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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7360391 No.7360391 [Reply] [Original]

Anons give it to me straight, is it over? I bought ETH at 680, and NEO at 115. I put in 7,500 USD into both. It will recover right? I have around 3k to buy more crypto. Will NEO ever be 1k? It just dropped bellow 70 dollars. JUST.

>> No.7360436

>Buying anything other than BTC
Bitcoin will recover. The shitcoin market will die off. Believe me or not, it's your choice.

>> No.7360467

Everything's going to be OK. Your money went to a nice farm upstate in the countryside where it can run free.

>> No.7360562

Ride this bitch through!!!!

>> No.7360571

you're going to need to seal yourself in a time capsule and hodl emerging in about 50 years

>> No.7360600


>> No.7360608

it needs to go below 7$ from where the artificial rise began

>> No.7360646
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>Bitcoin will recover. The shitcoin market will die off. Believe me or not, it's your choice.

BTC is the shitcoin now. Today proved that. Flippening after recovery faggot.

Op, you're solid. ETH and NEO are going to the moon, fucking decent prices in the long run.

>> No.7360666
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>bitcoin that has absolutely no use case except polluting the earth will recover
>Smart contract platforms that put blockchain tech to actual use will die off


>> No.7361046

Dude my portfolio was up to $80,000 on CND. It's now down to $28,000 and I'm pretty much at my starting point. This is happened like three times the only thing I can think to avoid it is to find an exchange where I can cash out to Fiat but there really aren't any and fuck tethers that's a ticking time bomb. I just found out Bitcoin crash to 6K as of 5 minutes ago and I honestly feel nothing. I actually just got on 4chan because I wanted to laugh at all the pink wojak. The whole key to surviving major downturns like this is to have and investment plans and short medium and long-term goals. If you don't have a a goal set and a timeline with which to achieve those goals, mind you they both must be fluid and able to change, then you're going to fail.

Like my goal is gaining trading experience and investing experience before I put the entirety of my net worth in the crypto. I gained this experience with 25k in debt which wasn't enough to kill me but was big enough to hurt. I'm at about 30k now after having ridden while fucking swings. And have learned quite a bit both emotionally and experientially. Anyway you'll be fine just stronghold it if you think your crypto project has a future. That's the key thing you need to have something that has a future if not then there's no telling where it could go. I have CND about 230 k. This allows me to stronghold even through dips like this you're going to be fine in on we're all going to make it I love you.

>> No.7361545

Fuck Coinbase for fiat transfers, Gemini is the place to be. Have you looked into it before?