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7402159 No.7402159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Evening you beautiful anons. Since I was a teenager I've been constantly contemplating the futility of life and if what we do during it amounts to anything. I've tortured my mind trying to find answers to unanswerable questions. What is death? Do we have a conscience or a "soul" or is us just random molecules carefully put together? Can that be salvaged from our rotting corpse?

People say live your life to the fullest, be happy and enjoy your time in this world. That's bullshit, even if you lived two hundred years as the happiest man, in the end it wouldn't be enough, it never is. Happiness is a distraction, achieving goals is a distraction. The essence of all of it is the misery and helplessness you'll feel on your deathbed one day.So why try? What gives you guys incentive? As I see it, no matter what I do in life, I'd give it all away before my last breath if that meant I could live a day more,wouldn't you?

Not even technology can save us from it. An AI that can backup your conscience doesn't quite cut it. Your biological self is still going to experience death, whatever that feels like, only now there's gonna be a copy left of you. The only way you can maybe be you forever is an eternal brain, preserving that biological tissue.

Which leads to more questions because we have no fucking clue what a "soul" or a conscience is. As I type this, the truth could be that every time you fall asleep you die, your old conscience is gone and a new, fresh copy of it is what you wake up with. It feels continuous to you, but in reality it's not. It could happen every time we blink, or once a year. It doesn't matter if this hypothesis it's true or not, because even if it is you wouldn't think anything of it, it all feels fluid to you even if you are about to die in a couple of hours.Rinse and repeat.

So how do you cope with such thoughts? Do you just bury them?

Also, I'm poor which is making this worse, leaving my BTC tip jar just in case: 1dcGPUuJdQHUURwwByGztzSLG3Pa9KoQ4

>> No.7402262

30 year old anon here. I've studied extensive philosophy and psychology. Probably have the equivalent of multiple degrees at this point. I did this to seek the answers you are looking for.

It's more bleak than you know.
And now I'm educated and still a wageslave.

If anybody wants to save me though...


>> No.7402674

Whence the drive to do things? Whence desire, whence your dreams? Why do something, why satisfy a desire or pursue a dream? You ask why, you try to find meaning while you're not experiencing the feeling itself, while you're not experiencing the drive or the desire. But when you're experiencing it you have all the justification you need, it justifies itself and you have meaning. Meaninglessness of life stems from lacking drive and desire, it's not meaning that gives drive and desire, it is drive and desire that gives meaning. Then don't ask yourself about the meaning of your life, ask yourself why you've lost the drive you had back when you were a kid, and once you find the answer you will know what to do.

>> No.7402731

The point is you can't study those things that's why everybody laughs philosophy degrees off. All you can do is learn about different approaches, there isn't a definitive answer and that's why it hurts

>> No.7402828


>> No.7402871

Op you should try astral projection

>> No.7402872

You are absolutely correct. The point I am trying to reach is that yes, you can fool yourself into finding a meaning. But it's nothing more than a distraction. The time will come, when all of it will become pointless to you and you would give it all away in a heartbeat.

I guess it's the only way to go through life easy, though.

>> No.7402929
File: 7 KB, 205x246, AlanWatts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is meaningless bloo bloo bloo meme

Life is a dance, get with it!

>> No.7402954
File: 67 KB, 448x272, Aya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to an Ayahuasca Ceremony... Do some inner work and find a path to love :) ... It aint easy ... Believe me ;)

>> No.7402968

>I've studied extensive philosophy and psychology. Probably have the equivalent of multiple degrees at this point.

What a waste of fucking time, as if that shit holds ANY answers to those questions.

>> No.7403013

>But when you're experiencing it you have all the justification you need,

Truth. Listen to this Zennigger OP, he's quite right.

>> No.7403015

Doesn't waste time if you do it in your spare time without going to uni or spending money. I'd suggest it helped me to understand everything much better and wasn't a waste of time. However, if I went to uni for it I would have now been a lawyer.

