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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 257 KB, 888x959, face of biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7393852 No.7393852 [Reply] [Original]

The absolute state of /biz/.

>> No.7393927

>$1 million
>18 years old
Is there any prop bets up, guessing how long it will take for him to piss it away, or lose the rest reinvesting? My guess is 1-2 years.

>> No.7393991

given by the car in the back and his clothing style
i say 3 weeks

>> No.7394017

Jealous much cuk fuk

>> No.7394046


Millionaire, but his jeans are ripped?

What a fucking douche.

>> No.7394048


>> No.7394083


Looks like a nice soft little bitch to rob

when will cucks like this retard learn that bragging is the best way to get made into an example?

>> No.7394111

he literally look exactly like people who I imagined would buy this car

>> No.7394113

well his mommy and daddy bought his cars and gave him his initial investment. Not to mention that he literally invested 12k in 2015 and barley has above 1mil LMAO thats a complete and utter failure. If he just held eth hed have 15mil+ rofl not to mention if he knew how to actually trade it could be 30 mil

>> No.7394123

He needs the car cause he's on his way to fuck your bitch

>> No.7394125

Will be working at Cold Stone in 2 years, bankrupted and demoralized.

>> No.7394147


this fucking guy kek

>> No.7394158

I've seen similar articles.

>"Meet the GENIUS teenage bitcoin millionaire!"
>Turns out he's some rich kid who bought a retarded amount of bitcoin with parents' money back in the day and only spent half on drugs

>> No.7394190

money cant make you un-gay

>> No.7394196
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>crypto currency consultant

The fuck is he going to say? Yeah I just yolo'd in with everything I had.

>> No.7394201

will they ever fucking learn, lads?

>> No.7394228

Of course he is a fucking JEW.

"For Eddy Zillan’s bar mitzvah in 2012, his parents gave him $5,000 to start an investment fund. They expected him to start dabbling in stocks. Instead, he began buying cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum."

>> No.7394242

>still lives in OH
Not even jelly

>> No.7394254
File: 2 KB, 121x125, 1511625651953s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BMW i8
There's reason why you barely see any on the roads

>> No.7394268

that's why i don't like crypto
just want to make it tho

>> No.7394305

>in ohio

yep this kid is mentally challenged, proving literally anyone can make it

>> No.7394317

big if true

>> No.7394323

Honestly everyone here is hating but this faggot is about to get paid by retarded normies because they think he'll help them become rich too. All thanks to retarded fucking articles like the one OP linked.

>> No.7394324


>three years

only a million dollars.Jezus what a loser

>> No.7394326
File: 175 KB, 1280x782, dodge-viper-acr-at-lightning-lap-2016-feature-car-and-driver-photo-670721-s-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has 150k to spend on a car
>could have a 911, a Viper ACR, an AMG GT, or a F-Type SVR
>buys a fucking i8
Fucking tasteless faggots I swear to god

>> No.7394329


I think you mean, hes on his way to being fucked like a bitch.

Cuz thats whats gonna happen when is info gets out.

Fucking shitskin

>> No.7394353

i was in college in 2011 and only had $100 to invest but i chickened out.
with 5k and no money worries.. too easy

>> No.7394391

What the fuck? I made more than just a million, lol

>> No.7394415

LOL if you read different sourced articles about this kid he actually only made $500k profit (on FUCKING PAPER. NOT EVEN REAL CASH)

What a fucking faggot

>> No.7394419

holy shit is this true?
what the fuck was that faggot buying?

>> No.7394422

Money goes a long way in Cleveland, Ohio. You could legit live off of $1 million there for years.

Good for him.

>> No.7394428

A whole miwwion?

And driving that car? He’ll be on the streets in 2 weeks.

Buying cars is for slaves.

>> No.7394444

He's going to Jew them so hard kek

>> No.7394449

>makes $1m
>blows over 10% on a flashy shitmobile

He will not make it. Don't be jealous of this guy. The pain he will feel when it's all gone will become his reality.

>> No.7394456


cheesy space cars like that look like ass and are boring as fuck. imagine having enough money to buy basically anything you want to drive but settling for generic space car model #3081745. a car like that = “I have a lot of money and very little personality”

>> No.7394462

Not impressed, those gains are shit

>> No.7394468

invest in the amish and you're set for life

>> No.7394469
File: 894 KB, 1280x853, srt-2016-viper-acr-extreme-c227512092017194230_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viper ACR is a fucking sight in person. It's impossible not to look at it

>> No.7394490

what a gaudy piece of shit with candyland paint scheme

>> No.7394493

>bragging about over $1m
I know plenty of guys with $10m in crypto that started later than him

>> No.7394504


literally the ugliest car he could buy.

