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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7374662 No.7374662 [Reply] [Original]

>sold at 85% of coins at 6150
its going back down right? cryptobro said it was going to 2k, and then buy back in.

>> No.7374699

cryptobro is a retard and so are you!

>> No.7374790

cryptobro should stfu, and yes it prolly go down a bit more, but its a risky game u playing anon...

>> No.7374873

At least you walked away with some money. 90% of /biz/. Is going to end up broke and on the end of a rope.

>> No.7374906

>buy high sell low
Living the dream, anon.

>> No.7375125

Lol weak hand fag, the only thing you needed to do was HODL, now FOMO

>> No.7375144

dont buy back... it's going sub 6k soon. THis is not going down, money is flowing out, not in.

>> No.7375218

people calling 2k floor after having touched 19k are retarded and you too for believing them

>> No.7375225

Kek, under 5k mining would stop and that would be the end, they won't let that happen

>> No.7375311

>cryptobro said
If you can't DYOR and analyze the market yourself, you're not going to make money trading ever. Have fun being a muppet.

>> No.7375318

I choose to believe this is a LARP....you can't be that fucking retarded!

>> No.7375365

In a bullmarket every retard thinks it's going to 100k.

In a bearmarket every retard think it's going to 2k.

>> No.7375367

This shit has been crashing for days....and you decided the bottom was a good place to sell?!?

>> No.7375381

I sold. Even if it recovers and I miss out on the recovery I can just chase low cap moon missions like I was planning on doing before the crash. I was sick of my babbygains from hodling and was going to go after more aggressive strategies.

>> No.7375400

Selling now is the bear equivalent to FOMOing in at 17k.

>> No.7375530
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>listening to youtube crypto "experts"