

>> No.7424524

Shilling this on 4chan was one of the worst ideas. The most weakest hands post here.

>> No.7424673

are you retarded??? that guy bought millions at 20sat... what do you think hes doing... you think hes interested in loosing his money??? you stupid fucks are the reason i can buy more for less money... fucking monkeys...

>> No.7424750

he mined before. he can breakeven at 2sats because he mined 300 million early. It sells it before it trades for DOGE because its now on tradesatoshi

>> No.7424871

any guesses what kind of response he got?

>> No.7424941

2 sats and dropping. Get out now!

>> No.7424951

the devs said to only buy it for the price in which mining is profitable which is 1 sats.

>> No.7424963
File: 22 KB, 756x217, mkid6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dev warned him not to go too deep into one investment and he flipped out saying the dev was telling him not to invest

>> No.7425006


More like get in now! Set to 1 sat


>> No.7425062

lol, the spergs. how to kill your coin 101

>> No.7425079

Honestly it's better for the coin in the long run that his 800 million gets redistributed, even if it dumps the price for a while.

>> No.7425165
File: 20 KB, 758x193, mkid7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUD so he can buy more at 2 sat

>> No.7425624

trade satoshi is kill. Better dump on trade ogre

>> No.7425781
File: 167 KB, 786x960, O4UcDPW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good goyim!! Buy high sell low, thats my uncle shlomo always said! hehehe

I will never understand people who get an insatiable urge to sell as soon as the coin hits ATL. Funnily enough its the exact same people who buy at ATM

>X coin just dropped 99%, you better sell or else while you still can!!!

>X coin is up 1000000000000%, you better buy now so you can ride this moon mission!!!

>> No.7425814

its people like these that make me money

>> No.7425818

fucked that up,

>Good goyim!! Buy high sell low, thats WHAT* my uncle shlomo always said! hehehe

I will never understand people who get an insatiable urge to sell as soon as the coin hits ATL. Funnily enough its the exact same people who buy at ATH*