He should've gotten an AMG GT, Hurakan, or Audi R8

>> No.7394534

This, he actually did some shitty trades for sure kek.

>> No.7394541


so? seeing how pathetic crypto currencies are and he was 15 at the time ... it seems about right, you have to be stupid to ride this horse down

that said ... times have changed - and not everyone is a jew who gets a investment fund @ 15 ... i found out how to fap @ age 14 lol

>> No.7394550

People with fuck you money, and people with new money buy cars, but yes he is the latter

>> No.7394552

The i8 is the shittiest car you could ever have.
Looks like a sportscar, but the fucking engine is piss weak. 250hp are you kidding me ?

>> No.7394560

Isn't it a 3cyl pos kek . literally shit

>> No.7394570

Why would you buy that expensive a car with such a small capital

>> No.7394605
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oh god not this again
this makes the whole blockchain would look childish.
pls no, pllsss

>> No.7394643

Nah it's a legit race car, it's a monster on tracks

>> No.7394704

>fake piped sound
>rough on shitty roads, so on all roads
>noisy ride
retarded fucking buy. The only thing it has going for it is the trendy "its the future" design that appeals to white and black niggers.

>> No.7394723

This. All Lambo jokes aside, your car should only be 3% of your net worth.

>> No.7394732

grow up

>> No.7394754

Because like every crypto 'millionaire', just like lottery winners are more often than not, dumb fucks

>> No.7394783

how to moon: a teenage story

>> No.7394791


Like 1 mill isn’t enough to go wasting on a stupid ass car

I give it a year

>> No.7394808



>bmw i8

What a retard. You could get a used nissan GTR for 60k that will absolutely shit on that shitty overpriced beamer.

>> No.7394825

his website is ASS

gonna contact him, build him a new site, and encrypt a monero miner

wish me luck anons

>> No.7394850

If he made all that money, he could afford a pair of pants that doesn't has hole in them.

>> No.7394857

wow a whole million

holy shit the Rothschilds are shaking in their boots

>> No.7394861

>paper gain

>> No.7394896

just hack his computer and steal all his coins and give them to the developer of bitbean for great justice

>> No.7394899

Because he's a retarded youngling that thinks this is his play money and if he ever depletes his funds he'll awlays have mommy and daddy to lean on

>> No.7394907

Good for him, I wish I had the foresight to invest in crypto when I was younger. Also, the fancy car can be considered a good investment if it gets him more clients, like how Tai Lopez uses the lambo to prove he made it to make even more money.

>> No.7394947


>“I have made close to a million from trades but the market is very volatile and some days I may make $150,000, but other days I may lose $100,000, so it’s very hard to give an exact dollar value on my portfolio,” he explains.

Can't wait for this moron to lose all his money.

>> No.7394963

ITT: /biz/ hates on someone for making it
altho i agree his taste in clothing and cars are fucking trash

>> No.7394981

guess who lost everything on February

>> No.7395009

>I made it
>Better start spending massive amounts of money on car insurance
He's a dumb nigger

>> No.7395017

is there anything worse than seeing all those twitter faggots with gekko and belfort avatars?

>> No.7395037

OMG FUCKING THIS. Pisses me off to no end

>> No.7395044
File: 61 KB, 500x363, tb056cL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes it
>literally spends 14% of net worth on a car

>> No.7395047
File: 170 KB, 1200x566, 1200px-Mercedes-Benz_CLA_180_Urban_(C_117)_–_Frontansicht,_18._August_2013,_Hilden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow up

Oh sorry I'm /o/ and value performance.
I own a low 11-sec vehicule and drive it like I stole it.

You sound like the kind of faggot that would buy a brand-new entry level CLA just so you can say you drive a Mercedes.
Bitch ass nigga

>> No.7395081

>supposed expert on investments
>bought a shitcar that lost 50k the moment he drove off the lot
You can get used i8's for less than GT-R's now actually, that's how bad the depreciation is on these pieces of crap

>> No.7395118

you sound like the kind of insecure faggot in OP picture who needs a flashy trash car to pretend like you've accomplished something in life outside the accumulation of decimals.

true /used car/ master race I spend 1000-5000$ on a car that runs for an easy 5 years and I have a 69 stingray I drive for fun

grow up

>> No.7395124



>> No.7395166

>started with 5k years ago
>only came out of it with a million
he fucked up

there's people who started last year with less money who made that much

>> No.7395167


> Bitch ass nigga

Shut up, nigger.

