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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7373583 No.7373583 [Reply] [Original]

>Wall street opening in 1h20

Are you ready?

>> No.7373733
File: 234 KB, 665x800, 1517905256495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck no, im not

>> No.7373750


>> No.7373885

Fuck Yes! Sure making tons of money is swell and all. But seeing it all go to shit and lead to economic collapse is wayyyyyyy better. I hope this leads to riots and war!

>> No.7373916

>opens robinhood
>closes robinhood
>massages temples with eyes closed.gif
>continues about day

>> No.7373927

where can I watch the markets in real time?

>> No.7373970

Good. I want to watch the roaches panic for a little


>> No.7374021

Trump's tax cut was supposed to stimulate the markets. What do these rich people want? Give them a tax break and the next thing they do is cash out of the economy? What happened to all the cash held abroad that was going to flow back into America thanks to the tax breaks?
I'm unironically starting to think Socialism is good.

>> No.7374063
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Oh yes shut it down.

>> No.7374074

"They" want to to panic

>> No.7374088


>> No.7374102

Which blue chip stocks are worth buying at these fire sale prices?

>> No.7374105

I have stop losses on everything, fuck it, let's go.

>> No.7374114

(((They))) did this. Make no mistake

>> No.7374117

The tax cut was the signal to dump. Gets normie money to buy as the wealthy sell at the top.

>> No.7374144


>> No.7374169


Trump is a retard. Congrats on finally figuring it out. Hillary was a nasty weasel but she was at least clever on some level

>> No.7374174

General Electric

>> No.7374225

I'd ease into GE a bit over the next quarter lmao...

>> No.7374241

Bottled water, non-perishable food and ammunition.

>> No.7374247


Clever enough to lose to trump

>> No.7374296

being good with the masses means you can run an empire,
please turn to page 72 and read the adolf hitler case study

>> No.7374327

lmao shit is going down. Look at gold. It just randomly crashed $8 purely because of muppets being forced to liquidate to cover losses on stocks and VIX.

If stocks fall more today. Be ready to pick up some AU at a discount.

>> No.7374347
File: 221 KB, 500x436, the-dialectics-are-in-motion-i-just-wanted-affordable-healthcare-21519710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come comrade, when the world becomes red some regions will be made fun of for not starting revolution on their own. Do you want such a shamefull legacy for your offspring?

>> No.7374349

btw this is the first time I've seen this happening with gold since 2008

>> No.7374382

>get big fucken' tax cut
>have more money to maniuplate the markets with
>have more money, so need less employees
>all big companies fire 14% of all employees
>mass panic ensues
>market crashes

>> No.7374418

>winning with 23% of the peoples approval thanks to a shit system
>'good with the masses'

>> No.7374467

Have to be 18 to post here edge lord.

>> No.7374470

Protip: if you buy a stock the company doesn't see any of the money. Stock trading is impartial to the economy.

>> No.7374516

Why are we living in hyper-time already? Everything is fucking repeating at 20x speeds, but somehow worse.

What the fuck happened boys?

>> No.7374682


Top LEFT - SELECT/TYPE IN AAPL, then click COMPARE, then DOW300, should give you a good estimate on how the market is doing.

>> No.7374684

>puts the lotion on its skin
>gets the hose again anyway

>> No.7374756

When you’re over 40 you realize you either want this world or you don’t. I don’t, and no that doesn’t mean I want to an hero. It means I want it to burn.

>> No.7374766


Disinformation as a weapon.


>> No.7374788

SPXS is a nice little ETF to buy if you goyim are feeling bearish. Its performance yestarday was like a number you'd see on cmc.

>> No.7374803


>> No.7374815

don't worry, your funds are technically safe
robinhood doesn't actually buy the stocks you order.
you're basically loaning them your money for the honor of paper trading.
at the point of withdrawl, they'll give you back the balance, but skim all the interest and gains they had been making in their own investments

>> No.7374854


watch old m8 to calm down. He said this would happen in June.

>> No.7374915

Isn't that the one where he said gamergate is ebil mysogeny. Yeah listen to him more anon, he knows what he's talking about

>> No.7374960

Charlie Brooker only features the bit, he didnt make it.

>> No.7374981

Here we go

>> No.7374993

or you can just type in DJI in there lmao

>> No.7374994

Todays' theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v0am2tjFno

>> No.7375020

I know this is how you lose all your money but fuck it

>> No.7375059

Its said way to ironically on this board but it was literally priced in. As soon as trump was elected it was obvious republicans would pass favorable tax legislation. That shit probably just dumped fuel on the fire

>> No.7375105

are we gonna have a miracle recovery today

who's buying le dip

>> No.7375121

The world doesn’t want you either. Go get a rope and do the world a favor, pussy.

>> No.7375166
File: 107 KB, 588x1214, ScreenHunter_350 Feb. 06 22.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don feel do gud aboud dis

>> No.7375182
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Shieet, we keep getting closer and closer to civil war

>> No.7375200

Wow, someone who understands stuff on /biz/

>> No.7375205

well it's better than yesterday

just remember:

>> No.7375249

brother works in London in a major investment bank. nod looging good broder

>> No.7375349

I'm hodling at this point. I'm green overall so idgaf. Wish I had money to buy this dip...

>blaming trump
Markets crashed on the very first day a non-jew was made head of the FED in relevant history. What a coincidence.

>all big companies fire 14% of all employees
Source on that. If there's more money, they need MORE employees to handle shit, not fewer. Same reason a mom and pop places needs 3 guys and a giant corporation needs 50,000.

>> No.7375443

It is very simple.
Trump's tax cuts rendered the US of A less able to cover its enormous debt.
As a result, nobody is confident that the US gov is able to pay off their interest.
Hence, the sell-off.
Higher interest rates are just another kick in the nuts

>> No.7375468

this would make sense if everyone didn't pile into US govt debt when the selloff was happening.

>> No.7375932
File: 100 KB, 960x960, flashback-1988-get-ready-for-a-world-currency-the-economist-magazine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /biz prove me

>Kikes from central banks manipulated market to the absolute shitshow by printing the dollar and other currencies and pumped them into the system.
>For a while everybody was happy living in the bubble.
>Bubble bursts speculative money will influx to the real economy and create massive inflation, global trade will be completely fucked by fall of dollar as it is the case already
>Right-wing regimes will emerge, they will blame jews, masons, elites and minorities.
>There will be conflicts everywhere as it has always been the case when revolution doesn't bring the economic recovery
>Years of chaos, death, wars.
>Then things will come down, ideologies will be compromised. Everybody will ask: What have we done? Post-war scenario.
>There will be established international consensus.
>One world, one human race, one world currency, one army
>Golden age while are we all chipped and kids are biologically edited

Ordo ab chaos, lads