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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7400324 No.7400324 [Reply] [Original]

>mined alts
>traded here and there
>never invested a central of my own money
>staring at $875 in my account

I basically stole this money from other people, didn't I?

>> No.7400413

you rented your computer power in order to maintain the network secure

thank you very much

>> No.7400419

You never forced anyone to buy or sell, it was all voluntary.

>> No.7400479

I didn't even pay for the electricity I used for mining. Lived in a dorm where I paid a flat rate when I was mining.

>> No.7400489

Oh wow you made a weeks worth of allowance, nice.

>> No.7400574

You won a competition that everyone agreed to partake in.

Get rid of your massive inferiority complex. The sooner, the better.

>> No.7401074

Electricity was priced in to your boarding package.

>> No.7401133

I know. So I borrowed a bunch of old PC's from my friends and had them running for months.

>> No.7401206

I'm a poorfag. This is essentially 10% of my net worth.

>> No.7401286

I don't see an ethical violation here.

>> No.7401318

Someone, somewhere is missing $875.

>> No.7401335

You worked within the terms given and you haven't been shut down, nothing to see here.

>> No.7401416
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Then donate it to your favorite Marxist charity.

>> No.7401446

You are just playing the role of the Government

>> No.7401491

I'm not a filthy commie.

But I'm not a dishonest person either. Something about this feels wrong.

>> No.7401542

I turned 15k into 1.7MM over 11 months. You're not bad, you aren't shit OP.

Get on my level of evil.

>> No.7401629

I wouldn't even know what to do with that money.

Probably buy a house and refurbish it and rent it out while I live for cheap somewhere else or go traveling.