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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7411504 No.7411504 [Reply] [Original]

Close your eyes, try to clear any thoughts you are having
Take long, slow, deep breathes and put all your focus and attention onto your breathing
iiiinnnnnnnn.................... ooooooooooooouuuut

good. Do this for a few minutes, then -
VISUALIZE yourself becoming rich through your LINK investment
ANTICIPATE the things you will buy with your new found abundance of wealth
IMAGINE as though it is all happening now in the present moment, for the present moment is all that truly exists
FEEL the way you will FEEL when that moment comes and you make it!
Open your eyes, look in a mirror, and recite these affirmations (use/add your own that is relevant to the reality you want to create once you make it)
It's important to do this when you wake up and before you go to bed, but do it as often as possible. Also hold the image and idea of us making it and LINK being worth $1,000 or more in your mind as you fall to sleep.

If we do this collectively my LINK brothers, the power of positive thought from a strong community such as ours will allow these desires to come true and manifest into reality, there is absolutely no doubt about it.
Keep believing anons, I love you all

>> No.7411545
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>They got the quads.
>All in, now.
The call that mooned LINK.

>> No.7411740

Will do. It is important to believe deep down without a shred of doubt that your investment will make you wealthy

>> No.7411869
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>> No.7411945
File: 93 KB, 1388x608, link addresses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what these top couple addresses are? Are they potential whales or never-to-be-touched wallets?

>> No.7411986

Honestly, I want to know who's shilling LINK? Is it /biz/ bagholders? Pajeets? BOGS??? There's been no update from the devs in months. Where do you even find news/information for this token?

>> No.7411995

The largest is Sergeys 350mill. Then comes Binance. Then comes 7 50mil wallets owned by Sergey to give to corporations that wanna use ChainLink for free. And then 350million distributed to everyone else.

>> No.7412013
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why not imagine the product working first??

>> No.7412029

Get on Telegram channel for the unofficial channel. Slack is their dev channel but requires you to request access by emailing support. Slack is much more organized and clean and they reply faster there.

There is also their Gitter where Devs are always chatting there.

>> No.7412032

this shit is gay

>> No.7412075
File: 324 KB, 500x387, 1515676891830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it's the Indians.
>create more shill threads in broken English.