>> No.7395170

>be Jewish
>daddy gives you money
>buy Internet money for the lols
>forget about it
>hear Internet money mentioned in the news
>Internet money made you a million

You know this is what happened?

>> No.7395215

why would I do that when I could make money off him without him even knowing lol

>> No.7395219



I'd rather never have to worry about money again and focus spending what I have on good housing
(nice location, privacy, new construction so no mold or any bullshit), good food,
nice versions of my things (quality over quantity -- buy it once, buy it for life), and most importantly, piece of mind of never having to worry about how much
a trip would cost to go on, concert tickets, whatever.

That's all that fucking matters.
Feeling healthy. Having money to do whatever you want without worrying.

Everyone blowing money on bullshit cars, trying to fuck expensive whore golddiggers.. fuck man, you're doing it wrong.
That's what they used to call being 'nigger rich'. And they never stay rich for long.

>> No.7395244
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>> No.7395276

wow you're so cool and above it all, I wish I could be like you one day and have a $7 shitbox

>> No.7395281

Literally flaunting their jewish privilege

>> No.7395294

You're a retard. You could have gotten a job, or not wasted 100k on college or told your parents to invest. The reason your parents are poor is because of their low IQ shit genetics that they passed down to you, and now you are such a spiteful wretch that you're coping and literally jealous of a 5'5 Jew teenager. Think about what a loser you are.

>> No.7395340

Yeah, even if you just tossed down $1000 on antshares which was hugely shilled on this board and HODLed for less than a year you'd be were this kid is now. A little bit of trading and you'd have done far better

>> No.7395371

>69 Stingray

Ok, so you obviously don't care about performance. Some of us do. Bitch ass nigga

>> No.7395416
File: 63 KB, 720x707, 1509728424088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cryptocurrency consultant

>> No.7395436

>or Eddy Zillan’s bar mitzvah in 2012, his parents gave him $5,000 to start an investment fund
ok so some kids parents gave him a bunch of money to invest and he bought crypto. not even hating on the kid but that hardly makes him a genius

>> No.7395445

if he would have bought bitcoin cash he would be a billionaire in 2 years

>> No.7395456

Who do they even consult?? What do they do?

>> No.7395468

you sound like an ape howling about muh performance spending all your tendiebux chasing ricer trends of the month

>> No.7395492

Actually I would buy that Merc. What's wrong with it?

>> No.7395500

Anyone wanna bet this is just another shameless Jewish promotion? He's not a special case and lucked into the money because his parents gave him a good amount to start out with.

>> No.7395501

>make a mille
>still can't afford new jeans

>> No.7395524

assuming its a cla 250, it looks nice but it's ridiculously underpowered. You can lease it for 250 a month.

>> No.7395575
File: 429 KB, 466x491, 1509399998810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for him for making money but he's a piece of shit for thinking that buying internet meme money in 2015 that by the grace of God exploded 3 years later makes him some sort of financial wizard where he can start his own consulting business is cringy as fuck

I was a fucking douchebag when I was 18 too so whatever, pretty much every 18 year old is a fucking douchebag

>> No.7395579

eurofucks btfo

>> No.7395594

>>literally spends 14% of net worth on a car
Cars are absolutely everywhere and I'll bet that a lot of owners have closer to 50% deposited in their car. Lots of wagies with cars living from paycheck to paycheck. It could be much worse considering his age.

>> No.7395638
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Consultant? What the fuck is he going to tell people?

>> No.7395645

>Buys a few cryptocoins for the hell of it at 15
>Gets lucky on a few cryptocoins shooting the moon
>Thinks he can market himself as a consultant now


>> No.7395650

>all white shoes
The number one red flag that you have no taste. Congratulations on the million. Doesn't matter. All whites are for fuckboys. If I catch my friends wearing all whites I intentionally spill oily soup on them so they're ruined permanently.

>> No.7395666

Stop hating on him for making money in crypto and using it to buy expensive shit when that's exactly what YOU'RE trying to do, faggots. It's like a law of the universe.

>> No.7395684

To be fair, that's just not a car, that's a pussy magnet, especially for an 18 year old.

