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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 135 KB, 800x400, icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7400258 No.7400258 [Reply] [Original]

Can anybody tell me why is so much hype about this coin?

>> No.7400284

Its just shilling.

>> No.7400331


because its the worlds biggest 3rd gen blockchain project connecting a whole nation and possible the whole planet

i dont know either op.

>> No.7400390

Gook version of that chink coin neo

>> No.7400774

Gooks are more trustworthy than chinks

>> No.7401869

-Koreans are very patriotic and they love crypto. Icx isn't available on any Korean exchanges yet.
- Icon Foundation has great connections, icx will be used by many partners
- already announced 5 solid dapps
- icx will be used for ICOs, the same thing has pushed up the price of NeM and NEO

>> No.7402377 [DELETED] 

anyone that pretends EOS is going to make all other blockchains irrelevant is just lying at this point

>> No.7402431

>solid dapps

every one of them was fucking garbage

>> No.7402480

Even without the dapps, his other points are enough

>> No.7402619

kpop waifu dapp

>> No.7402699

The only real one is that koreans will buy because it's korean, and this is still under the huge assumption that they haven't already.

The hype is merely from zombie shills who fell for the meme and failed to sell the conference

>> No.7403079

koreans have binance too, they dont want this shit. why do you think it dropped so much
. no one is buying

>> No.7403196

this. this is why the korean arrogance angle isn't enough for me. it had it's moon mission already and there's no reason to think the flavor of the month cycle has changed

>> No.7403212

Everything except the first point is a good one.

>> No.7403295

this. any koreans that wanted to buy this bought it months ago its not like they dont have binance. the conference was a dud. most of their "partnerships" werent even real

>> No.7403315

Koreans have to pay a huge premium to use Binance

>> No.7403358
File: 151 KB, 400x400, 86523BD9-94F6-4F2D-A8DD-1722BBBD469B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s going launch when it gets on Bithumb

Remember what happened to EOS? EOS was also on Binance but it didn’t launch until the Koreans got it on their own exchanges. This is ETH at $4 all over again.

>> No.7403427

That's why it's the biggest gainer today?

>> No.7403486

A partnership with a gaming plaltform used by 500 million people is considered shit now? Christ, now I know why you people lose so much money.

>> No.7403542

no they aren't, their so called partnerships are a handful of niche capital houses, competing platforms have far more capital of their own at their disposal since the general mooning.

ICOs will be nowhere near the magnitude for ETH. ICOing on ICX does nothing but restrict visibility to a niche market governed by no coiners, there's no reason to use it unless maybe to play on the patriotic thing and boost interest in a project that was only going to have local interest anyway. The point of an ICO is to raise money, ETH is the place to raise the most money, ICX should not really be able to close any ground based on this.

>> No.7403572

because it got slammed the hardest, merely panic out panic in brainlets

>> No.7403822

Yes considered shit since billions in value became fairly standard. I know partnerships had been the turbo juice especially with the normie wave leading up to the correction, but by the end there they were well and truly overrated.

Look at what happened to the TRON, announces 2 partners nobody had ever fucking heard of and gains multi billions. Literally why people lose so much money

A half billion user company matters, the bar has just become higher than it was a year ago.

>> No.7403939


>it had it's moon mission already and there's no reason to think the flavor of the month cycle has changed

kek. poorfags like you will learn soon. anybody whos in with more than lunch money knows that icon is a top 5 coin 2018.

>> No.7403945

You're 100% right man. All those Ethereum copies will always be what they are, copies. IMO Ethereum and it's limbs should all that you have in your portfolio. ETH LINK REQ QSP Raiden and Kyber. Basically coins that expand the usage of Ethereum since as Ethereum grows in adoptions naturally more dApps will use those limbs of Ethereum which makes their coins in demand because they all have their utility.

>> No.7404071


if you brainlets did more than 5 minutes research you would realise icon is more than just an ico plattform you absolute retards.

banking, insurance, healthcare, dex, interchain.

real life application right now with a finished product. this aint an ada whitepaper meme

>> No.7404138

They already let it slip heavily down the rankings, so what then, whales are accumulating anon?

>> No.7404255


actually yeah. they are lol. you would know this if you watched order books for half an hour but you need to learn how to.

most of the people here bashing icon are just insects who missed out on the biggest ico in 2017 and didnt make 500k$ from an 6k$ investment like i did.

>> No.7404332
File: 97 KB, 1080x1131, 1517877265304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this was from yesterday before we bounced +50%

if you have more than just a single digit iq you will know what this means

>> No.7404372


>> No.7404373

So basically you have no clue what it means

>> No.7404404
File: 108 KB, 1080x1254, 1517877911661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fake sell wall, surpressing price so his buy wall gets filled

>> No.7404459

I did miss the ICO, but getting in or not has nothing to do with taking a long position TODAY... Anyway are you disguising fud here anon? What is this about?

>> No.7404489
File: 109 KB, 1080x1270, 1517877392031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>b-but anon how do we know that its not 2 different whales with different goals

well because the walls got lifted at the same time after his buy wall got filled

>> No.7404529


Coulda been literally just for today's 40% pump tho.. sooo

>> No.7404584

Does anyone know when there's actually gonna be a KRW trading pair?

>> No.7404639


you can believe what you want. i know some of these people doing these games. target has always been top 5 since ico

>> No.7404694


coinone after token swap in march. this isnt officially confirmed tho but you can screencap my post

>> No.7405057
File: 54 KB, 640x411, 1517671220677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Anon, got dam these Biz Kids, Look at Neo Anons same got dam thing happened, Infact I feel Icon is way head compared to where Neo started, just buy the Dips and Hold or you'll never make it.

