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7390746 No.7390746 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss. Is anyone in heavy on OMG? What type of staking returns are you expecting? I recently redirected my ICX investments into OMG... Hopefully it was the right decision.

>> No.7390785

will i make it with 4000 omg?

>> No.7390801

>I recently redirected my ICX investments into OMG


>> No.7390808

How much do you have?

Let's just say I have enough that even if a token only produces 1 cent a day, I'd be making enough to get by without a job.

>> No.7390860
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I only have 57 lmao

>> No.7390895

OMG is a godcoin, and nobody is talking about how it could work with Interledger. If you are not holding some OMG/XRP (fuck xrp personally) and LINK/REQ, then you don't know what the fuck you are doing. One of these coins will change the payment game.

>> No.7390935

P-p-post delta anon...

>> No.7390961

It's the better decision long term. You guys holding ICX are delusional if you guys think it has anymore room to grow with that huge ass circulating supply lol with more to be added to the circulating supply over time. Icx will grow but not so much as you guys think it will.

>> No.7390994

How do you stake omg

>> No.7391029

Nah I'm in top 1000 addresses tho
This token will change everything

Staking is not released yet

>> No.7391041

what about VEN?

>tfw OMG and LINK all in

fels good even tho only 57 OMG and 1000 linkies

>> No.7391108

I bought 10 OMG in case this pulls an eth, if there's another dip I'll buy more

>> No.7391121


The 20% inflation per year is what turned me off ICX. I still hold some but I reduced my percentage. Basically they are going to try to prevent scarcity.

>> No.7391144


>>I recently redirected my ICX investments into OMG

lol. you sould worlds first 3rd gen finished blockchain with a working product connecting a whole nation and possible the world with bazillions of multi billion $ dollar institutions backing and financing it including koreas nations biggest bank for a thai payment erc20 token which bribed vitalik back when he had no funds.

>> No.7391172

icx is vaporware and insurance companies dont need it

>> No.7391179

Same thing imo even if they deliver on all promises. Shits always gonna be priced in. There are so many coins right now in the top 100 being propped up by their huge ass circulating supplies. Like tron, though not saying vechain or icx is tron.

>> No.7391210


Only 100. I'm not sure if staking will be worth it, but I'd like to ride it up and flip it in a year or two. I don't think $50/too is unreasonable although I just heard someone say $17 was overvalued.

I could double or triple what I have into it if I had some sense of what the staking profits would be.

>> No.7391220


fucking retard. 20% is the absolute max which will never happen because nodes decide and koreas biggest coin does need some sort of inflation you mouthbreathing mongrel. this isnt a btc low supply meme coin which cannot work as a currency. take some elementary grade economix class

>> No.7391238

ETH is the platform.

OMG is the payment platform.

>> No.7391249

Im so happy faggots like you are so ill informed. Will make it all the sweeter

>> No.7391280


>fels good even tho only 57 OMG and 1000 linkies

a literal pleb telling us what is vaporware and what not. topkek

>> No.7391331

This is why OMG will be killer. ETH's success and OMG's are tied together.

Do you brainlets really think ETH will fail?

>> No.7391386

If it does a 5x right now then it is not ahead of litecoin. Don't think we're talking about if its gonna be used as a currency but how much more room does it have to grow?

>> No.7391423

Then it is ahead**

>> No.7391493

Good decision.

>> No.7391536


you realise the whole marketcap will grow overtime right including meme litecoin. this is what you dumbasses dont get.

yall the same people who said ada is overvalued when it hit 500m cap at bittrex. meanwhile people like me made millions.

and in terms of real life application, instiutions, working product etc icx shits on ada and everybody knows this. just ask anyone who has more than a few brain cells.

i can see icx hitting 16b cap this year. thats not a 100x but if you already have more than lunch money on this game you dont need risky full blown moon missions anyway.

>> No.7391627

people are parading the subreddit for buying in at $7 yesterday meanwhile its been at $7 8 months ago.

What a dog shit return lol

>> No.7391645


Even the potential for 20% is pretty huge. It's just a bit of a red flag for me. Like I said I'm still own Icx I'm just not holding it as a substantial portion of my portfolio.

>> No.7391739
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every fucking thread. kys.

>> No.7391764


icon was valued more than omise 2 days coming out of ico lol.

maybe op should ask himself why. i was memeing about thai payment. i know omg is a top 10 coin but plasma is still vaporware and since u niggas dont know the staking dividends you dont know the real worth of it. it might aswell be overvalued right now. + juns marketing strategy made me cringe holding this coin so i sold at 10$ after buying at 30 cents in july

>> No.7391968

Thats how ICX will ever grow though it will rely on entire marketcap growing.

