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7391529 No.7391529 [Reply] [Original]

She literally said via texting that she will let me raw dog her and cum inside her and treat her like a whore and degrade her for .1 bitcoin

should I?

>> No.7391570
File: 40 KB, 546x343, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it.

>> No.7391575

That's like fucking 700 dollars fuck that

>> No.7391583

What's the point of living to you dude?

>> No.7391586

with all this information it's hard to decide

>> No.7391591

Send her some bullshit .1 bitcoin fork coin

>> No.7391604

it's not real money though, prevents me from having to cash out

>> No.7391615
File: 87 KB, 800x570, excellent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bachelor's degree

>> No.7391624


>> No.7391630

You know women on Backpage only charge like $150, right?

>> No.7391638

>What's the point of living to you dude?
what do you even mean?

some philosophical bullshit about crap i suppose

>> No.7391663

give her 0.1 bcash
tell her its the real bitcoin
>muh Satoshi's vision

>> No.7391676

No its not worth it OP, ive slept with girls off there for 200$

>> No.7391678

she said she will have an abortion if i pay for it if she gets pregnant

>> No.7391683

>Real estate
Dumbass girl. Never admit to prostitution whilst prostituting.

>> No.7391688

Tell her confirmation is pending and just don’t pay. Also use a condom.

>> No.7391712


shit's on sale, dude
go for it kek

>> No.7391716

enjoy your stds

>> No.7391722

kek, she needs bitcoin so she can whore on backpage

>> No.7391727

Why not plan B? 6x cheaper

>> No.7391731

I can name several bars within 5 miles of me where I could get that done for free, this weekend.

>> No.7391740

Literally this, kek

>> No.7391758

i am a fat neckbeard, I just want to cum on her face like in pornos and call her trash

>> No.7391777

>fucker her in the ass
>dump a hot load on her face
>send .1 BCH
>Satoshi's Jizzin

>> No.7391796

Is herpes worth it for a random slut?

>> No.7391826

dunno how bad is it

also she said she's not a slut this is the first time she's done this

>> No.7391862

>let you fuck her
beta faggot she's literally a hooker jesus christ. have fun with the idiot kid you give her you insecure baby

>> No.7391943

>I can name several bars within 5 miles of me where I could get that done for free, this weekend.
good for you

>> No.7391961

haha.. yeah....... "she"

if you're stupid enough to actually go through with this make sure you have hard proof so she can't pull anything

>> No.7392036

what is wrong with having sex with a girl?

>> No.7392039

Of course she also told the same thing to the last 10 guys.

>> No.7392072

what is child support?

>> No.7392086

I don't think you want to be bleeding alimony for the next 18 years on some faggot

>> No.7392126

I would only have to pay alimony if we got married

marriage would not be part of this arrangement

>> No.7392128

>Cum in her eyes
>This is Satoshi's true Vision

>> No.7392133

post pics faggot

>> No.7392152


>> No.7392162

i did

>> No.7392182

ok that was mean i take it back, but dude have some self-respect - whores will treat you like an ATM if you let them. value yourself higher, take better care and i fucking guarantee that good pussy will start looking for you

>> No.7392190

Are you serious you idiot? I mean of her without covering her face.

>> No.7392206


>> No.7392218

>not BITBEANing her

>> No.7392261

you pay child support regardless of marital status bro

>> No.7392281

he said alimony not child support

>> No.7392332

Have fun posting Pink Wojacks when she is preggo OP

>> No.7392415

Hopefully you like paying 0.1 bitcoin a month in child support for 18 years too.

>> No.7392416

she's on the pill and said she will kill her unborn child if i pay for it if that fucks up

>> No.7392439

Shit larp

>> No.7392470

it's virtually the same thing and you still lose memecoin money

>also not going to a hooker that is 10x hotter and cheaper

>> No.7392508

Even the town bike will say she's not a slut so she can appease her addiction to cock. Enjoy your diseases.

>> No.7392560

so wheres the text

>> No.7392646

>700$ to sleep with some normie woman.

You could have a high class escort for a few hours with that much.

>> No.7392675

I used SA for a few years. One guy paid me £2000 and demanded I dye my hair and practice "being nice". Needless to say, I took the money and never slept with him. Hahahaha.

>> No.7392742

Might wanna get that in smartcontract form

>> No.7392774
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>> No.7392997

How is this website legal

>> No.7393148


>> No.7393561 [DELETED] 

depends on OP's buy in price

>> No.7393566

700 dollars to nut on some ugly whores face lmfao. Christ you incels are pathetic.