Women don't care what you're actually worth. They only care if you look like you're worth $$.

>> No.7395694
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Not just 14%, BMWs are expensive as fuck to maintain, he's a fucking retard for blowing that much money on a fucking car. I had a 2000 Saturn Sedan when I was 18, had it for 10 years and just got rid of it last year. People with his mindset will be poor in the long run. The entire point of having money is freedom, people who make frivolous purchases when they acquire money will always enslave themselves to the meaningless shit that they buy.

Freedom > Nice Stuff

>> No.7395723

More like a gold digger magnet who sees a retarded little kid with no concept of the value of a dollar

>> No.7395738
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>> No.7395762
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Just went to look at this meme car and spotted:

>Electric Range in km: 24

>> No.7395792

This. I know guys at my work making similar money to me (about 60k/yr) that have bought brand new 40k cars/truck and are going to be making payments for years or currently complain about payments. Then they live in apartments and don't save any money. It makes no sense. I love cars to death and wouldn't mind spending big money like this kid did, but I would make sure all my other finances are in order, can't just go out and blow money thinking the crypto money will keep making you rich. If I make a million (which may be very possible at my rate in the next year or so), I'm still going to wagecuck until I invest into sources that give passive income so I'm set, Then I can fuck around with lavish cars

>> No.7395810

you jealous fucks. 14% of his net worth on a car, so what? do you know how many fucking pussys you can smash with 18 if u drive such a car?
he can throw away 50% of it. hes young. if you invest 500k wisely with 18 youre gonna be a millionaire b4 you turn 21 EASY.

>> No.7395819
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triggered poor people: the thread

>> No.7395846

Nah, it's mostly because he's a kike and has no worry about losing any of the money since he's got rich kike parents.

>> No.7395861

>it's another episode of biz pretends 1 million dollars is "nothing"

You do realise he's in the top 1% net worth for his age? Even for 50-60 year olds only 9% of them have a net worth of 1 million or over. I'm 27 and I'm retired with a 1 million dollar networth. At 18 if he plays his cards right and doesn't spend it on a shit car like he did he might never have to work a day in his life. Biz is jealous over a teenager, how sad.

>> No.7395864

>invested entire savings
>only made $1 mil

>> No.7395882

All women are gold-diggers. No woman wants to date some poor asshole.

So you can either equip yourself with what's needed to get women to drop their panties or you can stay on r9k complaining about your virginity.

>> No.7395963

>all women are gold diggers
Is this what ugly people think as a coping mechanism?

>> No.7395998

He's not wrong dude, it's basic biology, women seek out the guy with the most resources for survival. Love is a type of nectar they use to lure you in.

>> No.7396001

the car is literally garbage, it lost 60% of it's value.

>> No.7396031
File: 1.02 MB, 2945x1657, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All memes asides, you wanna know what I drive? I'm kinda like you actually.
2004 stock Honda Civic with 300 000miles.

...and a $15k BMW rocket

>> No.7396057

>makes 1M
>spends over 10% of that on a meme car
>wants to be your consultant

Honestly, props to the kid for making that money and he can do whatever he wants with it, but if you are marketing yourself as a consultant, people need to trust your judgment. Buying a meme car before you've made several millions screams "bad judgment."

>> No.7396082
File: 843 KB, 1920x1080, viper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drop dead sexy
>8 fucking liters of TORQUE
>makes in downforce what a 747 makes in lift
>will stomp 95% of supercars on a track
>last and greatest Viper means it'll still be worth something in a decade

>> No.7396090

women will fuck chad if hes living in a box because his semen has value

>> No.7396096

I mean it's true. Going back to the old caveman days where the women were attracted to the strongest men. But now, strength /=/ resources they want, it's wealth = resources.

Unfortunately, you can't go around in real life flaunting your numbers in your bank account, so you need to have the appearance of wealth instead. IE nice car, good clothing (not the Wal-Mart rags you're currently wearing), etc.

>> No.7396097

You know that leasing and renting exists, right?

>> No.7396124


too autistic to trust mongrels and women with my personal safety on the road knowing 90% of them are texting or watching jay z videos

>> No.7396135

In the extreme outlier case of Chad, sure. He's the exception.

For average or even slightly above average looking dudes (ie most of us), you better look like you have money.

>> No.7396195


>implying you are concerned about what others think of your vehicle
>implying anyone gives a shit what you are driving

>> No.7396203

>buy the dip
>don't invest what you can't lose
>that will be $5000 per consultation

>> No.7396218

I'll be honest, indeed you need to be very careful and ride assuming every single car wants you dead.

