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735924 No.735924 [Reply] [Original]

What programming languages should I know? And in which order?
I heard Java is essential for apps but an advanced language. What for computer programms, websites, etc.?

Pic unrelated

>> No.736007

Install gentoo

>> No.736011
File: 8 KB, 250x245, 11037764_941041072587038_5929260157771763806_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me right now who that girl is.

>> No.736040


Senior Software Engineer here. This is what you should do.

>go to indeed job trends
>learn the top 5 technologies

Right now, you will be in high demand if you know:

>NATIVE Android
>And pick some sort of web MVC tool. Rails, Django, Sails, ASP.NET, etc.

>> No.736041


>> No.736042

I would also this

>> No.736043

Y'all fags need to stop posting threads with girls as the images, cause that will distract most posters.


>> No.736062

>>learn the top 5 technologies
Lol, mastering 1 language is hard enough, no?

>> No.736068

What's the PSI in those tires (I mean, those breasts), and am I a pedo for admiring her? I believe she's a teen. If she dressed Amish, we'd say, how lovely, but she dresses like a slut.

>> No.736074

Yes, but after learning one, it's easy to pick up another. The difficult thing is learning the concept of programming.

>> No.736076

What do the Amish think about Muslim women who dress in burqas?

>> No.736079


Python. Pros: Easy to learn, can be used for apps. Cons: It's not Java.

Java. Pros: It's fucking Java. Cons: It's harder to learn than Python.

If you can't master python, you'll never be a brogrammer.

>> No.736090


There's honestly a chance she's 18/19

>> No.736092

stooop confusing hebephilia with pedophilia!

as a self-confessed hebephile this upets me,, and i see it all the time D:

>> No.736094
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>> No.736109
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It's just a picture of a cunt anon, don't get attached.

>> No.736116

it bumps the thread so you get more serious replies too i hoped

Natalie Alyn Lind, actress

Any other suggestions about programming?

>> No.736121


If you haven't ever programmed before and are wanting to learn for making profit in the short term, the best bet is probably something simple like javascript. It's easy to learn, and if you master that + python/ruby (both also very easy to master and good for web dev) and some CSS/HTML then you can break into web development pretty easily (just as a stepping stone, mind you).

But if you have more time and aren't looking for immediate profit, I'd go with Java. It's a higher barrier to entry, which means that if you end up mastering it you'll be in a much more secure position. Whereas with web development, it's really easy but tends to be over-saturated.

>> No.736127
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>Natalie Alyn Lind

>> No.736130


Ai Shinozaki

>> No.736152

Java is a terrible language and its main users are enterprise developers making software for corporations.

>> No.736186


As someone who's studying to get into software dev what's the difference between Python and Java? they both do the same thing

>> No.736534

Programming isn't about what language you know, you need to learn about data structures, data types, algroithms, shit like that.

Learning a language takes a few days, learning what you're actually doing is what you need to learn.


That's all shit you can copy and paste from stack exchange

I graduate this week with my CS degree, but fuck that, I hate computers now.

>> No.736615

Learn JCL

>> No.736620

you must not be studying to hard then...
java is an OOP language
python can be considered "oop" but really is more of a scripting language

>> No.736622

kek :-D

>> No.736623

It only takes a few days once you already know how to program, when you're learning from scratch it takes a long time. Also even if you are an experienced programmer, you won't be "efficient" in your new language after a few days, you will just be competent enough to make things that actually work.

>> No.736626

>Know a decent chunk of HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, Python, PHP
>want to go into web development
>Know where to use each of them
>Not confident enough to get clients yet
>Not quite sure how to actually proceed in learning more about any of these
>Not sure how to install wordpress themes or work with a CMS in general, any good utilities to learn this?

>> No.736658

C++ C++ C++ C++ C++

Learn a good bit of C++ first and the rest will be easy to grasp. Most CS courses in college start off with C++ for a reason.

>> No.736683
File: 144 KB, 520x500, 1421792647029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW she's literally 14.

I grew up in the wrong time.

>> No.736737

Honestly, you will barely use data structures or algorithms when you first start programming. Most third party libraries handle this for you.

>> No.736756

jesus that is not an exaggeration

>> No.736757

she was 5 years old in 2005
jesus christ..

>> No.737009


>> No.737012


Srsly tho what are they eating nowadays that makes 14 year olds have such well developed bodies?

>> No.737108

Gonna take a wild guess and soy and canned food products.

That shit will give you estrogen headaches if you eat enough.

>> No.737149

When I was 13, there was a girl in my class that had bigger boobs than most adult women. Fucking amazing tits.

>> No.737177

Java is terrible.

Learn C++

>> No.737240
File: 11 KB, 500x282, wreofi 09c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to be in somewhat demand start with COBOL. Elders are retiring in droves. Not too many ppl are interested in that language, yet almost everything in infrastructure is running on it. In the mean time, you can start with Python and build from there.

Also Mainframe admins are hard to find. Another thing ppl aren't much interested in, yet tons of companies still use them.

>> No.737708

discarded plastics in the water have a chemical that acts as a female hormone

>> No.737722

Start with server side javascript.
Build some moderately complex applications in node.js. 'Missuse' it to do regular scripting language stuff like data proccessing, web scraping, whatever you need.
After that, you'll understand the language well and be in a good place to learn all the framework stuff that makes a good webdev.

Thing is, C++ is my main language. I get the utility of learning it as a beginner. But it gives you a very static mindset, and most things you want to build as a beginner are not in C++.

>> No.737910

Similar situation breh.
Except I was of course at the time the poster child of autism awareness.
But I couldn't of known at the time, I was just a boy...

>protip: they all end up getting reductions after university/college or knocked up.

>> No.738779
File: 45 KB, 640x360, Screen-Shot-2014-08-27-at-11-52-17-PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Life is so fucking easy if you're a hot girl.

Just strip and get naked and rake in the money.

>> No.738809

I would rather be the guy fucking the hot girl. Just strip her naked and then take her money

>> No.738917

Only hot and extremely rich guys fuck girsl like that