>> No.7403021

You're right, it's all pointless.

There's not purpose, and 'you' don't even really exist.

Fucking relax and enjoy it then die. There is literally NOTHING to worry about.

>> No.7403033

Mmm thinking I'm about to die gives me the hardest boner, gonna go fap to corpses now

>> No.7403035

Also have a look at this article among the millions ... this one may resonate with your current state... In'Lak'Ech .. Peace

>> No.7403095

About to turn 30 here.
The point of all this is simply that (You) exist right here and now and are fit to do whatever you wish.
Fap in front of a kindergarten class, cut your wrists or bite into your PC while reading this if you want!
However, continuing your existence means that you will continue to deal with the consequences of your past actions... Better to spend each moment doing something that your future self will thank you for, like donating a bunch of toys to a kindergarten class, lifting some weights with your limp wrists and using your PC to mine crypto.

Simply existing in the first place is the point of all of this. How boring would the world be if you weren't here?
Whatever you choose to do while you're existing is secondary, but it WILL all come to an end someday, so perhaps do something that'll influence others or lay new foundations for the people you leave behind?

>PS I wanted to kms for a long time since I was 6, then I got a nice gf and things haven't been so bad - try getting laid before you kys

>> No.7403116

What is "more bleak than you know" death is the end? i think many people figure that out without years of extensive study.

>> No.7403129


>> No.7403188

anon, you should meditate
at least, it will quiet your fear and let you live with the unknown, at best, you'll find your answers
I'd recommend 'the mind illuminated' as a good practical guide with little bullshit

>> No.7403192

NO man, just fucking no. I can't accept death when I don't even know what it is. I can't fathom being lost in the void, not able to experience the slightest feeling or sensation, not able to comprehend my OWN death.

How the hell can you accept that and move on. You can kind of accept it but you'll have to regulate your contemplation of it, which is what I can't do.


Upon re-reading, this may very well be the best answer one can hope for. Doesn't cover cover the questions in the slightest, but then again nothing does..

>> No.7403248
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, none of this mattters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So how do you cope with such thoughts? Do you just bury them?

I just find them fun. Who fucking cares if everything is "meaningless". "Meaning" is a human idea in the first place, the universe doesn't care if it's meaningless or not. Shit just happens, and you are no different. Everything in the universe is just particles and waves, and yet humans have the arrogance to assume we're somehow removed from the equation? That our consciousness is? Consciousness might feel weird from the inside looking out, but really its obviously just generated from our brains (or just the neurons of our bodies in general, there are a bunch in our spinal cord too), and if you were to somehow arrange atoms in the exact same way a human brain is arranged you'd create a new consciousness. If that's the case are "souls" really so special?

Just do what you enjoy doing and don't be an asshole while doing it.

>> No.7403253

philosophy is ironically the most employable arts major, together with history. specifically because in doing philosophy you learn to balance different approaches, critical thinking, breaking down arguments into their fundamentals etc. which are actually extremely useful skills

>> No.7403277

you accept it because there is no other option. lol

>> No.7403305

Searh kabbalah.info bnei baruch is the answer

>> No.7403311

>I can't fathom being lost in the void, not able to experience the slightest feeling or sensation, not able to comprehend my OWN death.

You aren't going to be "lost". You won't be "unable" to experience sensation because "you" won't exist. It is a terrifying thought while you're alive sure, but the instant you die you'll stop caring completely, because you won't have the ability to care.

>> No.7403332

lol I can see the meme, but quite the opposite. I'm fit, pretty good looking, have a gf and a social circle and I hate anime .

I am posting here cause I'm anonymous, so nobody can trace this back to me and call me a fag

>> No.7403366

what are you not satisfied about?

>> No.7403402

well yeah, that's what's making this so scary, the nothingness of it

>> No.7403431

are you disappointed/angry at the "meaninglessness" of it all?