>> No.7396234

yeah but what if i like nice cars? and can afford them? then what?

>> No.7396260

>Live like Jew spending nothing outside what you need to except what's required to literally live
>Die off
>All that money in your bank accounts and financial portfolio goes to your ungrateful kids/grandkids or the government

Wow, you sure showed us

>> No.7396265

fuck off /o/utist

>> No.7396282
File: 47 KB, 400x500, zyzz-workout4x5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you probably also like to look at pictures of semi-clothed men and claim you do it because you're just impressed with their gains

>> No.7396284

for every one of these there is a red wojak neet

>> No.7396317

if your net worth is like $10,000 it's okay to put 50% of it in a car, especially if you need it to get to work

how about "your car payments should only be 10% of your income" whether or not you actually bought with cash or not

>> No.7396331

how does that make sense? are you really that poor that you have to decide between a used honda or eating for the year? kys

>> No.7396381

You sound latently homosexual and strangely attached to the cathartic feeling of wasting money on a plaything you ultimately know has no real worth

>> No.7396412

Shit, I should be a crypto consultant

I could tell people to invest 1-5% of their portfolio into crypto, the rest into stocks and bonds.

I'd tell them to buy ETH and hold.

>> No.7396420

Also terrible financial decisions. Leasing is a great way to advertise that you like just flushing money for no good reason.

>> No.7396519

>not buying a Turbo S

That kid is a cuck.

>t. 2016 Turbo S Owner

>> No.7396520
File: 74 KB, 750x750, 1516864445434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pussy magnet
maybe I'm the old retard here but I wouldn't want pussy that thinks this method of pea cocking is attractive. A female with an iq of >100 must realize that sacrificing important aspects of cars (practicality, reliability, comfort) to literally "show off" is the epitome of retarded fuq-boi attitude with no hint of farsightedness. Buying a car for the sole purpose of non-verbally saying "everyone look at me" is the most cringe inducing.
But he's 18 so w/e
Also calling yourself a crypto investor when you most likely meme'd your way into money is one kek of ride.

>> No.7396522

Different women are attracted to different statuses, some women prefer looks, some prefer money, some prefer romance

>> No.7396527

this anon will survive

>> No.7396528
File: 99 KB, 700x495, 1456021161850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> its another episode of a closeted fruitcake calling everyone he doesn't like a fruitcake

good grief

>> No.7396535

>you need to be very careful and
be retarded

>> No.7396593

Joke's on you I don't have any women in my life heh heh good try though better luck next time

>> No.7396616

>if you invest wisely you'll be a millionaire b4 21
This 18 year old man invested 6 figures in 2015 and came out with 1million when he could've made 10. I don't think we're dealing with a wise man here

>> No.7396618

only a fruitcake has jeb memes


>> No.7396645

I fucking hate that specific Mercedes. From the back it literally looks like something that mermaid bitch Ariel would drive.

>> No.7396674

mate I've driven some of these and let me tell you, in therms of daily driver imho it's 911>i8>>>>>>>>>>>>>AMG GT(S)

>> No.7396710
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>> No.7396745

>assume every single car wants you dead
why the fuck would somone want to be even more anxiety in their life. The amount of motorcycle rekt threads I've seen on here make me never want to be on or near one

>> No.7396782

Makes you wonder how many underaged and 18 year olds on here brag when mommy and daddy funded their initial deposits

>> No.7396819

once these women reach late 20s its mostly socioeconomic status.

>> No.7396835

>brought and held/forgot about it for years
>crypto currency consultant
Anyone is a genius in bull market

>> No.7396860

Who the fuck wants a late 20s gf anyway

>> No.7396960

You obviously have never experienced the rush of blasting through the freeway on a sportbike (or twistie roads)

>> No.7396990

Yea I think those i8s are around 150k

>> No.7397054

See >>7396522 Women and Men are biologically attracted to success. That's why a woman will go for a rich guy or a tall handsome young guy with decent social skills, because they are both displays of success. That's why Women like "a lot of different guys" compared to Men because to Men a successful Woman is one who looks good and seems stable and fit enough to raise a family/have kids

>> No.7397194
File: 32 KB, 458x612, e4e78c0a1bf12d307b589227de626a0b--gorgeous-men-beautiful-people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet a confident broke guy with 10/10 will always win in the end

>> No.7397271
File: 8 KB, 234x216, bow down robots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that the regular /biz/ autist will be able to woo an early 20s gf
>not understanding that women age
>not knowing that the only thing that'll bring meaning to you shitty miserable life is to raise your very own offspring.

