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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7375413 No.7375413 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder that you're all a bunch of weak nigger faggots with no guts.

>> No.7375482


Dat log scale LMAO

>> No.7375547

thats linear u brainlet

>> No.7375629

Mooooom I posted it again

>> No.7375944

>mooom i lost all my internet moni because i'm weak minded D:

>> No.7376577

kek thats what always makes me laugh, 80% of biz has no money, and if they were smart enough to make any from crypto, they'd lose it

>> No.7376985

Hence the lambo meme, they get these big ass houses and a lambo with the isurance and not even realize they have to lose almost all their money just to pay those taxes. a 19 year old kid did that on here recently