>> No.7393628

Just because .1 bitcoin is more than you could ever dream to own or afford to part with does not mean that is the case for others

>> No.7393721
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>I have a lot of money so I'm willing to pay WAY more for something than it is worth

>> No.7393789


>> No.7393876

neither could be a lie i see no reason to be uneasy

>> No.7393903

>dunno how bad is hurpes guise?
>first time she did this
>she'll get an abortion

You're so fucking dumb, you deserve whatever happens to you

>> No.7393951

I am negotiating having sex with someone and getting her background, how is this MORE dumb than fucking some random girl at a bar

>> No.7393954

$50? Get that boipussy. It's not every day that you find boipussy for $70, so why not take the deal? It's only $40.

>> No.7394021

>should op trade a coupon worth a million dollars in ten years for the chance to be the defendant of an expensive paternity suit
How did you manage to acquire your finances, anon?

>> No.7394033

Why don't you ask her if you could get 2 days with her for 2 Bitcoin gold.

Tell her it's the gold verison of Bitcoin

>> No.7394039

>paying for pussy

>> No.7394047

this is advanced autism

>> No.7394065

The only real answer in this thread

>> No.7394090

First of all this is a larp, secondly she will just take your that .1 bitcoin and never fuck you, thirdly , sage.

>> No.7394098

How about you buy her a car since a vehicle isn't technically money either?

>> No.7394115

wait till we hit the bottom at 3k. youll get a bigger discount.

>> No.7394124


>> No.7394136

the '.....' tells me something

its a trap.

>> No.7394140

not a larp friendo

>> No.7394163

Ok post the conversation you had then.

>> No.7394203

The fact you're talking about her maybe getting pregnant and alimony really reinforces the desperate autistic neckbeard aurora you've got going on anon. You should probably just give this girl all your bitcoin and get a job at mcdonalds.

>> No.7394261

that's on my phone

>> No.7394304

we are not getting married so paying alimony literally cannot happen

>> No.7394314
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Film it and post it here

>> No.7394327

>.1 bitcoin
Offer 0.03. I'm sure she will accept it. You have to learn how to bargain, kiddo.

>> No.7394442

Don't ever take somebody at their word for this, if you are paying for sex wrap it up.... don't be a fucking idiot.
Also we need to see her face to tell if she's even hot .
For that money you could goto a Asian massage parlor and bang 3 or more who are actually hot.... at the same time if you wanted

>> No.7394476

>For that money you could goto a Asian massage parlor and bang 3 or more who are actually hot.
That's illegal

this is just an arrangement so it's legal, also i don't want to fuck a whore, just a nice girl who needs some help

>> No.7394568


>> No.7394620


>also i don't want to fuck a whore
Fucking kek, you deluded bastard.

>> No.7394681

Looooooool, you are very naive

What you're doing is exactly the same thing and this isn't some nice honest girl this is literally a whore you're talking about.
It doesn't matter what she says, she's offering sex for money or the equivalent.
Protip: if she offers raw dog you need to be extra careful, there is not telling how many other dudes raw dogged her ( no matter what you actually think)

>> No.7394803

lad, a girl who is willing to degrade herself for 0.1BTC is willing to lie and babytrap you for more. how much does she know you have?

>> No.7394962

I didn't tell her how much I have, but I did talk about how I have been mining this shit since before 1USD/coin and she can tell i give no fucks about spending it

so i assume she assumes I have a significant amount, which i do

>> No.7395004

>she can tell i give no fucks about spending it
Hahaha. You're going to get fucked in more ways than you're hoping for.

>> No.7395055

just have a wank mate

>> No.7395183

>I have a significant amount, which i do
just buy some escort you fucking idiot

>> No.7395202

give her .1 bitcoin cash because it's real bitcoin

>> No.7395254

I don't want an escort, that's why im on SA, i want a nice normal girl

>> No.7395256

kek get a byteball contract

>> No.7395270

You’re paying for it

>> No.7395344

im just giving her part of a bitcoin

don't care

>> No.7395394

Read this cunt

Yesterday i went raw and cum inside her. I have aids.

Go for it ;)

>> No.7395497

straight guys can't get aids from vaginal sex with females

>> No.7395754

not true

>> No.7395797

why do you think this?

>> No.7395816

Pay her in Tron,
Say its the next bitcoin.

>> No.7395856

most chicks do that for free (and signing your entire life away to them)

>> No.7395883
File: 33 KB, 1080x224, Screenshot_20180206-171015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how stupid the neets and pajeets are on this board.