>> No.7392297

Isn't that how any crypto grows

>> No.7392378

I have 250 of this.

Last time there were also other 2 anons with 250. Where my 250 bros at?

>> No.7392464

Omisego was mentioned in all but name during the senate hearing on crypto currencies today by the chairman of the CFTC.

"There was an article just this morning about use of distributed ledger technology for two and a half billion people around the world that don't have access to banking services."

>> No.7392483

2k. half way to making it.

Hope its enough to stake

>> No.7392553

500 OMG. Got in around $8. Recently when it hit 8 again i almost killed myself for not having spare fiat to put in. I fucking bought so many over $20. Oh well its gonna be triple digits mid year, high trips EOY.

>> No.7392753

Yeah, but coins can grow without everything growing. These huge ass circulating coins are like priced in.

>> No.7392767

DUDE I remember that fucking thread. Went up to 300 during the dip and plan to buy a few more soon.

>> No.7392802

If I sold all my OMG before the dip and bought the bottom I could have doubled my stack. Why didn't I do that?

>> No.7392863
File: 28 KB, 655x509, sadddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 600 here

>> No.7392868

I only have 5... w-w-will i make it bros?

>> No.7392894

Why buy more?

>> No.7392938


god you are braindead lmao.

>> No.7392951

are you me? bought for 3k more when it dipped to 16-17, and I kindly kicked myself these days for not having a little bit more patience. Only 700 here - my goal is 1000. Will buy with next pay check if still at these prices

>> No.7393088

Why? I'm looking for solid reasons to increase my stack significantly and no one can provide them

>> No.7393350

see relatively recent blog posts about staking. There will be a fixed number of stakers - aka the highest holders. The dream is to have my own node - not being dependent on pools. If above 1250 tokens you are currently in the top 1% - which seems like a reasonable number. It will change in the future though when everyone wants to run a node and rich people buy up

>> No.7393421

also read the posts that do the math - payouts each token, even conservatory with the current tx Omise has. The potential is insane

>> No.7393457


So what about us plebs? I have 116 now I could do 300 max. Is it worth it?

>> No.7393872

You are that faggot hong Kong larper arent you

>> No.7393920

1k omg. Will i make it?

>> No.7393983
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>> No.7394023
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>> No.7394028

no better hold, comfiest i've ever felt in a coin. 100% all in.

>> No.7394050

do you think they've done it?

>> No.7394109

would say no, but they are making the same face, so it's plausible

>> No.7394281

> notices no one has responded to staking returns question
> biz doesn't know this will make or break the coin

Well I would be happy with $4-5 per coin for returns for the first year. That would put omg over $100

>> No.7394500


>> No.7394725


Do you think OMG could legitimately go over $100? What are you basing that on?

>> No.7394855
File: 4 KB, 60x74, Jun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The time is near

>> No.7395103

let's talk about your question once EOS mainnet goes live. eth fundamentalist pants shitting will be observed

>> No.7395453


>> No.7395610

read up on EOS if you haven't. basically "asynchronous communication and parallel processing of transactions". This will enable true usage of blockchain on enterprise and commercial scale. You don't get far with double digit tx rates.

>> No.7395778


Supply and demand, the very basic fundamentals of the world economy

>> No.7395953

Butthurt ICX holder detected.

>> No.7395995


I agree with this anon. Instead of hedging against EOS with ETH, I'm holding OMG, though

>> No.7395994

Aren't people saying exactly the same thing for TRON or LINK or VEN or ICX etc?
Never trust someone who predicts a price, no matter how good the coin. They're talking out of their ass.

>> No.7396023 [DELETED] 

might play our for us!

>> No.7396069

might play out for us!

>> No.7396540

Supercomfy longterm hold. Bought 300 more this dip. 1400 OMG in total. I will make it. 700$ OMG Eoy. Screencap this faggots.

>> No.7396675


1400 checking in as well.. we are going to make it aren't we anon?

>> No.7396854


noticed that as well;
either OMG, or stellar

>> No.7396967

capped bro, see u there

>> No.7396973

literally vaporware at the moment

>double digit txs
oh boy, read up on plasma

>> No.7397187

It could be me. I had 250 recently, added 50 more. Sucks dick that I paid so much in Jan probabaly could have near 1k if I didn't' FOMO.

I can see this being as successful as Eth last year, proof of stake is a game changer and the wallet to make any pair of two currencys work seems really good as well.

>> No.7397204

I heard this too and I immediately thought of OMG

>> No.7397234

oh boy, I truly wish you have at least a handful of registered EOS tokens. Imagine what happens if all projections of the project come true.

>> No.7397295
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We're gonna make it, made the exact same play as me. It's diisgusting that I bought most of my stack in January thoguh.

>> No.7397313

Yes we are anon, bigtime