>> No.7403487

Well you won't care about nothingness when you're nothing yourself lol. I do sympathize though, I wish I was immortal as well. Not because I fear death really, though I do, but mostly because I'm just curious what will happen to humanity after I'm gone. What stories will be written, what technology will be made, what mysteries of the universe will be uncovered thousands, tens of thousands of years after I'm gone. It just feels like a shame to not be able to see it all.

>> No.7403627

my gf's religion believes we are pieces of god building up karma throughout many lifetimes. beginning as "lesser" life forms, working out way up as we make our way through these lifetimes until we have finally learned enough and attained enough karma to lose our ego and become one with god again.

I believe that we have no purpose and are purely coincidental.
nothing matters and when we die we won't even know it therefore it's best to not think about it

>> No.7403699
File: 92 KB, 576x747, real nihilist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is an absolute brainlet

>> No.7403744

you havent been contemplating shit if you still refer to it as "futility of life"

>> No.7403746

kinda. It's not that everything is meaningless, no.

I look at it from an egoistic perspective. For me or you, it will at some point all be meaningless. What's the point of doing good, or bad for that matter, if you will not be there to see it? I can have kids, I can cure cancer, I can kill a billion. Doesn't make a difference on a personal level, it all will be meaningless at some point. The rest of the world will have to experience it and on and on it goes.

>> No.7403784

excuse me anon, english isn't my first language

>> No.7403804

but on the other side of the coin existence can be absolutely torturing - the unrelentless, tiring search for non-existent higher meaning. Was a really down kid but now that I've kinda accepted it I became a little more ambitious and hardworking.

I now think that this depressive trait is essential for the advancement of humanity. A person that can go through all that and make peace with it will often be rewarded with incredible will, grit, motivation and positivity. People think of nihilists as depressed but I believe true nihilists are the most optimistic and stoic

>> No.7403843
File: 389 KB, 637x617, 1516975138945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in a higher purpose so I honestly haven't felt nihilist in years. Thanks for the red pill /pol/ it really turned my life around.

>> No.7403851

Why not just opt for stoicism?

>> No.7403867

Where does higher purpose come from?

>> No.7403899

Me fucking your mom's ass.

>> No.7403901


>> No.7403913
File: 27 KB, 397x400, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7403938

>Where does higher purpose come from?


>> No.7403993

this comic is spot on

>> No.7404042

Reminder that remote viewing is real

Source: Cia

>> No.7404082

Life is designed to fuck you over no matter what you decide to do. As long as you desire things there will always be something left to be desired, which is the source of pain. Give up your desires completely and you will be free.

>> No.7404337

You're afraid of losing the self, your unified consciousness, when the physical body passes. But don't you also know this entire universe is impermanent? It too will pass, like all of us. Even if you could exist materially or as some kind of suspended consciousness without a body, you would still be bound to the death of the universe.

What we are experiencing is actually a departure from "normality" - think of the universe, and our conscious awareness, as the dream, rather than the state of wakefulness. We are just little monads of the preceding, eternal, creative force that caused us. And what of it? Don't fool yourself into believing we can even begin to understand what this preceding force is, it just is.

Check on the Wikipedia for "The Secret Teachings of All Ages", "The Secret Doctrine", and esoterica in general. These conceptions were created in a way for the authors to "cope" and offer a feast of thought to weigh your anxieties against. You must realize, that despite it seeming as though the world at large is steeped in ignorance, you are far from alone - and are in fact preceded by generations of wise men, yogis, spiritualists, scientists, artists, warriors, kings and magicians who all have begged the same question as you do here. Look both within yourself and to the giants that have passed on for answers, there is always something to learn.

Fear of death is vanity, it is a sign of an immature individual. Even if we "make it" BIGLY, we are going to die. It is the great equalizer, and life would be nothing without death but a drab continuity.

I can't comfort you and say that your "soul" or "essence" or conscious energy that makes you "you" will persist into the endless cycles of creation and destruction, but I can tell you that we are inextricably a part of it all.

Maybe check out Walter Russell too.