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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 65 KB, 670x377, delusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7367852 No.7367852 [Reply] [Original]

> BTC AT 16k
> "Just a correction"
> 14K
> "Price swings like that are normal"
> 12K
> "40%? LOL that happened too many times over the years
> 10K
> "Look at what happened in the previous years idiots. Only 2% of people knew about BTC vs. the whole world now, plus futures didn't exist that time, but it's still the same!"
> 8K
> "Guys, this is the bottom. Buy everything. This is your chance"!
> 7.6 K Bounce
> "HAHAHAHAHHA how does it feel selling at the bottom you idiot shorters. Keep HODLing. Lambo coming soon"
> 6.6 K Bounce
> "Have fun selling the bottom again idiots! The SEC doesn't ban crypto, and anything except a ban must mean good news! Let's ignore the fact that there's regulation coming in as per the report and that currencies are fundamentally never useful if they keep going up or down!"
> 5.6K bounce to now
> "LOL have fun again selling the dip"
> 4K
> "BTC will never reach 4K again. Believe me. LOL"
> 1K
> "Fuck...I should have sold."
> BTC reaches a bottom (or potential wipeout of cryptos leading to other cryptos that are completely regulated and have stable prices to become actually fucking useful)
> Warren Buffet comes on live TV and lets everyone know how bubbles work, and how to never doubt people worth 80B again.

>> No.7368192
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>nocoiners actually think stupid shit like this

>> No.7368256

The gig is up
It's a scam. No normie will ever buy so it's bound to crash

>> No.7368266

I put money in since 2013, and realized the mass delusion since May. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.7368371

I agree with you, but wow, this bounce off of $5,800 to $6,800 almost instantly is pretty impressive!

At least by today's standards.

Oh, nvm, it's dipping again...

>> No.7368387


If you listened to Warren Buffet you wouldn't of bought Amazon or Google stocks. The guy has no idea bout technology.

>> No.7368392
File: 44 KB, 1354x293, risk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto has always been volatile. It has dropped like this before then gone on to reach new ATHs many times before. It's as simple as that.

What makes you think this is any different OP? If you're so confident why not show us your short position.

>> No.7368460

Except he never said they would go down the drain. In crypto's case, he said BTC will surely end in misery. Look what's happening right now with BTC and ETH which are surely to die. This is just the beginning. The only cryptocurrencies that will survive are regulated, stable currencies.

>> No.7368492

Tell me the last time it dropped this percentage apart from the Mt Gox hack?

I'll wait.

>> No.7368528

Happened many times. Dead cat bounces.

>> No.7368862

short it then

>> No.7369067

"It won't happen even thought it already happened once before"

>being this retarded

>> No.7369112

I did already, what the fuck. Why do people keep calling this a challenge? Of course I shorted this lol.

>> No.7369245


If the stock market crash goes deeper, regulations for cryptos goes smooth, FairX and Robinhood shows up on time, and asian FUDs fades away, nocoiners may get burnt to galactic levels. Cross fingers fellas.

>> No.7369549

op is a cuck
btc needs to die, but cheering for regulated cryptos to win is literally "put a black cock in my wife" levels of soy (and delusion)
we all know how well that plays out in the long run

>> No.7369718

just goes to show /pol/coiners deep down wish they were members of the tribe
but they never will be
jewy jewman comes out on top and whitey is holding the bag again
just rename this shit to white trash coins

>> No.7369810

>the last run-ups and crashes had exactly the same characteristics and contexts, such as 24/7 media coverage, huge masses of FOMOing normies, and total saturation of awareness

Holy christ, can't you deluded coincucks see that what just happened these last few months was the peak of peaks and cannot possibly be repeated?

>> No.7370096

Why don't you niggers just sell. If we go in to a bull market again, you can make money by throwing money and any stupid fucken coin

>> No.7370214
File: 118 KB, 858x502, btc_corrections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but this time it's going to 0 guys never coming back it's different!!

>> No.7370740
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>> No.7371041
File: 59 KB, 736x552, 1498310972046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been around too long to be that stupid, here is what I actually thought.
Why is it still climbing, there is fuck all support
>13k after 17k ATH
Finally a correction, hopefully it finds a floor ~8k so we can test support
Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not risking shorting this shit, the market is not rational
Ok MACD has crossed hard, time to find the floor.
>12k - 16k - 12k
Is the floor really at 12k? 8k was never even tested.
Ok time to find support, should be around 8k.
Volume is increasing to pre-pump levels, we might have found the floor.

This is where I am currently. I might be proven wrong like many times before but I currently think ~5k will be the actual floor after a brief drop to ~4k as stop-loss momentum burns out.
Right or wrong I'm hodling long because I wouldn't rule out a bank run given the current fiat markets and that always pumps BTC hard as people question why the bank can't give them the cash the computer says they have.

>> No.7371134
File: 95 KB, 1061x706, DVRsnthVQAAZyC0.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile real TA fags (not larpers using macd and RSI) already called the floor at 4k in December.

>> No.7371181
File: 3.20 MB, 2951x9998, muhreturntonormalmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7371262

Where did you learn TA? Any links or books you recommend?

>> No.7371474

Jesus christ dude never make or post a chart again.

>> No.7371558
File: 804 KB, 957x3000, stare_of_the_psychopath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Andreas Antonopoulos has realized its the end of the road for bitcoin and the sods who fall for this pyramid scheme:


>> No.7371697

Just follow peter brandt on twitter and do what he says. He only posts like once in a blue moon.

>> No.7371772

It went back nearly to 0 each time, because it was pumped so many times. For example MtGox was manipulating the rate - so it never truly had more value at that point. It crashed to its real value (near zero).

Now we are in another pump, but the actual value of the idea is the same as before.

The question remains how many times fools will be tricked with the same thing.

>> No.7371912

My coworker just said that he wants to buy Bitcoin now

>> No.7371973

>holy foog cnt u coincucks hurdur

Yeah, explain the U.S stock market from 1900 to now faggot. Crypto is here to stay. BTC will be around 100k by 2021. Screencap this.

>> No.7371994

I had drinks with 3 friends a few hours ago and all are keen to enter crypto for the first time while it's down.

>> No.7372445

No normie I know has actually sold. A couple are going to buy the dip. You faggots have always underestimated normies and will pay the price when the market rebounds hard.

>> No.7372681

Do notice that the bitcoin low is always around the previous high

>> No.7372821

i was a coiner but i sold at 9.5k because tether printer broke
keep holding bags boi