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7408114 No.7408114 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Bitcoin Cash not recovering like everything else?

>> No.7408144

Cause it’s trash! And btw it’s called “BCash”

>> No.7408196


>> No.7408227

>Implying this is a recovery

>> No.7408257

You bought during the Coinbase listing?

>> No.7408345

Stay poor faggot
You fell for a scam

>> No.7408365

No I have them from the fork and also some that I bought. It's performance compared to just about everything else including BTC is dog shit rn.

>> No.7408620

Time to buy. Bitcoin cash actually has been making a lot of partnerships, unlike bcore which has only lost partnerships and merchants

>> No.7409823

>recovering like everything else
L0Lno fgt pls

>> No.7410336

This picture sums up my experience holding BCH perfectly thus far.

>> No.7410357

u got jewed my man
the LN rolls in BCH will get eternally btfo

>> No.7410462

Because it has no real purpose that other coins aren't doing better?

>Cheap transactions?
Not really

>> No.7410472
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>tfw holding 40 bch right now

Please go up

>> No.7410503

From what i've seen, its done nothing but go down since it started

>> No.7410539


i'm sure it will get a nice pump soon

>> No.7410553
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>The real bitcoin

>> No.7410563

You believed the propaganda? Shit, sorry man.

>> No.7410592

It’s literally a shitcoin. Nothing revolutionary. Only got big because of the Bitcoin name.

>> No.7410616

GTFO Roger

>> No.7410624

Why should it be recovering?

>> No.7410638

Most people have bailed from the entire debate. It was annoying as hell. The same number of people that dumped BTC have also dumped BCH in all likelihood.

The only difference is that BTC is being artificially propped up through market manipulation. That is why its tethered to all other coins right now. BTC would be crashed and dead by now just like BCH if it were not for the bot army and whales propping the coin up.

>> No.7410703


Why even buy this shitcoin? I holding from the fork.

BITCOIN is the name if BITCOIN dies u think some fucking homebrand bitcoin is gonna live? Fuck no. Xmr, eth, str

>> No.7410731

BTC and BCH are nothing alike. BCH is just a cheap fork trying to ride on BTC success and even steal the brand. They are both technically incompetent and unable to even pump their shit past 0.2.

>> No.7410747

you mean btrash? buy ZCL/zclassic instead..

>> No.7410756

btc merchant adoption is shrinking bch adoption is growing
there is not a single reason to cap blocks at 1mb (non mining nodes do nothing)
segwit destroys the mining nash equilibrium incentivising the collusion of miners to change the UTXO without owners signatures. You can only trust jihan and roger to not be doing this right now.
why introduce segwit before a blocksize increase when lightning network requires 133mb as specified in the lightning network whitepaper
why introduce segwit at all when it is not necessary for second layer solutions
lightning network will not be decentralized because to solve the routing problem is NP hard
why would anyone want lightning network when it is not a decentralised ledger? the whole point of bitcoin is to scale on chain as that is what makes decentralised uncensorable money which can free all the people in the world from the financial repression of central banks

>> No.7410798

or bcrash..

>> No.7410838
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>> No.7410895

Next August, BCH is at least 0.5 BTC, screen cap this anon.

>> No.7410918

fuck bitcoin cash. it really is a scam. if it ever goes up the developers fucking crash it into the ground.

>> No.7410934

The only buyers are newfags tricked into buying by Kver and Jewbase.

Newfags are now realizing that the bcash is trash. If they're not buying Bitcoin, they can buy Ethereum, NEO, LTC, NANO, and a whole lot of other coins that have something of value or are promising moon missions and aren't complete worthless shit.

>> No.7411149

Because it's been decoupled from BTC. All other alts are in BTC's shadow. BCH will moon at the right time.

>> No.7411232

Yeah BCH is basically just vanilla Bitcoin.

While BTC is segwit fuck the blockchain who needs that useless shit lets pipe all transactions through FBI lightning network HUB nodes, hey this guy said something offensive on the internet lets ban him from most of the big lightning network hubs coin.

>> No.7411245

Bitcoin currently has value being the prime medium of exchange for cryptos

what does BCH do what something like nano doesn't do better?

>> No.7411268
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>> No.7411273

Its decoupled when btc goes up. It goes down with btc twice as fast but doesn't go up when btc does.

>> No.7411305

not enough tether to go round unfortunately

>> No.7411414

The bots are setup to prevent it from going up but they will tether it on the way down.

>> No.7411558

Can someone explain to me why BCH has such a high hashrate despite being less profitble to mine right now? Earlier today when it was gaining along side BTC and was still more profitable to mine the hashrate was like 6%...


>> No.7411795


Because miners know the future of BCH, they mining BTC to sell to BCH

>> No.7411873

Miners are quietly switching over.

>> No.7411978

I'm 100% all in on BCH. This better do something soon.

>> No.7412070


This May .

>> No.7412138

because it’s a piece of shit OP and only a small handful of investors cafe about it. It’s name wasn’t even mentioned yesterday at the SEC hearing. Only papa BitCoin and Ethereum. BTC is the real BTC