>> No.7405078

maybe a bit of a boost here, if nothing else but a self fulfilling prophecy

>> No.7405117

well it would be, neo is one of the oldest blockchains

>> No.7405127


Get BOScoin instead anons now on Kucoin. You can thank me later.

>> No.7405211

Thanks for the reply, no need for the cap just curious. It's too bad the blood bath was happening during the summit. Seems like the summit was a little underwhelming?

>> No.7405259


good coin too

>> No.7405447

the blood started flowing in the vip pre-summit, this should have indicated there was no samsung partnership happening. was really just a classic case of sell the news, it needed something massive to justify the pump and it didn't happen

>> No.7405539


it was good but no samsung partnership tier good so people sold the news like they always do.

samsung tier news will definately follow this year and when they are unannounced it catapults coins into orbit.

>> No.7405768


you also have to remember that ico people made 4 billion out of 45m in days..imagine the insane sell pressure

this dip to 2$ dollar something wad actually a very good thing to happen because it distributed the coins and many ico people exited.

>> No.7405883
File: 49 KB, 564x546, DMD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously Anons those of you who are poor fags, I am only going to tell you this Once, get a second wage Cucking Job, put in each pay check in to Icon (ICX) wage slave until you have a good stack . Do not FUCKING SELL even if the Dips again, have 1-2 exit points where you will be happy with the Gains. This is one of the LAST Moon Missions faggots. BUY AND HOLD! That's all I have to say.

>> No.7405911

Hey guys, check out this before its archived, if u want to check out a promising new ICO, no one replied :(

>> No.7405991

How much ICX do I need to make it? Im a neet and I want at least 100k end of year

>> No.7406034
File: 191 KB, 1199x1057, ek7wknd6cb601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>South Korea Finance Minister: Cryptocurrencies are Necessary For Blockchains to Operate


i mean. you have a coin with gov ties which is being backed and funded by koreas biggeat bank and multiple billion $ instiutions in a country which is super bullish on this tech. regulation is in progress. this aint no china.

idk what more to tell u brahs. its not like you make any difference in volume buying in lol. im just awaring to help.

>> No.7406096

Because Don Tapscott!!

>> No.7406113
File: 16 KB, 384x384, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Anon so now you have a goal, so if 100K is your goal lets say Icon will hit the $100 , then you need 1000 coins. How ever we wont know exactly when it will hit that number so you will have to Hold trough the good and bad. Or have 2 exit points one at 50 then at 100. But the question is do you have the balls to HOLD and not feel like selling 2 weeks after you accumulate.

>> No.7406242
File: 10 KB, 225x225, pepc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F yea Anon, this guy knows. This is what Biz should be about, I have been impressed lately some Anons are doing their research. I am 100% in all in Icon, its just a matter of time when this project will reach Neo heights even ETH. I can see this at $500 in 3-4 years.

>> No.7406352

NEO is plausible, ETH is fucking delusional

>> No.7406422
File: 107 KB, 900x1200, 1513323021900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more thing Anon have a plan a smart one even if you do not hit your goal, lets say you are brainlet and still end up with at least 40-50K of Gains. What are you going to do with that? Spend a bit for yourself the rest invest it smartly or save a portion for rainy days. I see this all the time, many noobs do not know how to manage it and blow all their gains, and their back or even in a worse spot.

>> No.7406441

Use those exit points to put the money into other promising cryptos that haven't mooned yet. Lock in those gains.

You also can take out your initial investment once you make it back so all you're playing with is play money.

>> No.7406481

>use exit points
>play money
does not exist

>> No.7406566

this. their team is rock solid and already in full motion. icx vending machines getting placed in sk in a few days also.

>> No.7406637


this play money thing is a meme anon

even if you take out your initial. money is still money and is to be treated as such.

if u make 100k out of 1k, then 99k aint play money or house money. this mentality is fucked up

>> No.7406677

I definitely dont give a fuck about losing money or anything probably since im a neet. Ive got only 5k to play with, so Ill probably just buy ICX. multiple exit points is a good strategy though. I never thought about it.

>> No.7406782

I cared enough to look. Thanks Anon.

>> No.7406841
File: 1.07 MB, 750x1334, 1513839447313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I could help, If i can help one Biz Bro make it , then I did my Job. Also do not drop all 5K in to Icon, what if it dives to $1 do dollar cost averaging. Now is good you can buy a shit Ton, but 2-3 K and wait and see what happens. The Market is still fragile. Or it can shoot right back up.

>> No.7406946

It helps you hold with less perceived risk. From an outside party it's the same, but for you, you place your own value on your crypto rather than the actual $$ it's worth.

>> No.7406970

mmm pancakes

>> No.7407237

Yes I agree it makes it easier when it doesn't seem real, and that this is still the biggest shot we will get in our lifetimes at making a ton of money by doing nothing

>> No.7407529

chink coin can't even compare to gook coin thats why chinks are on a fud campaign on the gook subreddit

>> No.7407908

Let me tell you something /biz/, as the other anon said. Get the fuck into ICX, strap in, and hold on tight, don't FOMO into any other coin.

I've always compared ICX to NEO when NEO was under $10. It is very possible for ICX to hit $100 within 12 months, and NEO will be somewhere between $500-1000. Take it or leave it, ICX is a grand project that will survive in the future. Don't fall for any other shit coins.

It's absolutely insane that ICX is only $4, fucking insane, I can't even begin to explain it.

>> No.7407938

Nah. NEO and ICX will be on equal playing fields with ETH in no time

>> No.7408471


>> No.7408946

Just wait for the chinks to turn up now after the usa started hyping crypto. they'll outdo times 100 so get comfy on those asian rockets. icx is the comfiest one of them all.

>> No.7409638


>> No.7409704
