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7394475 No.7394475 [Reply] [Original]

Stop using classical TA methods to model bitcoin and eth

The crypto markets don't function like traditional ones.

You babbies have never written real algos on classical markets so you don't realise the rules that are in place to produce those movements.

Cryptos the wild west I can spoof as much i god damned want and no one cares.

Stop talking about "levels" and "support".


>> No.7394547

This fag gets it.

>> No.7394575

So please, enlighten us, O holy tripfag.

>> No.7394761

thanks wise tripfag i will flip a coin from now on to decide all my trades

>> No.7394787

The worst thing is, you'd probably be better off doing this.

>> No.7394797

except using very simple TA you could have seen a triple bearish divergence when btc hit 20k and sold the top,

>> No.7394823
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>just hodl and use ur feels to trade lol

I'll keep watching the charts, pedoweeb. Thanks for the bags.

>> No.7394851

t. le epic HODLer xDDDD from probably $19k

>> No.7394934
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>> No.7394950
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>> No.7395194

You have no idea what you're talking about. Support and Resistance aren't just some chart pattern. It's where buyers and sellers step in to act out a certain behavior. This is inherent to all markets, because all markets have points where people say "oh that's really low, I'll think I'll start buying now", or "wow, that's really high, I better start selling at this price". As long as people do that, which they always will, because that's kind of what markets are about., there is support and resistance.

Trends will always occur due to people panic buying lows in upward movements (resulting in uptrends), or panic selling on subsequent highs, resulting in downtrends.

If larger market movers act in manner to "deceive" others by producing this patterns somehow, but then doing the opposite of what is expected (like creating false support, before dumping), you can manage the damage they carry out through risk management, such stop-losses.

Trends, Support, and Resistance are fundamental to all markets which have buyers and sellers, which, as it turns out, is all markets.

>> No.7395411

spoofing with your $100 account means nothing to anyone

>> No.7395423

faggot please, all you think is fucking your anime boifu raw

>> No.7395467
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I design algos. Dont tell the average peon about algos please

>> No.7395606

Oh yeah? Use your 'simple TA' and tell me what is the current BTC floor.

>> No.7395607

you design ALGORITHMS? must be a fucking genius. Super secret stuff too -- don't let the unwashed mashes know about MACHINE LEARNING.. I have a feeling its going to be big. Just you and me man, in our secret little club

>> No.7395680

imagine being this autistic