>> No.7395898
File: 524 KB, 477x598, VPvcOOC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not true but it's very statistically unlikely even if they have it
never used a condom in my life nor have I ever had an STI or got a chick pregnant

>> No.7395926

>0.0001% chance

>> No.7395970

it's still 1/3rd of the chance of fucking a guy with aids
iirc getting fucked by a guy with aids is another 3x worse

>> No.7396222

If straight guys could get aids from fucking chicks more than 3 straight non heroin addict men in the USA would have gotten aids in the last 40 years

>> No.7396250

the odds of some random 20something white girl in the USA having aids is extremely low

the odds of getting aids from her via vaginal sex i extremely extremely low

OP will be at 100x more risk from dying in a car crash on the way to see her than getting aids from her

>> No.7396285

welp op, I think we have our answer


>> No.7396312
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10/10 KEK.

>> No.7396321

>not haggling with bitches that work a dead end job at walmart

honestly OP there's nothing wrong with this but ffs work on your negotiating skills. maybe 0.02-0.03 BTC but that's all it's worth. never give them what they ask for the first time; there are forums that tell them to high ball it no matter how gross they are

also remember the golden rule: no honey, no money. if you pay her upfront she will 100% ghost you

>> No.7396322

Still gonna get herpes.

>> No.7396351

that is far more likely

>> No.7396511

no you worthless faggot

>> No.7396532

he is clearly not a faggot

>> No.7396641

I think you could get the pornstar nicolette shea for .1 btc she has an escort site

>> No.7396724
File: 44 KB, 650x960, cP1vSLF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not OP but I would pay this skag 700 dollars not to ever touch me or be near me

>> No.7396962

>not OP but I would pay this skag 700 dollars not to ever touch me or be near me

>> No.7397228

what the hell is SA i've never even heard of it.

>> No.7397269

if only you could spend 2 seconds looking it up

>> No.7397288

if you wouldn't accept a free blowjob that's kind of gay

>> No.7397317
File: 166 KB, 254x286, asasdfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you could only realize it's just about the least googleable name ever

>> No.7397712


>> No.7397810

search "SA dating" pretty sure the first result is the one

>> No.7398003


>> No.7398273


>24 yr/old post wall roastie

>body type: average

>paying for this

>> No.7398557

I bet she'll want the crypto up front, and then when your fucking her she'll just lie there like plankton, and you'll be feeling a cunt, and feeling a right cunt.

>> No.7398644

700 dollars could buy you an actual 10/10 hooker

>> No.7398689

im a virgin, i don't care

>> No.7398727

why did it change my id

>> No.7398807

Try .01 BTC
That will even be worth it in a little while

>> No.7398916

paying 0.1 BTC for sex when 0.1 BTC will be like $20,000 in the future, wow

>> No.7399886

i once bought a pizza with 25 bitcoin


>> No.7399973

Why the hell would you censor her face? Show us the goods brother

>> No.7400002

someone might know her

>> No.7400045


>> No.7400152

Without you we wouldn't be here

>> No.7400176

you just got hacked, thanks for the btc, bro.

>> No.7400280

Just keep your HIV off /biz/, we've got enough faggots here already.

>> No.7400307

>haha yea we can just murder our kid no problem

>> No.7400361

>even the server thinks you're larping

>> No.7400401

Id demand a 2nd for the .12

>> No.7400458

how about you post the actual bitch so we have something to degrade later ourselves

>> No.7400592

true, the thing is i am one of the original people, we were NEETs who had no money and thought of this all as a big joke, nobody would ever have trusted me with money to invest, back then I could mine and get pizzas

It became a goof to give away bitcoin and when I got my first physical pizza I thought nothing but that the guy was an idiot for bringing me pizza for fake money

The people who really got in early ironically were not in it for the money, it was all about creating something people online wanted and would give us attention for and trolling

the fact it's gone this far I view as the greatest troll in the history of the internet

>> No.7401085
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>> No.7401500

Dubs of truth.

>> No.7402386
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>> No.7403345
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>> No.7404222

tax free though

>> No.7404402

and i don't have to tumble it and launder it and buy gold to sell for money

cashing out large amounts is really a pain in the ass that nobody here seems to be familiar with

>> No.7404443

also if you are trying to cash out what on your blotter appears to be two million dollars.... well just trust me when I say you won't wind up with two million dollars when it's all said and done

>> No.7404503

Get this all in writing and signed with another person present as witness.
More realistically don't fuck the whore unprotected unless you like syphilis.

>> No.7404581

>Get this all in writing and signed with another person present as witness.
I don't think you can by contract tell someone what they can and can't do medically at a later point in time

>> No.7404592

Chances are she won't get pregnant from cumming in her once, it takes more than that, usually.

>> No.7404682

good thread