>> No.7397296

Yeah it looks fancy but has no performance whatsoever. Shit-tier acceleration despite electric motors. I have heard the handling is also poor. SAD!

>> No.7397322

I can't say much to him since he made more gains than what I did and at a younger age.
He's a little faggot, but he's still higher ranked than me in this game.

>> No.7397355

lol @ this. I cant figure out why someone who is a millionaire would choose to stay in bum fuck ohio with horrible landscapes , horrible people, nothing to do. like instead of buying that silly car, why not move to a better state or a real city somewhere?

>> No.7397470


Too bad money can't buy style or personality. A real gentleman wouldn't even tell you he made it off crypto, and would only talk about the market if someone asked.

>not dressing like a normie after you've made it

The times are wasted on these soulless ones.

>> No.7397599

Jews make more money because they're smarter, better educated, and have strong communities. It's funny to see white trash get all resentful and jealous about how "unfair" the Jewish banking system is, and then turn around and shit on spics and niggers for being low IQ. You think we cheated to get all those Nobels? Nigga, please. Over time capitalism promotes the natural aristocracy to the top while natural-born losers sink to the bottom. There's a reason the Jews rule over you, and it has nothing to do with poppycock like the Elders of Zion.

>> No.7397725

Devil's trips don't lie. I thought this board was all about this kind of shameless debauchery?

>> No.7397914

kek underrated

>> No.7397930


Your greatest trick has been convincing the christians that the jews are their friends.

>> No.7398221

At lest he cashed out in time

>> No.7398480

>ITT a load of jealous people with their 1k portfolio

>> No.7398724

is it not illegal to trade on an exchange if you're under the age of 18?

>> No.7399213

Thank God jews have been marrying outside of their ethnic group, lowering their IQ, and the general academic achievements of jewish youth have been declining to a significant degree for decades

>> No.7399484

Another fucking newcoiner who comes here and thinks he know shit about anything. You are a fucking retard. The market was absolute shit between 2014-2016. Very few 2015 coiners have anywhere near the amounts you mention. Very few people bought the eth ico and held never taking profit.
I bet you dont even have 100k

Fucking kys you sound like a jealous faggot

>> No.7399552

this guy fucks

>> No.7399586

Where is your 1 mil faggot

>> No.7399766

/biz/ is afraid of the flexing

>> No.7399927

What didn't you like about it? Motortrend even gave it Best Drivers Car award for 2016

>> No.7400094

I started investing in 2012 am down to 170K right now :(

>> No.7400143

Kek, too bad he's still a manlet

>> No.7400166
File: 229 KB, 345x309, 1517902240596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these newfags in this thread.

it doesnt realy matter if u invested in 2014 or beginning of 2017. the real rallly started 2017. He did quite good

>> No.7400238

Man don't listen to any of these 2017 faggots they have zero clue what they are talking about.

Back then most people considered everything shit other than bitcoin, and not to mention the people who got fucked on the first big alt crash probably stayed away for some time.

Then you have these cocksuckers coming hurr durr I started 2017 literally the GOAT year for crypto if only I started in 2014 I would have 10 gorillion

>> No.7400281

Exactly what I was trying to say

>> No.7400428


He lost 3/5 of it already on that stupid car.

Back to NEETdom in 3 years.

>> No.7400663

"Markets fucked right now bro, shits crazy. Just buy some coins on coinbase. Thanks that'll be $500"

>> No.7401120

Pretty much this. I did a small calculation on the gains you'd get by picking up BTC, ETH, XRM, NEO, XEM, XRP, XML, LSK and NAV beginning the year of 2017 and holding until the end of it and by investing exactly 1000$ you'd have earned about 1.5M$.

My picks were off the altcoins with the most potential, most talked about and/or had been top cryptos in 2016. A pretty reasonable and solid portfolio. It's none of this gorillion bullshit people are spamming here. Previous to this last year, /biz/ didn't even discuss shitcoins. I only remember dodge coin back when /biz/ was discussing the oil short, the fed rates and QE, investment opportunities and biotech stocks.

Point being, the kid did pretty well.

>> No.7401185

*investing exactly 1000$ in each one of them (of course)