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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7369260 No.7369260 [Reply] [Original]

Who else bought a fuck ton during this glorious dip?

RIP to btfo'd gay niggas who are panic selling everything at a massive loss because they didn't know the markets always fucking drop like this. This has been happening the whole time crypto has even been a thought. Keep buying high and selling low wagecuck-for-lifers.

>> No.7369283
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No, no, keep selling your internet meme coins, anon.
They are just worthless 0's and 1's

>> No.7369304

Shut up and dont talk about payfair before the 16th. Shush now brag later.

>> No.7369463

What's this payfair you speak of?

>> No.7369579
File: 56 KB, 500x400, 635982727802584384-510048638_tumblr_m0se48vz1Q1r9m95po1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I can now afford a trust node
Feels good anon. But don't shill this too much, I am still accumulating.

>> No.7370006

Nice try Vladimir, keep your bags.

>> No.7370263
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scamcoin confirmed, get out before you get dumped on.

jk. I scooped up 10,000 PFR for 700 Dollaroonies yesterday. Turns out EtherDelta is not as shit as people make it out to be, people are just retarded.

So what will happen the 16th?

>> No.7370374

Same. I'm done when I'll get my triple node. See you after the 16th.

>> No.7370426

On the real, I've been doing some research cause I'm a biz new fag, and as I understand it PayFair is a trading plat form, or is it another cryptocurrency?

How do you buy its stock? Does binance work for that?

>> No.7370560

Ahhh yes, the "How To Make A Crypto Money: Tutorial Part 2" coin. God bless you for trying to shill this thing during battle season